Group 7-day waking average?

Late up this morning at 5am. Good morning everyone.

Looks rather gloomy and cold out there this morning.

BG 4.9 a mile from an HS. sigh

Completed the data trawl for all the foods in my App database for all 26 macro nutrients each food. A huge amount of data. Took all day.

This morning wrote the algorithm to compute all the recipe macro nutrient data from the food data. Seems to work.

Later, even more fun, writing the algorithm to compute the days meals macro nutrient stuff from the foods and recipes.

Well it keeps me on the straight and narrow and there's not much else for me to do right now.

Oh and BP 118/74, pulse 60

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all, 6.6 here. Will someone please send me some rain? The poor garden is parched, the water butts are empty, we can’t keep up with watering the veg plot, I've had one courgette so far, and the runner beans are flowering but not setting. ( on the other hand, the French beans have loved the heat, daughter did sterling work with a watering can while we were away, and we came back to a bumper crop.)
Morning all.
10.4 and flat most the night. Hoping its the basal increase and not a fluke :D

More upheaval today with the wet room/bathroom. Ran into issues yesterday with one of the joists having water damage but that got replaced. There's a few wall panels up but generally still a total mess.

I do need to nip out and get the pneumococcal vaccine at a drop in clinic at some point today so hoping I don't feel rubbish with it. Defo not the week for that nonsense 🙄.

have a great day whatever you get up to 🙂
7.1 woke up to 3.9 in the middle of the night last night despite having a biscuit before bed because I was at 5.8 but was easily fixed with a few jelly babies.
Morning all. 6.4 on this damp, breezy but mild morning. @Robin we’ve had all the rain, sorry! I’ve lost count of the number of courgettes we’ve had, three cakes worth, two lots of courgette fritters, two given away and three currently residing in my salad drawer. Our French beans are very late, not long started to flower but Mr Eggy spotted a teeny, tiny one yesterday.🙂

Nothing planned as yet, I may go into town if the rain clears up, and pick up my new varifocals. I’ve dug about down the sides of the sofa and in all my unused bags, I also released the moths from Mr Eggy’s wallet and I’ve managed to get together the £400 needed! That was without designer frames this year. I only got new lenses this time last year but my left eye has deteriorated. Needs must though. :(

Have a fab day. 🙂
I honestly can’t even remember the last time I saw rain (south coast) must be a month or more since it last properly rained.

6.7 here
Morning all. I've had a night almost all in target with only a very slight increase to 10.8. I've now woken to a 5.8 and 95% in target for the last 24 hours!! Finally, a better day. Lets hope it continues.

Rain is forecast here for later though still going to be 24°. My tomatoes plants have grown well but i only have 8 tomatoes and they're got turning red at all.

If its raining today, my job will be to clean my kitchen cupboards, how exciting (not). Although if i put music on, i can have a singalong while cleaning. Have a good day whatever you are doing.
Me again. Just wanted to share my joy. Not one but two double yolkers for breakfast! I’m stuffed! These eggs weren’t from my daughter’s chickens, or a local hen owner, no, I bought them in Aldi yesterday. Their free range extra large eggs. I spoke to my daughter who told me they’ll be from pulletts born early in the year. Good old Aldi, other supermarkets usually reject them. I just wish I’d noticed before putting the other one in the pan but it was just muscle memory which made me crack the other one! They overhung my one slice of toast. :rofl:


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5.8 for me again today and another cloudy dull day forecast. 🙂

Thank you. Enjoy Asturias, I come from the south of Spain but the north is absolutely beautiful...and has better temperatures in the summer
It's really beautiful, you're right. We lived here for 10 years, until 2018, but just can't stop coming back to visit! It's deffo cooler than the rest of Spain. Just how I like it.

Long therapy session later today. It’ll be good but exhausting.
Me again. Just wanted to share my joy. Not one but two double yolkers for breakfast! I’m stuffed! These eggs weren’t from my daughter’s chickens, or a local hen owner, no, I bought them in Aldi yesterday.
Oh, that’s interesting! I had a double yolker (just the one) in a box I bought in the co-op, a few weeks ago when they only had extra large left on the shelves. I hadn’t seen one for years, not since I was a child, probably. I wondered if they were using eggs for sale to the general public that would normally go to bulk catering places, etc.
Morning all. 12.7 here. Patterns, what patterns? I haven't seen one yet. At least yesterday's basal test was perfect - 6.1 at the start, rising to 6.8, then 6.0 by the end - so I can move onto the lunch-time test, at last.

We're stuck in the mist this morning. Or someone's stolen the view - you can't blame them really, it IS a lovely view.

Wow @Pattidevans - I'm so jealous. That's a great itinerary. When are you off?
Oh, that’s interesting! I had a double yolker (just the one) in a box I bought in the co-op, a few weeks ago when they only had extra large left on the shelves. I hadn’t seen one for years, not since I was a child, probably. I wondered if they were using eggs for sale to the general public that would normally go to bulk catering places, etc.
Both Waitrose and Sainsbury’s near me sell double yolkers.
Good morning - 5.8
Grey skies and rain incoming - matches my mood after 2 nights of very poor sleep. Thought the pain and stiffness resulting from the hedge trim would depart with some effort yesterday. Sadly wrong, it just got worse. It will not doubt clear up in time.
Meanwhile I am trying to get my Facebook account derestricted without success. Wolf, my avatar, has, since his puppyhood, posted an irreverent version of growing up with "Old Grumpy" and her attempts to thwart him, bath him, and instill discipline - for some reason this amuses my friends. For an even more mysterious reason Facebook took exception to his account of being bathed in May and removed it. Then a month ago they restricted my account - no explanation. Numerous emails have failed to elicit a response and there appears to be no mechanism of appeal linked to the deleted "Wolf Report". Sadly I shall have to leave the wretched platform which provides quite useful local information about blocked roads, local events, services for refugees etc. Any suggestions for an alternative?

Oops - nearly forget 5.7 this morning.
Back from my holiday in Norfolk, ate too much, drank too much, had a fab time, now back down to earth with work and a 7.2. Still struggling a bit with my mental health and lack of exercise, but going to try to go running and yoga this week.

Haven't had a chance to catch up on all the posts yet.