Group 7-day waking average?

Almost first up. Good morning everyone.

Let's get it over with...BG a 5.2 yesss!! again!!! that's 2 in a row 🙂 made me really happy. For some strange unknown reason I woke thinking my BG was suddenly going to be horribly high and that everything was falling apart. A sort of horrible nightmare.

Thankfully everything is fine

Pulse 66
BP 114/73
Temp 36.5

Yesterday I decided to look into doing a macro analysis, vitamins and minerals, on my App. A huge update but very interesting. Made a start doing the food input side of things. 25 new things to analyse (assuming I can obtain the data).

Why do a macro analysis? Well I do take supplements and my diet is unknown as far as the macro nutrients are concerned. So it might be prudent to make sure that between my diet and supplements that I am not causing more problems either by deficiency or excess.

Right now I take the advice of the NHS 'you should get all the minerals and vitamins you need from a well balanced diet'. Fair enough but some of my meds interfere with the absoption and use of some minerals (and vitamins?) and I don't really know if things are ok or need some help (or less help if I take a supplement).

So, the analysis should be very interesting (to me) and hopefully, revealing too.

Plans for today, church, lots of App development. Probably no exercise as it is raining and very dark out there

Blood serum results should be back by tomorrow! I just hope it reflects that things are ok. Ahhh perhaps that is why I had the nightmare, worry over the results. Hmm

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
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Bit of a spike today with a 6.9 but that’s with bp of 96/69 and a 69 pulse so I think I win bingo or something.

Catching up with Tom yesterday was great and we won’t leave it three years until our next one.
Off out to deepest darkest Essex today to assist in spreading some ashes.
Morning all. Everyone having a lie in today, it’s very quiet? Anyhoo, another 5.9 for me.

Bright here after a day of rain yesterday. No plans, except if it does get a bit warmer I might have a lounge in the garden with my book.

Congratulations again @Gwynn on your HS.
Have a super, sunny Sunday everyone. 😎
Morning all, 6.1 here. Awake early, body clock is still on European time. Got back safely yesterday, with only an hours delay, both going out and coming back. Par for the course these days, a couple we chatted to at the airport sat at Gatwick all day on their way out the previous Saturday to us, and were eventually sent to a hotel for the night, after their plane was found to need something fixing. That had been our preferred date, but the Hotel couldn’t accommodate us, so we had a lucky escape!
Congratulations on the double House Specials, @Gwynn !
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Good morning Sunshine Sunday
a slightly more respectable 5.4 today, which was a pleasant surprise following pizza and ice cream yesterday

great to see you reported another HS @Gwynn

have a great day everybody 😎
Good morning folks!
Damp and dismal here, as it was yesterday, but hot and humid all day at Kelso at the Border Union show and I was melting in my show gear! It is a really great show and incredibly well organized and really friendly. Early start and late return and I was absolutely shattered and still had my beasties to see to when I got back. Woke on 4.9 yesterday and rose to a very stable low 6s were they stayed all day without any Fiasp (no time to eat, just glugged water every now and then, so an ideal day to basal test) but unfortunately dropped like a stone last night when I got home at 9pm, 3 hours after some Fiasp for a prawn salad which I ate on the way home, my levels took a nose dive. Got to eat a JB and two very ripe large windfall apricots, so not complaining too much but was really hoping for a unicorn day and so relieved that my levels behaved impeccably at the show.
Wasn't sure about evening Levemir dose last night but got it spot on at 4 units and woke to a very nice 5.6 this morning. I have a little more time this morning so I am back to my normal breakfast routine which is a relief.

Many congrats to @Gwynn for 2 House Specials in a row. No pressure for tomorrow then!!
Morning all. Struggled yesterday to get out of the 4s so had some cake, suddenly spiked to 17 and needed a few corrections. Stayed steady overnight but woke to 4.2.
How did the Tandem go? It always looks such a difficult thing to do.
Yes, it is extremely difficult and sadly GGs didn't go as well as at home but no major disasters (which is the important thing) and lots of praise from other competitors for having the guts to give it a go and the judge gave us a few pointers although he has only tried tandem a couple of times himself and his observations were pretty well spot on and he was very encouraging and thanked us for entering. We won by default in the multiples class as we were the only entry, and came 3rd in the private driving with Zak driven singly which I thought was generous (I expected us to be last as Zak was very lacklustre) and the standard of turnouts was very high as befits the Scottish nation championship. Then Ian came 4th in the cone driving with Zak driven single..... we joked about him doing it tandem but it would have been a demolition job! He was already severely handicapped anyway by the fact that our horse was the largest and vehicle by far the widest and the course was set to accommodate our vehicle width so the others were driving through each set of cones with a foot clearance on either side of their wheels whereas Ian just had a couple of inches, so I think he did incredibly well just to get 2 down. The cone driving is more just a bit of fun at this event and since we don't have proper cones ourselves at home to practice, just a few plastic plant pots and no flat grassed area to put them out, we are happy of the opportunity to have a play with proper cones. A local farmer very kindly let us practice driving in a field that he had just taken a cut of hay off this week but sheep will be going into that field soon, so it was just a very temporary solution. We really need to find somewhere that we can practice rather than just jogging round the roads before the end of this month when we are entered in a more formal competition involving cone driving. Ian is very optimistically suggesting he is going to do it tandem.... I love his confidence and ambition (and his lack of fear of failure) and of course they will only get better the more they do. Anyway, we came home with a traffic light of rosettes... red, yellow and green and a big silver salver for the multiples class win, which seems a bit of overkill when we were the only entry but he deserves his name on it for sheer guts of publicly having a go, especially when we have had so little practice!

Thought we had a day off today (actually a day of catching up on everyday chores and pulling ragwort), but turns out there is a club drive, so I better get a wriggle on.

So pleased you had such smooth outward and return journeys for your holiday. I think you are in the minority for achieving that this year, so definitely jammy! Well done.... I bet it was a relief!
Good morning all. Very humid and is pouring down today in Manc. I can't bear this heat. We can't open the patio door or the housecat, Kurt, tries to escape over the fence. He's not allowed, he's a poorly rescue cat with half a tail and bad kidneys. Phew, s'ot.

I've been in high figures, because still can't get into automatic low carb, but I keep trying. Not measured this morning, as I'm at daughters that's how come I'm online, once a week here and once a week at the library. I don't miss it really, I prefer being in the garden. Stay well all xxoo

Congrats @rebrascora 🙂

Is Ragwort the one with tall thin stems and yellow flowers. Got that, ruins the grass.
. Anyway, we came home with a traffic light of rosettes... red, yellow and green and a big silver salver for the multiples class win, which seems a bit of overkill when we were the only entry but he deserves his name on it for sheer guts of publicly having a go, especially when we have had so little practice!

Thought we had a day off today (actually a day of catching up on everyday chores and pulling ragwort), but turns out there is a club drive, so I better get a wriggle on.

So pleased you had such smooth outward and return journeys for your holiday. I think you are in the minority for achieving that this year, so definitely jammy! Well done.... I bet it was a relief!
Sounds like a very successful day, both from the trophy/rosette point of view and for the driving experience.
I must say, I did get a feeling of 'Mission accomplished' when we got back yesterday, which isn’t the usual post-holiday feeling!
Running late this warm, grey morning - a surprising 5.5. The Ukrs were out all day returning at midnight and waking me up - after tossing and turning, getting hotter, crosser and sweatier, I gave in and ate an ice cream at 0200 hours.

Alex and I are having a day on the garden - pruning bushes, clipping hedges and clearing up the stuff I cut back in yesterday's rain. Reminds me of the planting campaign back in the 1970's "Plant a tree in 73" to which the ungodly promptly replied "Buy a saw in 74".

Have a happy day if you can everyone despite the weather.
5.8 for me today. 🙂

Morning all - woken to a louring grey sky and spitting rain.

5.9 this morning. Peaked up to 9 at 6 am then smoothly down to 5.9. No idea why as most nights have been more or less flat. Still, it was a unicorn day!

Going out for Sunday lunch with some friends who we see only a couple of times a year.

Well done @Gwynn on 2 x HS in a row.

Have a lovely Sunday everyone.
11.8 but accidentally woke up late after not managing to to get to sleep until quite late last night so morning levimer was a bit delayed.