Group 7-day waking average?

Well I have gone from one extreme to the other. Woke up this morning to Libre reading "LO" When I eventually managed to get my act together and do a finger prick test, it wasn't so bad but still hypo at 3.1. I wouldn't care, but I went to bed on a nice steady 8.4 and resisted the temptation to do a correction as I often do at that level at bedtime. I think applying a new HRT patch last night may have something to do with it. Took 2 JBs to sort it and then of course FOTF kicked in and I needed a correction. Grrr!

I was going to head out straight away for a walk but when I drew the curtains it was hammering down so I made a coffee and injected for breakfast. Hopefully I will get out for a walk shortly although I will need to take a coat as the sky is not trustworthy, even if it has pretty much stopped now.

Very early start in the morning as we are heading off to the Border Union Show, so I will be absent tomorrow. It will be a long day and I'm a bit anxious as we will be showing single and tandem for the first time and we will be the only tandem in the ring and time will be tight between classes to get changed over. Ian (and the lads) have been doing brilliantly in our practice sessions so fingers crossed they are on their best behaviour tomorrow. Not expecting to win, but will be very happy if it all goes smoothly with no hiccups.

@MeeTooTeeTwo. Really Dez!! Another one!!o_O Don't you even feel remotely selfish, hogging all the House Specials? It seems you are just rubbing our noses in it...... but we love you for it so keep at it 😎:D Well done yet again!
Woke this morning to a 6.4 quite happy with that.

Off for my eye screening this afternoon - the first one, that should be interesting.
Morning all and 6 on the nose for me.

Looks like it's stopped raining. Unfortunately left some washing out overnight, whoops. Nice rinse through with rain water won't do it any harm.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all this beautiful day with blue sky and just a few little fluffy clouds.

5.6 this morning having gone to bed on 6.6. Nice straight line. Had a fantastic seafood supper at our friends'. Moules Mariniere with French bread, followed by huge prawns in their shells, tiny wee brown shrimp with asparagus, fresh anchovies with hot sauce, mixed sushi, green beans with bacon, potato salad and chips for those who wanted em. I just had the potato salad. However we had a good walk beforehand as the bus timetable/app on my phone and the live time indicator at the bus stop were all a piece of fantasy, so the bus we were expecting which would have dropped us near our destination didn't turn up and we had to get a bus which took us to the top of town and from there a fair old walk. Nevertheless we arrived on time, if rather breathless. Got a cab home!

CONGRATULATIONS once again (yawn!) to @MeeTooTeeTwo - you really are showing us all up you lucky man!

@ColinUK you make a really good villain!

@rebrascora fingers crossed for you tomorrow!
I don't understand. 4.8 isn't low surely? Non-diabetic people run around 5 so to me 4.8 is pretty much perfect.
It has been for me lately, i've been dropping really suddenly or spiking quickly..bit of a nightmare atm. Also, if i'm driving i like it a bit higher.
Forgot to post this earlier! 😳

10:49 BS 6.6 🙂

G’day Mates & hopefully having a Wonderful Day! 😉

Well, the prescription didn’t come through despite checking numerous times yesterday afternoon & upon waking late earlier this morning but, woke FAR too late to ring for an appointment! BUT, I’d already felt the change late last night just before sleeping around 01:30 ish & my ears about there now. But, will continue to spray for another 2 days as in the instructions: spray until symptoms are gone & for a further 2 days afterwards up to a maximum of 7 days! 🙂 So, I’ll spray until Sunday night & leave a note on my prescription form that my ears are fine now on Sunday night! My ears cleared up SO much faster this time because I took quick action in spraying instead of trying to self medicate with tea tree oil first!🙄:D

I only remembered to post now as Little Miss Greedy Pig JUST finished eating a HUGE brunch of 3 big trays of sushi, it SURPRISED ME!!! As delivered by tesco this late in the week because I wasn’t eating that much as I’ve slept a lot with not much appetite & now it’s returned in a BIG way! So, I kept changing the delivery day another day later & I was just considering whether to eat a little bit for breakfast before the sushi arrived for lunch when tesco turned up 39 minutes early! I’d delayed my breakfast & finding it hard to hold on so, was already hungry & just scoffed all 3 trays, 27 pieces, of sushi in one go! I usually eat 2 or 1.5 & had 44NR for 2, STILL hungry so, ate the 3rd & added another 6 NR for a MASSIVE brunch with 50NR altogether! 😱 Little Miss Greedy is making up for her loss of appetite in a BIG way today!😱😱😱 It was PURE AMBROSIA!!!😛
Feel like sharing this result!

Before lunch 5.5
After lunch 5.5

Lunch was a mushroom bhaji and a spinach boreka both picked up from the farmer’s market between the gym and home today.
I’ll file that away as a Win!
Well! The health centre just called me & I am getting the ear spray today & it’s now on my repeats list. As it seems to be a recurring problem for me & it’s to hand for when it happens again! 🙂 It’ll be done by today & it can wait til Monday for my chemist to deliver!😎

It’s that dratted Chicken Pox virus lying dormant in my system since I, & my younger sister too, caught it off our youngest brother when there was an outbreak of it at his school: he was 14 in 4th year my sister was in lower 6th & I was in college at Derry; he was feeling fractious & restless from Chicken pox so, we went out for a drive in the early dawn from Ballymoney to Ballycastle, Cushendall & Cushendun a good way around the west of The Causeway Coast to relieve his boredom! In hindsight, it wasn’t a very wise thing to do as we were in an enclosed space for hours together so, both my sister & I came down with a bad bout Chicken pox too but, I’ve never REALLY regretted it as we had FUN sneaking out for a drive pre dawn & it’s a treasured memory! BUT, I’ve been left with Chicken pox scars all over my body from that first bad bout & it’s been reoccurring shingles through the years when my immunity is low! o_O

Anyway! I now know what to do straight away when my ears act up again! 🙄

Oops! My sense of direction again! 😳 To save confusion that is, of course, the EAST of The Causeway Coast! I drive my family nuts when giving them diving directions & use my arms to point which way as I mix them up verbally all the time: it seems that I do it too in the written form!:D🙄😳:rofl:
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Bit late today but started with a decent 7.0 this morning and only rose to 8.0 mid-morning. Then it got busy. Had a nightmare placing my food order as Waitrose seem to have issues. This was followed by problems paying my credit card. Apparently my password was incorrect and I had to reset it. So I tried to reset it to the one I thought it was to be told it can't be the same as the previous one! Arghh!!! Since they enhanced security this "do it on line" had been a nightmare. I doubt it will catch on. We will have to get back to going into shops and paying cash! 🙂
Bit late today but started with a decent 7.0 this morning and only rose to 8.0 mid-morning. Then it got busy. Had a nightmare placing my food order as Waitrose seem to have issues. This was followed by problems paying my credit card. Apparently my password was incorrect and I had to reset it. So I tried to reset it to the one I thought it was to be told it can't be the same as the previous one! Arghh!!! Since they enhanced security this "do it on line" had been a nightmare. I doubt it will catch on. We will have to get back to going into shops and paying cash! 🙂
We had the same with an ASDA order it wanted us to use a Pinsentry which fortunately we remembered we actually had just as we were about to cancel to order.
Good morning everyone. First up?

Dark and gloomy out there right now. Best day of exercise yesterday 252 minutes exercise walking.

BG this morning 5.2 yessssss!!!! A great start to the day

BP 118/77 excellent
Pulse 61 ok

All good.

Today not much planned bar exercise

Yesterday was good as my wife had another good day AND she manage to fix a zipper in her handbag that had fallen apart by unsewing it, fixing it, and sewing it back together again. Really fiddly. Quite complicated. Beyond me!! She was so happy. Took a while but she kept at it, determined, and succeeded. Sounds a bit like my approach to my diabetes 🙂

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Good morning. 6.3 after failing to sleep after a nasty nightmare at 0230. No idea where that came from as I very rarely dream.
Interested to see @MikeyBikey and @Leadinglights were having trouble with card security. Is there some sort of purge on? Did an online order for Aldi last night, never had trouble before, their checkout passed me to a Natwest page which wanted to send me a code to enter but failed to do so, ended up having a row with the Natwest fraud lot who, instead of asking standard security questions asked "Can you recall if and in which shop you recently had to enter your pin?" Um - no. "How much of your credit card did you pay off last month" Um - all of it. "Yes, but how much was it?" I dunno its on DD. "You will have to go to a bank with 2 forms of ID...." At which point I lost my temper since the nearest Natwest is 20 miles away. Eventually he backed down and asked me for the first 2 letter of my mother's maiden name - Ah-ha, I know that one...So he promised to send an SMS to the landline, mobile reception here is awful unless you stand in the garden and it isn't brilliant then. When it failed to ring I retreated to the garden - yes, I had guessed right, the imbecile had sent me a text to my mobile....Fortunately Aldi hadn't lost my order, next weeks food is secured, and will be delivered by the Guest Cob's owner on Sunday.
Weather looks a bit grey with light overcast. If the wind stays down and it doesn't rain I will be driving the sprayer down the bottom track to hopefully discourage yet more brambles.
Wishing everyone a good weekend whatever you are up to.
Morning all. Another early riser. 5.9. First woke at 4.40, tossed and turned until 6 and thought I’d better get up. I’m starving and can feel a headache coming on so here I am.

It’s raining, again. I’m not bothered as have no plans to venture out of the house. Mr Eggy won’t be happy as he had a good old tree cull ( not entire trees, but overgrown branches) yesterday and the branches are all over the lawn waiting to be shredded. He had some good help with 15 year old grandson, whilst me and the girls did nice things like go to the park.

Congratulations @Gwynn on your HS.

Have a good day all and hope you’re not at Kendal Calling like my granddaughter! Oh dear, camping in the rain, not fun at all.:(