Group 7-day waking average?

4 people I know have received mattresses in the last 2 months and not one of them was rolled up xx
Depends on what type of mattress it is. If it’s memory foam it’s likely rolled up whereas if it’s more traditional with springs inside then it’s going to be flat. Usually.
P.S weren't those lionesses brilliant last night
I don't usually like football, all those overpaid footballers rolling around on a pitch, seemingly injured then getting up to play, arguing with the ref.....
However, last night i watched part of the womens match. What a difference!! Playing, no arguing, no fake injuries, and the score!!!
Well done Lionesses!!!!
What fantastic role models!!
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what was the book…sounds like a nice relaxing time.
John Grisham Sparing Partners which was sort of a where 2 previous books went next and the start of a new one all in one and I’m now on to the 2 Mr P’s Put a wet paper towel on it …… a “famous” teacher expression!
Good morning - 5.8 - feeling a bit better but very wheezy so planning another day of rest once animals done. The sky is blue with a very little few high, thin, clouds. The garden was desperate for rain but enough is enough.

Wondering how Ukrs managed with the train strike - the car is back - which it wasn't at 10.30 last night - so somebody has come home!
Morning all, 6.1 here. Our garden still is desperate for rain. Daughter sent me a photo of the parched lawn yesterday, and said there’d been nothing since we went away. She’s been doing sterling work with the watering can, and harvested our first courgette. ( I was late starting them, but no doubt there’ll be a glut by the time we get back.) It’s rained here every day, you can set your clock by the 4pm thunderstorm, just wish I could bring some back with me.
99/64 with a 70 pulse

Zoom call with the ISVA yesterday was just what was needed to get the CICA claim lodged. And it is a relief to have it done as I know CICA don’t communicate unless they really have to. So you press the button and it might be a year until you hear from them but that’s ok, it’s just process.

Did get to the gym yesterday for a decent full body weights session which I followed with every single foam roller based exercise the physio recommended. The roller stretches took an hour!!

Going to head there later today and at least repeat the foam roller things but may be able to time it right to get to Pilates.
Good morning everyone. Dark grey cool here. Just perfect for a walk.

just remembered to put the bins out, and they were quite full too.

I didn't think that I was in any way stressed about my vampire visit yesterday but my blood pressure was quite raised. I suspect that many people have higher blood pressure when they visit the doctors. However, they gave me an email address where I can send them my blood pressure readings from home. I never knew I could do that before, so I will give it a try sometime this morning.

BG this morning another tease 5.3

BP 116/76
Pulse 66

No plans for today except a bit of food shopping

Had a lovely start to the day. Quite unexpectedly my wife got up at 6am to give me a kiss, then she went back to bed. Nice. She was happy and relaxed. Let's hope her day continues in the same vein.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Morning all. 5.8 this morning.

Had a great walk yesterday, it was tougher than we thought it would be. Six miles but 23 floors and about 20 stiles, honestly they were killer stiles! Not your nice little wooden low ones, but great big high stone ones cut into walls! No good for a 5ft 2in granny with a dodgy left hip! I suffered last night. I iced and heated it for a while and took loads of painkillers and fingers crossed it’s not too bad this morning. I’m resting it up today. Ashgill Force wasn’t very forceful,but it was quite a sight. The weather was great, not too hot but with sunny intervals. Apart from the hip it was the best walk we’ve had for a while. Beautiful views over the Pennines. We walked back along the river Tyne, in Cumbria!

Have a great day everyone, it’s raining. It’s also the first day of Kendal Calling, and granddaughter going with her friend and her parents. Oh dear, I don’t think she’ll like camping some how. Where she going to plug in her hair straighteners! 😉

Here’s some photos from yesterday. Mr Eggy on a killer stile , an alternative use of my Frio, the views from Hartside Summit, of Scotland and the Lake District and a sign post!


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Morning all. Despite a 2u correction before bed, i still hit the 13s overnight and wokd to 8.7. I'm not sure whats happening with these levels lately but i'm getting very fed up!

@eggyg, rather you than me with those stiles, my knees wouldn't cope with climbing up! Gorgeous views though.

Have a good day everyone.

9.something today

Well I'll be contacting the company that I ordered the Feliway from as they state they ship within 2 working days, this is the 4th, they only list and sell 50 items so it's not like it should take long to get it, ordered 16 bottles of eliquid with more than 16 bottles of nic on Tuesday night and it was shipped yesterday and that site sells a helluva lot more stuff xx
Whoa! I am first today at 3.6. Well actually woke up with hypo - HR up tp 70 from usual mid 50s and perspiring heavily. Treated and BG coming up now but wide awake. Just hope I can get more shut eye...

I finally got to sleep when it was quite light. Woke to find I had overtreated hypo with BG of 11. 9. Has a brilliant day after yesterday's start with all BGs between 4.9 and 6.7 but overnight hypo destroyed 24 hours IR but then the only tech I have is a finger prick BG meter! ☹️
5.3 for me today. 🙂

Morning all - out the front it's thickish grey cloud, at the back overlooking the sea it is thin white cloud interspersed generously with blue sky... what should we expect?

Not happy.... 11.6 this morning. No doubt due to a hypo (3.7) around 1 am when I ate 2 JBs and half a biscuit (5g carb). Can't quite get my head around why that small amount should push me so high!

Off to Lidl before lunch to spend my £10 voucher before it runs out.... and perhaps pick up some Spanish goodies, plus a nice bottle of wine and a plant or some choccies as a hostess gift. We are going to a friend's house for an early seafood supper at 18:30.

@eggyg - lovely views on your walk. IIRC from my days of hiking the coastal path, stiles in Cornwall tend to be wide rather than high... long stretches for the legs. BTW this month's Delicious magazine has a whole section on veggie fritters with different dips.

Have a fab day everyone.
Good morning - 4.8

Went to Trebah gardens on Tuesday - beautiful

On Tuesday evening went rock pooling and got a lovely picture of the sunset over Looe beach
Morning all 15.3.

Still a total knock on effect from yesterday. Dawn had hit and then FOTF so I was near 15 before I even started my breakfast and never really got back below that except for overnight which I got to maybe 12 ish and dawn visited again this morning. It is starting to drop now as I have resorted to a yogurt and cheese with my usual fixed dose of fiasp. Totally not the way it should be done but I don't fancy day 2 of screaming headaches.

DSN first thing tomorrow and I hope we can talk corrections and adjusting fast acting. At minimum, corrections anyway.
I didn't up my basal on Monday like I could have based on seeing some decent numbers and knowing I can hold there but without fast acting being anywhere near close, its hard to stay there. Call is at 8.30 so will hopefully have some better stuff to say tomorrow 😉

Anyway in other news, was supposed to be doing a bunch of housework yesterday and ended up with a massive tub of paint, big tin of gloss and some roll ends to re-carpet my hall :rofl:
First job will be to paint the bathroom ceiling before the refit as I am almost sure they wont do it.
Kitchen will get a new coat and once the bathroom is done, hallway will be painted and carpet put down 🙂
The hall is 19ft long so have had to get 2 pieces but at £35 for both, I'm not bothered about a join 😉 Until we no longer have to look after my nephews dog (to be clear we love him and love having him) I'm not investing in a decent carpet. (he's old and has a sensitive tummy 😉 )

Today is tesco delivery and not leaving the house as I have too much to do added onto the stuff I should have done yesterday :rofl:

Have a great day everyone :D