Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all - we have blue skies and sun again! Hope this extends as far as Looe for @Lily123

7.9 this morning - went to bed on 8.2 after the chicken curry, sag aloo, mango chutney and a small bit of naan. So not bad really.

CONGRATS @freesia on the HS!

@eggyg I love courgette fritters, often my choice of starter when in Greece. I've made them at home to this recipe as I love the hint of mint and feta. I use the oven baked method as we don't have a fat fryer and I serve them with tzatziki. Can you save some for me please?

@Michael12421 I agree with @Lucyr try to run a bit higher for a while to regain hypo awareness. HUGS
Ooh they sound good. Never thought about putting feta in. Good call. I make my own tzatziki and hummus they will be perfect with them.
Morning all
A respectable 5.6 for me this morning after a 13.7 at bedtime last night, it's got to be the beans on toast I had for tea!!
Morning (nearly)🙄
6.2 for me after a couple of jelly babies at 4.30….tweaking to be done, the tweaking doesn’t end does it?

Fairly quiet week this week after a few busy ones which is nice. Family bathroom being refitted, so staying around home and just catching up with things. May even get back to the yellow velvet chair I’ve been reupholstering…I’ve only got the cushion to do and should really have finished it all weeks / months ago, but then life comes along doesn’t it…really want to get it finished asap and get onto the next project.

I shall be having a go at that recipe @Pattidevans it looks lovely and the courgettes are doing pretty well in the garden, when lots of things seemed to suffer with the heat.

@ColinUK that does sound painful, I hope all the advice and exercises help soon
Hey all. 10.1
Didn't get around to posting earlier, had to dash out for the bus. Been to get chest xray done and have a mooch around town.

Was in the 7s yesterday at some points. 😱
Also discovered 7s to be false hypo territory for me, as I found out in the middle of aldis 🙄

Time in range - 48% :D Slowly seeing the light at the end of the tunnel (that or is an oncoming train :rofl:)
Morning all
A respectable 5.6 for me this morning after a 13.7 at bedtime last night, it's got to be the beans on toast I had for tea!!
Mmmm! Beans on toast.... Triple carbs whammy! Carbs with carbs on carbs... Got to love them though! Surprised you managed such a great result this morning. Nice going!

I am battling the roller coaster at the moment. I had a typical sandwiches/pie/sausage rolls/traybake buffet on Sunday after the club drive and to be polite to our hostess I just chucked insulin at it and had some but it probably isn't worth the BG upheaval and cravings for the folowing couple of days.

Anyway, 8.5 the first time I woke up this morning, then 9.1 half an hour later so hit it with 3 units and went back to sleep and then started the day on 6.0 with a downward sloping arrow but it was back up to 7.0 10 mins after I got out of bed so FOTF is well and truly back, along with it's partner in crime, DP. I hit it with another 3.5 units for breakfast and thankfully I am in range at lunchtime, so lets hope I am regaining control. To be fair I have increased my morning Levemir back up to 24 because I am so sick of injecting corrections. I half expect it to be a little to much but will be nice to top up with the odd apricot rather than inject insulin corrections multiple times a day!

Many congratulations to @freesia on your House Special achievement this morning. Well done!
Good morning 7.1 Today, 5.6 Yesterday, 5.6 Monday
have a great Wednesday 😎
110/70 with 59 pulse

Going to venture to the gym this morning for some weights and also to torture myself with a foam roller.
Working later and then a Zoom call with my ISVA to help complete a Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) application.
Good morning all. For a fleeting moment I was 4.6, but it was a compression low. A rather mundane 7.4 in reality!

Beautiful sunny morning but only 10 degrees, that suits us as we’re off walking the Pennine Way today. Not all of it of course, but a teeny weeny part just half an hour away from us. The plan is to visit Ashgill Force, have a nice picnic, take lots of photos and tootle home in time for tea. Nothing too strenuous today. I hope!

Have a great day. 🙂
9.2 but had a couple of stacks in the night.
Morning all. 7.2 for me. Plan for today is a trip to ASDA for the weekly shop. Its sunny here atm and supposed to be up to 22°. Nice.

Enjoy your walk @eggyg . Have a good day everybody.
Good morning - 3.2
Maybe start a new thread on how to run higher to regain the hypo awareness / how to adjust the basal? Feels like the conversation is getting lost in this one.
I was 5.3 this morning (so close!) moving my basal to evening and the new diet seem to be helping my morning readings. Did have bad stomach cramps and weird stomach noises all night though, so guessing evening food didn’t agree with me but really not clear why.
Morning all 13.3 after dawn showed up at around 3am.

A day at home today is needed to get back on top of everything and start clearing out the bathroom and look for new storage for when its redone and a new blind. Would be great if I actually enjoyed shopping 🙄.
Got until Monday but this week has been a bit busy and it probs will go that way again so taking the opportunity while I can 🙂
08:16 BS 10.6 Well it’s better than yesterday morning! 🙄

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

My BS was running a bit high all day yesterday as my ears were hurting me but, that got less as I squirted 3 times, as per instructions & will continue to do so today, & I’m currently feeling that underwater feeling, from the ear spray? o_O I had a bit of difficulty in swallowing last night that’s eased a bit this morning as has the throbbing in my ears so, hopefully the swelling has started to go down a bit?:confused: Just had a wee feel & only a very slight bit of tenderness, on pressing harder, on the left side under my chin which is an improvement from yesterday!🙂

I’ll see how it goes & get AB’s from the GP if necessary but, at the moment things are not getting worse since I’ve cottoned onto using the spray first which I didn’t do the last time! 🙂
Maybe start a new thread on how to run higher to regain the hypo awareness / how to adjust the basal? Feels like the conversation is getting lost in this one.
I don't mean to sound like I'm speaking for Michael but I know from past incidents he doesn't seem to have the ability to regain hypo awareness despite running higher for a period of time so seems he's one of those unfortunate ones that's lost it for good, @Michael12421 I do apologise for speaking about you but I know your feelings on this well and know you aren't keen on talking about it too much xx