Group 7-day waking average?

@Lily123 I love Trebah... we once saw a magical dance performance with a story that took us on a journey right through the gardens, ending on the beach with everyone in the audience dancing too. The parallel garden, Glendurgan, is worth a visit too!
09:57 BS 6.9 🙂 That’s a GOOD sign: back in target range, JUST!:D

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Just had a wee feel & only feel a teeny tiny bit of tenderness pressing hard under my right chin this morning! 🙂 No difficulty in swallowing whatsoever yesterday & better BS control. Just a little bit of an annoying slight constant ringing sound in my right ear: currently a bit more pronounced on the right; been switching around though & sometimes one ear feels worse than the other!🙄 And that underwater feeling has increased as the spray has built up but, very gently popping in a cotton bud right at the tip of my ear, turning my head to the side to get it soaked up before squirting each time! Will continue to squirt 3 times a day for 7 days & phone the GP for more as & when I need it as the bottle is getting very low so, may not be enough to last?:confused:

I slept a LOT yesterday & needed it, obviously, as I AM fighting an infection but, things have definitely improved! 🙂
And it's a 4.9 for me today - I need more cake.:D
Disappointing 10.5 for me this morning when I first woke up. I cut my evening Levemir by 3 units to take into account some very exertive hoof trimming and then a rather fast walk to keep up with jogging GGs afterwards, plus I was in the red rather too much yesterday. With hindsight a 2 unit reduction would have been a better decision but I played it safe. Anyway, I shot myself 3 units of Fiasp plus my Levemir and went back to sleep and woke on a very nice 4.6, which just put a much better perspective on the day. I also didn't need to wait ages to eat my breakfast, so that was a bonus.
Rather lost track of what day, in the week it is, due to this underwater fuzziness, & realised just now it’s Thursday with the weekend coming up! o_O So, just ordered some Otomize ear spray from my health centre & gave them the details of my painful ears since Tuesday & asking do I need to see a GP?:confused: The GP’s will do the prescriptions from 4pm on & I’ll check back on if my request is approved later around 5pm or they can call me on the phone? Which reminds me I’d better take the phone off its cradle in the hall as I missed a couple of calls the last 2 days as I could barely hear it ringing from my bedroom, too late to answer by the time I heard it & had to call them back!🙄

I AM better & have tomorrow to get more spray in before the weekend? :confused:
Unusually early wake-up for me today.
But pleased to post a . . . . . .
Morning all, 6.4 here. Jelly baby assisted, when I found at 2am that I was crawling along in the low 4s. That'll be the carrot ice cream at lastnight's dinner, entirely guesswork, carb wise. It was 'interesting', had a vague aftertaste of swede.
Its no fun being creaky, @eggyg , I completed yesterday’s walk with the aid of walking poles, a knee brace and a Nurofen. We did see some Edelweiss, though, and saw (and heard) Alpine Choughs. They look like a crow, act like a crow, but tweet like a songbird.
Morning folks on this damp Friday. A nice round 6 for me.

After a nice peaceful day yesterday we are expecting carnage very soon. Four grandchildren for childcare today, starting at 8.30 with Zara and then 9.30 with the farmers’ children. Hope it fairs up and we can expend some energy at the park or the very least the garden! Fridges and cupboards stocked up and I made a strawberry cake yesterday, total disaster, a bit flat and solid and definitely not sweet enough, but before I throw it out for the birds I’ll see what the kids think! They’ll eat owt! :rofl:

Have a fab Friday and all being well I’ll “ see” you in the morning. 🙂

Oh poor you @Robin I feel your pain. “The mind is willing but the flesh is weak.” Do you think it’s time we packed in this hiking malarky and just settled ourselves in a nice comfy recliner and watch mindless TV all day? Nah!!! As long as there’s paracetamol and knee braces we’ll carry on! 😉 PS jealous about the chough, does it have red legs like our UK counterpart?
Morning folks on this damp Friday. A nice round 6 for me.

After a nice peaceful day yesterday we are expecting carnage very soon. Four grandchildren for childcare today, starting at 8.30 with Zara and then 9.30 with the farmers’ children. Hope it fairs up and we can expend some energy at the park or the very least the garden! Fridges and cupboards stocked up and I made a strawberry cake yesterday, total disaster, a bit flat and solid and definitely not sweet enough, but before I throw it out for the birds I’ll see what the kids think! They’ll eat owt! :rofl:

Have a fab Friday and all being well I’ll “ see” you in the morning. 🙂

Oh poor you @Robin I feel your pain. “The mind is willing but the flesh is weak.” Do you think it’s time we packed in this hiking malarky and just settled ourselves in a nice comfy recliner and watch mindless TV all day? Nah!!! As long as there’s paracetamol and knee braces we’ll carry on! 😉 PS jealous about the chough, does it have red legs like our UK counterpart?
I think the legs are reddish, I couldn’t really see. they do have bright yellow beaks, though, not red ones.
6.4 and 106/69

Bit of a mood collapse yesterday so have awarded myself today off.
Seeing the parents later and meeting an old panto mate tomorrow for the first time since covid struck and we get on like a house on fire and always laugh lots so

looking forward to that.
We met at the first panto we ever did. Me a gay middle aged man and him a straight 20 something forced to share a teeny tiny room for weeks and it was quite clear we were both as silly as each other from the off!

We’ve both changed a bit since then!

Needless to say I was playing Villain… mwahahaha!
Not done steight away but Frist was 10.6(may be a bit of dawn phermon going one since it wasn't done street away) did have a biscuit last night.
6 here

Think I’ve decided on a couple more uk short breaks so ordered a little bag on wheels this morning. to save my back from stuffing everything in my backpack. Productive early shopping trip.
Good morning - 4.4

Libre alarm for hypo didn’t go off when I went low at 3 o’clock this morning and I didn’t wake up - bounced back on it’s own. I’ve checked all my settings are right and have Critical Alerts switched on so I’m not sure why the alarm didn’t go off
Good morning. After yesterdays highs, i woke at 3am hypo 🙄. Treated with JBs and was woken again 2hrs later going low. I managed to head that off and have now woken to a low 4.8.

I'm meeting a friend for coffee this morning, then maybe some ironing or housework this afternoon. Older daughter and son in law coming around later for a chinese takeaway. I shall probably spike from it but we rarely have takeaways now, it will be a change not to cook.

Have a good day everyone.

Ps. Congrats on the HS @MeeTooTeeTwo
6.4 and 106/69

Bit of a mood collapse yesterday so have awarded myself today off.
Seeing the parents later and meeting an old panto mate tomorrow for the first time since covid struck and we get on like a house on fire and always laugh lots so

looking forward to that.
We met at the first panto we ever did. Me a gay middle aged man and him a straight 20 something forced to share a teeny tiny room for weeks and it was quite clear we were both as silly as each other from the off!

We’ve both changed a bit since then!
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Needless to say I was playing Villain… mwahahaha!
Oh no you didn’t! :rofl:

7.5 today

The place I ordered the Feliway from said it had been shipped via RM and I would get a text, website states email on leaving them so we'll see what happens xx
Morning all. 13.something
DSN appointment all done 🙂
Need to go pick up prescriptions today and pick up the stuff I forgot to get with tesco yesterday 🙄
Good morning. A not very good 6.4 this morning. However I feel a bit better and temperature has gone down. Think a day's pottering and resting may see the back of whatever it is. Its very cloudy out there - forecast is for 22 degrees but obviously not yet. I am always astonished at the difference between the met office and the BBC forecasts - same data but often vastly different prognostications. Makes you wonder if they just guess...