Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 6.1 and a much cooler, better nights sleep last night.
Last day at work today before summer hols, still so much to do. I'm exhausted but will be sad at the end of the day to see them all go.
Have a good day whatever you do.
Good morning - 5.1

Morning ing all. Have a good day - so much cooler !
Morning all, 7.9 here. It felt positively chilly upstairs when I went to bed last night, checked the thermometer…still 25 degrees. Ever since it got hot, I have been getting a flatfish overnight instead of my usual dip and rise. I drove back through some lovely rain on way home from son's yesterday, got home to find we'd managed about a teaspoonful in total here, poor garden is utterly parched (apart from the veg, which we are watering).
Good morning all and it’s a super duper 5.1! So near, yet so far. But the lowest I’ve been for many months I would say. It’s a pity as soon as I got out of bed, visited the little girls room, put on my slippers and dressing gown and walked down the 12 stairs and into the kitchen ( 12 minutes) I was 6.3! Ah, well, it was nice whilst it lasted.🙂

Lovely and fresh again. Only 13 degrees but still warm in the house so the patio doors will be opened soon. We’re off to the seaside after lunch. We’ll do our usual 6/7 mile walk around the head and then have a chippy tea. Perfect day.

Have a good one whatever you’re all up to.🙂
6.3 today. Feeling dizzy last night and this morning though which is a bit weird, don’t think I’m I’ll.

Had an appointment with diabetes dietician yesterday and have been and collected the food shopping this morning. Mission for the next month is trying to follow her advice and weight loss, then back in a month to regroup on how I’ve found it
Morning folks

Feeling much better today (although legs still aching), head was banging not long after I got home yesterday I think due to dehydration, had only had a mug of coffee from 5am up until 2:30pm and with that walk in the heat it's not surprising, was 13.something before leaving yesterday but took 2 lifts as it was 2 miles anyway before we decided to go walking, got back to 5.7 so had 4 lifts as was a while until tea, was only 6.3 come tea so only had 1 unit and still the same at bedtime so had 6 and a half digestives and woke to 7.0, we've already planned to make walking a regular thing when we're living together so can see the Tresiba needing to come down quite a bit xx
6.1 this morning which really confuses me. I binged on carbs last night (4 digestives, 2 Tunnocks caramel wafers & a Tunnocks tea cake at bedtime). Supper of curry & rice at 10pm as had been at some friends where I’d eaten loads of cheese & biscuits, some chocs and drank nearly a whole bottle of alcohol free fizz (blimey just typing all that makes me feel really greedy). I didn’t have my last two Metformin until 10pm when I’d eaten the curry so could that be it? Obviously I’m not complaining but just seems so strange. Today is my lull before the storm. We’re up here for 6 weeks and so far have had 12 family members staying in dribs and drabs and from tomorrow another 10 - spread across 2 cottages but we all eat in here. But I do love it. Oh and we’re having 6 neighbours round here for supper tonight! Here’s a pic of my Scottie, Winnie, on a beach yesterday. Have a lovely day everyone.


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6.1 this morning which really confuses me. I binged on carbs last night (4 digestives, 2 Tunnocks caramel wafers & a Tunnocks tea cake at bedtime). Supper of curry & rice at 10pm as had been at some friends where I’d eaten loads of cheese & biscuits, some chocs and drank nearly a whole bottle of alcohol free fizz (blimey just typing all that makes me feel really greedy). I didn’t have my last two Metformin until 10pm when I’d eaten the curry so could that be it? Obviously I’m not complaining but just seems so strange. Today is my lull before the storm. We’re up here for 6 weeks and so far have had 12 family members staying in dribs and drabs and from tomorrow another 10 - spread across 2 cottages but we all eat in here. But I do love it. Oh and we’re having 6 neighbours round here for supper tonight! Here’s a pic of my Scottie, Winnie, on a beach yesterday. Have a lovely day everyone.
Looks beautiful. Very envious.
Re your BGs, your teeny weeny bit of pancreas did a sterling job last night. It’ll probably throw you a curve ball today and you may find it’s having a day off! The timing of your Metformin wouldn’t have made any difference at all. Metformin isn’t instant and it’s designed to help your pancreas work a bit better it doesn’t work on your food intake. I think you just got lucky.
At the beginning of my diabetes journey I had similar experiences and used to wish they’d taken the whole blooming thing out, for two reasons. One mainly because every niggle or pain I got I was convinced I had another tumour growing and I wouldn’t be as lucky as the first time. Secondly, because of the ups and downs of my BGs. But as you know, it eventually conked out all by itself and I’m glad now I got those few extra years out of it.
6.1 this morning which really confuses me. I binged on carbs last night (4 digestives, 2 Tunnocks caramel wafers & a Tunnocks tea cake at bedtime). Supper of curry & rice at 10pm as had been at some friends where I’d eaten loads of cheese & biscuits, some chocs and drank nearly a whole bottle of alcohol free fizz (blimey just typing all that makes me feel really greedy). I didn’t have my last two Metformin until 10pm when I’d eaten the curry so could that be it? Obviously I’m not complaining but just seems so strange. Today is my lull before the storm. We’re up here for 6 weeks and so far have had 12 family members staying in dribs and drabs and from tomorrow another 10 - spread across 2 cottages but we all eat in here. But I do love it. Oh and we’re having 6 neighbours round here for supper tonight! Here’s a pic of my Scottie, Winnie, on a beach yesterday. Have a lovely day everyone.
Love the dog!
4.8 for me today. 🙂
It feels positively baltic today compared with Mon & Tues.

Good morning. 5.9 which isn't bad considering the dire attack of the munchies which struck at 0230...thin crispbreads, buttered, and Parma ham. Apart from the naughty night-time nibbles I slept like a dog and feel much recovered from the lost sleep over the 2 scorching days and nights we have all experienced. Not up to much yesterday except a run out for food, had an insatiable thirst and zero energy.
Today's weather - cool, mix of blue sky and puffy white cloud, very gentle breeze. Back to the field margins I fear.
Have a good day everyone.
It was 8.9 for me. I've stopped doing the diet u was doing again because looking like I got an appointment with with a actuall consustant on the 16th and so it they do tests(which is what I want them to do) it's best not restrict themselves. I kind of what of do background tests so I can have a better idea weather the up and down teaks to Livermir is right change but at at same time spiking meals may make led to potentially not eating enough for any tests to woke so just have to make the best though trail and error. Although I'm going to try not to think about it too much as received some bad news yesterday morning so probably need to give myself a bit of space from dibetties related stuff (I don't mean completely ignoring it) to allow me to process that.
Looks beautiful. Very envious.
Re your BGs, your teeny weeny bit of pancreas did a sterling job last night. It’ll probably throw you a curve ball today and you may find it’s having a day off! The timing of your Metformin wouldn’t have made any difference at all. Metformin isn’t instant and it’s designed to help your pancreas work a bit better it doesn’t work on your food intake. I think you just got lucky.
At the beginning of my diabetes journey I had similar experiences and used to wish they’d taken the whole blooming thing out, for two reasons. One mainly because every niggle or pain I got I was convinced I had another tumour growing and I wouldn’t be as lucky as the first time. Secondly, because of the ups and downs of my BGs. But as you know, it eventually conked out all by itself and I’m glad now I got those few extra years out of it.
Thanks for explaining
Morning all - very cold breeze coming through the study window. Had to shut it!

5.6 this morning with a slight swell between 3 and 6am up to around 8. Slow acting input from the chips with dinner? I laugh "chips with dinner"... chips were dinner. It was supposed to be steak and chips, we'd found some odds and ends of steak in the freezer, but honestly they were like shoe leather when cooked so we stopped even trying to eat em! We've been eating so many salads recently that even the mushrooms I intended for dinner had dried up in their punnet through neglect. Must go shopping today!

@Kaylz hugs... sounds like a whole new chapter in your life with your determination to get out walking together as well as the new house.

@Lucyr best of luck with the new diet!
@Kaylz hugs... sounds like a whole new chapter in your life with your determination to get out walking together as well as the new house.
We used to enjoy a weekly walk together before the pandemic so will be great to get back to it, was great seeing my grandad yesterday too as he looked so happy to see me xx
Morning all and it was a 7.0 for me, mind you it had spiked to 10 in the early hours. I blame having a late tea.

Some outside jobs done. A lot cooler and it has rained but very close.

Today's excitement will be a trip to the hospital this aft for a venesection i.e they're going to take 400 grammes of blood out of me. Bloods just a tad thick at the moment.

Have a good day everyone.