Group 7-day waking average?

Morning! Yesterday just into double figures and today just into single figures at 9.8. Would have been better if I hadn't had a packet of crisps before bed! I perspired so much in the day I felt in need of a salt rush. Mind you first time I have had a solid six hours in months!
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7.1 this morning (that will be the digestives and Tunnocks bar late last night then ). Have a good day everyone x
Good morning everyone.
3.1 for me on the new Libre. 3.7 according to finger prick. That is more like I would expect from a Libre sensor. I reduced my evening basal by 1 unit so not sure why I had 2 trips into the red overnight but both dealt with quite easily. Looking forward to it being a more comfortable temperature today.

@merrymunky I think you may need to be a bit more pushy about keeping the Insulatard. With diabetes we do sometimes have to be quite firm and insistent about what we need and I don't see why your health and wellbeing is not as important after pregnancy as it is during it. You need to make that point to your health care professionals. You are just a young woman. You can't afford to have uncontrolled BG levels like you had after Eris. You clearly need more support and the Insulatard seems to be doing a great job.

Can't even remember what it was but think it may have been 10.something

It'll cool down they said, Tuesday night will be easier to sleep they said, where? My bedroom was up a degree from Monday night and sat over 29C all night, I am hot, I am tired AND I am grumpy xx
Morning all. 6.8 when I got downstairs at 8.14. Was a lovely 5.8 at 7 when I briefly thought about getting up!

Slept better last night amazingly after yesterday. I never, ever want to experience heat like that again and it was “ only” 35 up here. It was blooming awful. I hope everyone survived it without too much drama. If this is soon going to be the norm, I’m moving up to the Scottish Highlands! A lot fresher today so far, nice to have the patio doors open as it’s warmer in the house than outside.

Last day at school for lots today, my grandchildren all finish today. Can’t believe our Lady Sadie is finishing pre school and will be in “big” school in September! Where does the time go, Zara will be there before you know it. Two big ones going into year 11, GCSEs next year! That makes me feel old. Have a great, and cooler, day everyone.🙂

Just a bit of showing off below. 😉


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Morning all. 🙂 9.9 here - hmmm, still some way to go on tweaking basal rates, but at least that pesky 1am hypo has been fixed.

Off to France today - attempt no. 2 at our postponed holiday. It isn’t hot enough here, so we thought we’d head to Europe! o_O
Enjoy and don’t forget the sunscreen!
Morning all, 7.5 here. Off on a mercy errand in a mo, son has plumber arriving this morning. The one day of the year when he can’t work from home because he’s on Jury duty. I shall go armed with gardening equipment, may as well improve the shining hour. only problem, plumber is working in the only bathroom, I may have to garden with my legs crossed.
Bucket? 😉
Good morning 5.6 today

was up at 6am as I usually am on a work day,
but been rushing around this morning hence only now posting

have a great day everybody 😎

Treated myself to some of the most delicious ice cream I’ve ever had yesterday. It’s by a company called Darlish and it was sour cherry and cream. Utterly delicious but it’s only in the local Waitrose so won’t be tempted often.

Ankle swollen a little even with R I C E and have been referred for physio. Hopefully it’ll get sorted before I’m supposed to be running my next Half.

In other news I have a Zoom call booked for my ISVA to help complete a CICA application relating to the third assault. I started to do it yesterday but it’s so triggering I thought I’d lean on the ISVA as that’s what she’s there for.

C’est tout.
morning everyone 13.3
Been feeling like my short acting is water for the last few days. Everything is so new its hard to know if its a trend or its the heat.

Nothing planned for today, will see what housework needs done when daughter gets up and I can make noise 😉

hope today treats you all well x
7.1 today, had another ice-cream yesterday .

Cooler outside today, but my house is retaining the heat due to the insulation.
Morning all and 5.8 for me.

Aaaah a glorious cool breeze blowing through the patio door.

Might venture into town.

Have a good day everyone.
If it's blowing through the door then maybe it needs replacing!
Morning all,

I’ve literally not been on here for about a month, things have just got rather busy lately!

Good news though, I have an appointment with a pump specialist on 2nd august.

I was very impressed actually how quickly the new hospital dealt with it. They sent a letter within a couple of days of my first appointment and I don’t have to wait long for the second so all good so far.

Hope you’re al doing well 🙂
Morning all - dull and drizzly it is! Am I the only one who loves the heat?

5.7 this morning with a flattish line all night. Spent most of yesterday fending off hypos - got through nearly a bag of JBs. Thought I was meeting GFs for lunch, turns out it was for coffee/tea, but I did have a milkshake - first since DX I think - which sent me high then crashing. So a very late lunch when I was home again... and a very late dinner, which consisted of some prawns I'd defrosted on Sunday, excess from the prawn dish starter. I'd put them in the fridge and forgotten about them. A spoonful of potato salad and a bit of green salad. Mr E seemed happy enough.

The friends from up-country who were due tomorrow have cancelled as he is still testing positive and is full of congestion. I'm quite happy to have a bit of a rest after two lots of entertaining in quick succession, and hopefully we'll now see them in early August.

@rebrascora don't waste the apricots! Make jam. Or send them to me! I'll make jam and then make ice cream with some of the jam! When we were in Greece there was an Apricot tree by the path to the road. It had huge, luscious looking apricots on it with a lovely ripe blush, but they were all rotting on the ground or too high to reach. I was appalled at the waste!

@Bloden DO enjoy France! Which area are you going to? I can't wait for our French adventure :D

@ColinUK lots of HUGS - hope the ISVR is of help to you today. Let us know.
@Pattidevans The ISVA zoom call is next week but thank you 🙂