Group 7-day waking average?

I have had eight skin cancer operations and afterwards used something here called Bio-0il. I am sure that it must be available in the UK. I don't have the slightest trace of scar tissue.
Thanks Michael - yes that’s what I’m using. The knotted feeling is more about the internal scar tissue so hopefully if I remember to do the massaging I can break that down a bit
Good morning everyone! 5'1 today, almost a House Special 😉

Those days I've been worried about hypos because I get similar symptoms from running around in a hot restaurant (wearing long sleeves and waistcoat, ugh). But then last night was very quiet and I felt okay and forgot to test until more than an hour later than usual, and there was a real hypo. Oh, well... It was mild, just a set of Jelly babies and sorted, but felt worse after treating. Definitely my brain took a little break.
Well that sensor drifted further yesterday to 3 below and I reported it to Abbott early afternoon and a replacement on it's way but it was too hot to risk applying a replacement so waited until late last night to apply and left the failing sensor in place and it died about 4.30am after giving me consecutive "LO" readings. Still stuck like a limpet though. Just waiting for new sensor to bed in before I activate it so it was a finger prick reading this morning and considering how many corrections I needed last night I am very happy to wake to a 4.6. Got a bit of a headache this morning but think it may be eye strain, so not going to spend long on the computer today.
Hope everyone manages to keep cool. Had my first apricot off the tree at the weekend. It wasn't quite ripe but not far off. Having to carry watering cans from the water butts to slake it's thirst otherwise those fruits will never ripen... IMG_20220316_114832099[922].jpgIMG_20220718_161645493[1028].jpg
Just given it yet another pruning so that the fruit gets some sun. There are almost 100 fruits on it. No idea what I am going to do with them all!! It's not like I can eat them indiscriminately now as I would have done pre diabetes!

Oh and many congrats to @TinaD on your ice cream inspired House Special. Impressive!
Woke to a 5.0 today. Hope everyone managed some sleep last night. I tossed and turned a lot.
Woke to a 5.0 today. Hope everyone managed some sleep last night. I tossed and turned a lot.
You are doing absolutely brilliantly with the Insulatard. Hope you can keep on with that after the baby is born as you were clearly struggling with your levels after you had Eris and surely your life and health long term is as important as that of the developing baby so you really need to push for more support after the pregnancy this time.
You must feel so much better for having good BG levels.
Back to 6.3 today after that 13.3 yesterday - must have been that milk shake I had.
Certainly running high today. Not eaten anything yet as zero appetite in this heat and I’m at 6.8 right now.
You are doing absolutely brilliantly with the Insulatard. Hope you can keep on with that after the baby is born as you were clearly struggling with your levels after you had Eris and surely your life and health long term is as important as that of the developing baby so you really need to push for more support after the pregnancy this time.
You must feel so much better for having good BG levels.
They took it straight off my repeat prescription list last time so I expect they will do the same here. I will hopefull have a supply in stock to keep me going for a while afterwards though.
7.8 this morning, did eat a magnum and some cake yesterday, so not surprised together with the heat..
03:39 BS 7.8 🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

A bit earlier today &, thank goodness, a bit cooler last night although, I still had the fan on for a bit to help me drop off! Now discarded the continental quilt for the time being for the duvet cover on its own so, it’s not too hot: on top; the bottom, unfortunately, with the memory foam is still a bit warm! 🙄

Already had breakfast, just finished munching, & hopefully the heat has now broken, yesterday, & it’ll remain cooler? :confused:
Morning all barely slept a wink in this ridiculous heat. 5.6 when My alarm went off.
Good morning - 5.6
A near miss this morning with 5.3. 🙂
Back to "normal" temperatures hopefully today.

Morning all, 7.5 here. Off on a mercy errand in a mo, son has plumber arriving this morning. The one day of the year when he can’t work from home because he’s on Jury duty. I shall go armed with gardening equipment, may as well improve the shining hour. only problem, plumber is working in the only bathroom, I may have to garden with my legs crossed.
Morning all. 🙂 9.9 here - hmmm, still some way to go on tweaking basal rates, but at least that pesky 1am hypo has been fixed.

Off to France today - attempt no. 2 at our postponed holiday. It isn’t hot enough here, so we thought we’d head to Europe! o_O
Good morning everyone! 5'9.

Went to bed at a reasonable time, was happy with that, then woke up early. I've slept a bit more later, I think. Had a stressful dream where I was late for the airport and kept forgetting stuff at home and asking my parents to go back for it. At one point I was like, damn, my brain is not working today, I wonder what my BG is...F***, MY METER IS AT HOME AS WELL 😱 And realized it was already 3 or 4 pm and I hadn't checked my levels once that day. Also in the dream where included some coworkers from my previous job who I haven't seen in 6 months and never had a close relationship with. It's weird how dreams mix things.

Oh, and yesterday my GP surgery called to book a blood test and diabetes review. Can't believe it's already been 7 months since diagnosed! Hope it's all good, I will ask about Libre 🙂
9.7 going to be colder today. In terms of pain it seemed to be okay yesterday apart fr.a really bad flare up in the afternoon. And quite bad side pain after eating stack in the nigh(strange thinking how dating something can trigger side pain it's not really usual) so I was half thinking has this diet started to take effect because it was up and down anyway.
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