Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning 6.6 today
Have a great day everybody 😎
Good morning - 6.2
Morning all. 12.2

Managed to get my new cooker ordered yesterday. I'm not saying I am pinning all my hopes and dreams of cheese on toast on my DSN appointment (Thursday) but I sorta am :D Snack insulin plz :D
Anyway cookers coming on Sunday and will get fitted when my nephew has a minute 🙂 I got the current one long before I had my kids so +21 years...its kinda wrecked by this point. 2 rings trip the electric and the grill doesn't work 🙄

Right I'm off to add lea & perrins and cheese to the tesco :rofl:

Stay cool everyone <3
Good morning 🙂 5.1 for me today after a very uncomfortable night - 26C inside my house last night 😱 I only injected 6 units yesterday, and lost count of the number of JBs, bananas, ginger biccies, ice cream bars and apple cinnamon muffins I had to eat in order to keep my levels up 😱 More of the same today, no doubt! Stay safe and cool everyone 🙂
Buon giorno amici!
6.5 and 95/61 with rhr of 60

I’m contemplating going for a shaded walk right now before El Scorchio causes all buildings to melt.

ISVA meeting was good and productive so that’s now of course set me on a spiral of thinking it’s a cop out to use one instead of taking this all on my shoulders. It’s a pendulum swing so it’ll swing back soon enough I’m sure.

Guess who stood for ages looking at the pressure cooker wondering why it wasn’t getting to pressure and why so much steam was escaping before realising he’d not put the sealing ring in the lid?!
Believe it or not there are some weird people on this forum who like the green JBs. 🙄
My definition of a "really bad hypo" is one which has to be treated with green JBs because that is all that are left.
@Northerner wrote a great poem on the subject

Ghastly Green Jelly Babies​

It cannot be so far away,
When dawns that dreadful, fateful day
As, reaching to treat my hypo shocks,
I find just green ones in the box!

Oh, tell me Mr Basset please
Why waste your time producing these?
Tart on tongue, and jealous hue,
An aberration! Shame on you!

For lusty red, beguiling black
I could consume those by the sack!
Bright orange, sunny yellow too –
I’d even accept a baleful blue!

But green brings foaming at the mouth,
One eye looks North, the other South,
Gripped by a kind of emerald rabies,
The Dark Lord of the Jelly Babies! :D

(c) Northerner 2010
Morning all, 6.6 here, but only because I woke up at 4am, swiped the Libre and realised I was 11.something, so jabbed a couple of units of bolus. I knew I'd overcorrected a hypo yesterday evening. Which followed a rage bolus earlier in the day when my levels weren’t shifting. I blame the weather. If I'm less active than usual my levels climb, but if I get up and do anything in the heat, they immediately plummet. I've got a Diabetes phone review with the hospital this morning, which is normally with one of the interns who are part clinical, part research. I usually can’t think of anything interesting to raise, perhaps I’ll bend their ear about the effects of hot weather on diabetic control.
First test was 9.2 however wasn't done stight away as I was weighing out my backfast before testing was 7.3 at 4 o'clock this morning so diffentyba rise going on there. I stuck with the amount of Livivermir I did yesterday (it could have protentiony been a radio change instead of back change needed but what's done is done) the evening wasn't great though. I can't wait until tomorrow because I've never do je well with heat.
Morning all. 🙂 8.0 today.

Noticed at two a.m. while fixing a hypo that there was a WhatsUp at midnight - one of my friends from school is a granny! We’d all been waiting anxiously for the big day. Her granddaughter was born on the hottest day of the year EVER. Now there’s a landmark. Luckily the parents weren’t tempted to name the baby Scorchia or Sweaty Betty. Happy days!
Morning folks

11.0 for me today after very little sleep due to my bedroom sitting at 28C all night 🙄 currently 19C outside and 31C in the living but can't open the window yet as I'm on my own and will be going through the other side of the house shortly and can't leave Bubbles with an open window xx
5.8 for me today. 🙂
Off to Sainsbos soon before the temperatures rise.

5.8 for me today. 🙂
Off to Sainsbos soon before the temperatures rise.

Same here. Just sitting outside Waitrose in the shade by the waterfalls….
Might grab an iced coffee before venturing inside.
Good morning from the Outer Hebrides - feeling slightly guilty that we’re not having a heatwave here. Sorry I haven’t posted for a while - been caught up catering for the world and his wife for the last 3 weeks. I’m eating a lot more carbs up here including the most delicious thing known to man (IMHO) - the Machair Bun which when popped in the microwave for 25 seconds is heaven on earth - but presumably because I’m doing lots of walking my BGs are pretty good on the whole. Saw my consultant before I came away and he said everything’s in the right place following my surgery last November (I’d requested an abdominal scan just to make sure as have regular knotted feeling). Probs scar tissue so am going to start scar tissue massage. Anyway - hope this photo cools you all down a bit xxx


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Just got back from a 156 minute exercise walk, before the sun scorches everything. Actually there was a nice breeze and the sun was covered by a deep haze most of the walk. It is amazing how many people are up and about at 6am.

Knackered now though. Ahh, yes, plans for today: walk, rest, walk, rest, eat

Time to rest a bit.

Some nice dogs on the beach this morning too
I have had eight skin cancer operations and afterwards used something here called Bio-0il. I am sure that it must be available in the UK. I don't have the slightest trace of scar tissue.
I used that when I fell down a wooden spiral stair splitting my head open and had a huge scar across my forehead. You cannot see the scar now. Bio-oil is available in Boots.
A very different morning this morning. Woken at 6 am by the LOUDEST thunderstorm right overhead followed by teeming rain. Set all the neighbourhood dogs off barking and I am not surprised it was terrifying.

6.7 on waking at 8 am with a flattish line. Was too hot to eat much yesterday. Finished the prawn noodle thingy off for lunch. It really was lovely with a contrast of spicy chilli, cooling lime juice and fresh mint. Just had 1 slice of bread and cheese about 10pm after that.

Off to meet girlfriends in town - rumour has it that it will brighten up around 11am.