Group 7-day waking average?

We’ve got two foot sand stone walls too. A week at Barbara’s then just pop west 50 miles and stay a week at ours! Only got bunk beds though! 😛
Bags the bottom bunk :rofl::rofl:
I don’t blame you. I absolutely hate climbing up when it’s bed changing time. Top bunks and plump grannies don’t mix!
Nor people with balance issues! :D

I’ve always placed my bed flush up against a wall & tend to sleep on that wall side as I’ve been known to fall off bed on the other side!😱

I’m always nervous when sleeping in hotel rooms where the bed is in the middle, as they mostly are: why I don’t sleep well when not at home; a wall makes me feel safe to sleep on THAT side! :rofl:

I may be laughing, as shown by my emojis but, it’s true! But, it’s been YEARS since I last fell off: SO long ago I can’t remember when! :confused::rofl:
I don’t blame you. I absolutely hate climbing up when it’s bed changing time. Top bunks and plump grannies don’t mix! 😱
Years of sitting on tiny chairs at work have done in my knees and hips. Its more than likely while clambering to get up, i'd end up falling on the poor person underneath 😱😳o_O:rofl:
Hello everyone! 7 this morning, worked in a wedding all day yesterday and sneaked some carby leftovers.

Had an extremely busy morning at work and felt exhausted and light headed even with monitor showing a respectable 5'6. Might be actually the work plus temperatures, but I'm not so confident in my monitor these days, it's acting weird. Sometimes I have to insert the strip a few times before the screen turns on, and many times it makes me adjust the time and date before letting me add the blood, which is stressful if I'm worried about my BG. I'll try changing the batteries, but also had the idea now, is it possible the heat affects it??

@eggyg be careful, in my experience the temperatures are not as high as in Spain but the sun can burn you just as much! I'm using sunscreen for any walks now and even then I got a bit of red around my t-shirt neck line. I've never been the type of person who gets tanned, just red. I can pass as British until I open my mouth, then people hear an immigrant accent and say "aha! You must be Polish!" (Don't look Mediterranean enough) :rofl:
@Lanny and @freesia my balance is so bad. I went to the docs last year, had hearing test, deaf in one ear, then had MRI, all well. I’m just off kilter! I can’t come down any stairs without holding the bannister or rail, I can’t look down if I’m on the top of a fell as I feel like I’ll fall! It’s awful isn’t it?

@Elenka_HM I’m what’s classed as an English rose, very pale skin and I don’t tan really but go red. I have been covered in factor 30 today even though I’ve been in the shade all day. But I always miss a bit and end up with a random red patch somewhere! 🙄
@Lanny and @freesia my balance is so bad. I went to the docs last year, had hearing test, deaf in one ear, then had MRI, all well. I’m just off kilter! I can’t come down any stairs without holding the bannister or rail, I can’t look down if I’m on the top of a fell as I feel like I’ll fall! It’s awful isn’t it?
Yep! People laugh at me because i can't ride a bike. I have to hold on coming downstairs too and if we're out walking, my walking poles are so useful with any steep steps or hills to help me balance. If i haven't got them, i'm hanging onto hubby for dear life!
@Elenka_HM i always end up looking like i've been dip dyed. My upper body tans slightly but goes a pale gold colour while the legs stay white no matter how i try. I don't like sitting too long in the sun, i tend to nip in and out.
I must admit i'm dreading tomorrow and Tuesday in the heat at work.
03:39 BS 6.0 🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Arrrggghhhhh! 😱 Battled with staying awake to watch the golf to the end with lots of little nooze’s throughout the late morning & lunchtime even before the last few pairs teed off but, I was seriously flagging by the time Rory, as the last pair, reached the back 9!🙄 & Match Sticks Propping My Eyes Open emoji! Rory stayed in front despite only 1 Birdie on the front 9 but, only managed a Birdie on 10, no bunker shot Eagle of round 3, & while I was drifting in & out of dozing, the Australian Cameron Smith, behind by 4 shots at the start of round 4 just half a hole in front in the penultimate pair just before, REALLY caught on fire with a flurry of Birdies after Birdies while poor Rory was desperately trying to force his Birdies that just wouldn’t happen so, the Aussie overtook him by 1 shot eventually on -19 on the 16th hole while Rory stayed on -18. Then, when there was a tiny glimmer of a hiccup for Cameron Smith on the infamous 17th The Road Hole as he flirted with the world’s most famous golf bunker The Road Hole bunker, where past hopefuls came a cropper with 8’s, 9’s, 10’s & more due to the extremely high more or less straight up vertical face even the Great Bear Jack Nicklaus needed 4 hacks to get it out, he got it out in 1 & saved his par. Then, he added 1 final Birdie on the 18th. to push further ahead on -20; a new course record that bettered Jack Nicklaus’ -19 set many years ago by 1 shot!😱 That left Rory, just teeing up on the 18th while the Aussie was on the green, an Herculean Eagle 2 to even tie him for a play off! The crowd were rushing up en masse behind Rory as he walked up the fairway to take his 2nd shot “Do All or Nothing” bash at the flag for one LAST HOPE & he MISSED IT!😱 By a narrow whisker as it rolled past the hole a few feet!:( Awwwwwa!😱 And the engraver started putting Cameron Smith’s name on The Claret Jug!🙄 Poor Rory was just visibly SO deflated that he missed the Birdie putt too & tapped in for a par! So, adding insult to injury he finished up in 3rd place on -18 as the other Cameron, USA’s Cameron Young playing alongside Cameron Smith on -12 at the start of the day, Eagled the 18th to go from 1 shot behind Rory at -17 to 1 shot ahead of him at -19!😱:( But, fair dos to both the Cameron’s for overhauling that 4 shots deficit to overtake Rory!😎:D & Clapping hands emoji! In the end Rory’s final round of only 2 Birdies with no Bogeys just couldn’t stand up to Cameron Smith’s also, Bogey free round with 8 Birdies, a run of 5 consecutive back to back Birdies on the back 9; he was ON FIRE!!!😱😛😎:D

I’m was absolutely on my last legs of exhaustion by then & fell asleep even before the speech was over before the presentation of lowest amateur medal BEFORE The Claret Jug was presented to Cameron Smith: not out of any disrespect or anything like that as “he took the bull by the horns” & truly WON it; it was just TOO LONG a day for me despite the numerous “20 winks” here & there before the leaders EVEN started! 🙄 A Stream of Z’s emoji!

Despite my off kilter sleeping pattern getting in the way, a bit, of my watching this very special anniversary 150th The Open at St Andrews this year I REALLY enjoyed it & a well deserved newly crowned Majors champion in the Australian Cameron Smith set a new Old Course at St Andrews course record of -20 to win it in style! 😛😎:D:rofl:

And along the way I got to see Tiger play with him so emotional on Day 2 & that magical bunker shot Eagle by Rory on Day 3! I LOVED IT! 😛
Good morning everyone.

Staying awake? Interesting. Golf? Hmmm, not so keen myself.

Now space? Ohhhh, yessss. In 1969 when I was a mere 16 years old I stayed up pretty much all night watching the Apollo 11 moon landing. If fact I was glued to our very old telly for the whole mission. I was so much in awe. I always wanted to be an astronaut. I still do. Ahhh dreams. I think I may have missed the boat.

Anyway back to reality...or not...BG 5.2 !!!! One small step for Gwynn 🙂

Pulse 60
BP 115/76
Temp 36.3

Todays meals potassium 3666mg

I will go out early at 7am this morning to try to beat the heat. It was way too hot yesterday at 3pm. I walked 185 minutes, admittedly most done early morning though.

I cooked beef Teryaki with sweetcorn, yorkshire pud and apple sauce (!) for tea, followed by a fresh fruit salad. What a great meal it was. Not sure it was so clever using the oven on such a hot day though.

Today: walking, eating, resting, testing. A natty little acronymn WERT. 🙂

Have a great day today whatever you are doing. And keep cool.
Good morning. 5.7 today. Sky clear and awaiting 34 degrees...Had a good day yesterday - Alex, back after Covid, put in a morning on the great grass tidy up so, once I had run the topper round the outside of the hayfield, knocking down invasive bramble, bracken and yellow rattle, we had two strimmers going like angry hornets. Once the heat got silly we decamped indoors for iced drinks. The remaining 30% of trimming back can await a cooler day.

Spent the afternoon with an old friend, sitting in the cool of the thick stone walled house, and then filling her a bag of goodies from the veggie garden. I'm always glad to get rid of a few courgettes at this time of year before they sneakily turn into the despised marrow. Quite surprised that Libby had made 74 without eating pak choi. I love it in salad as well as stir fry.
Liberated a black canine sponge in the evening who frisked around finding tennis balls whilst I trimmed the ornamental hedge. His shower pen is working splendidly, cool damp concrete floor, evaporation cooled insulated kennel, and a spray to potter under.
Have a good day everyone - slap on the cream and the hat and do not go out with the mad dogs at mid day.
Morning all. Shockingly bad sleep last night, too hot, woke to 10.8. Levels all day yesterdsy in the 10s despite corrections.

Dreading work in the 39° (feeling like 41°) heat and especially the drive back home again.

@Gwynn congrats on the HS.

Stay as cool as you all can and safe in the heat everyone. Take care.
Good morning everyone.

Staying awake? Interesting. Golf? Hmmm, not so keen myself.

Now space? Ohhhh, yessss. In 1969 when I was a mere 16 years old I stayed up pretty much all night watching the Apollo 11 moon landing. If fact I was glued to our very old telly for the whole mission. I was so much in awe. I always wanted to be an astronaut. I still do. Ahhh dreams. I think I may have missed the boat.

Anyway back to reality...or not...BG 5.2 !!!! One small step for Gwynn 🙂

Pulse 60
BP 115/76
Temp 36.3

Todays meals potassium 3666mg

I will go out early at 7am this morning to try to beat the heat. It was way too hot yesterday at 3pm. I walked 185 minutes, admittedly most done early morning though.

I cooked beef Teryaki with sweetcorn, yorkshire pud and apple sauce (!) for tea, followed by a fresh fruit salad. What a great meal it was. Not sure it was so clever using the oven on such a hot day though.

Today: walking, eating, resting, testing. A natty little acronymn WERT. 🙂

Have a great day today whatever you are doing. And keep cool.
I JUST missed the Moon landings by a couple of years! 🙄

And I’ve definitely missed the boat too when it comes to getting to see The Earth in Space: the TRUE legacy of Apollo that’s stood the test of time; that PRICELESS shot of “Earth Rise” from the orbit of The Moon showing what a beautiful blue planet we live on hanging SO beautifully in all its fragility against the black background of space! 😛😎
Good morning - 7.4