Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone

@Nigel mark congratulations. HS's are rare

BG here 5.1 another wretched tease
Pulse was a bit low too at 57 but on another check it was 49 (great accuracy)
BP was ok thankfully
Back to my goal weight too (I had overshot my goal a little). Except, the scales read differently every time I stepped on them. Sigh

Had a shocker yesterday, for some unknown reason I had had an email from my energy supplier which had gone straight to the bin folder and I hadn't notied it. And when I did notice it, it was bad news. Even though I keep my account in good order AND they owe me about £300 AND my account credit increases by a sustantial amount each month AND my energy useage is now trivial and has been all, year...they had the audacity to increase my monthly direct debit by 29% !!!

I shall ring them on monday and have a quiet shout at them. Not happy at all. More money for nothing. Living is definitely getting harder by the day. Maybe I should become a Tory peer. Plenty of money there. I wonder how to do that... 🙂

Plans for today, a quiet, prolonged cry is in order

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning Peeps. 11.9 with a mini rollercoaster all night.
Falling to bits this morning a bit, 99% sure my body wants to have a period (actually happening is another matter) and psoriasis is all flaring up so need to get my skincare "A game" on this week. Maybe need some mittens to stop picking at it too, although I'm not too sure about the shorts and teeshirt look with a pair of mittens on :rofl:

Any practical way to stay on top of that morning bg rise without doing brekkie and rapid acting right after getting up?
Have tried a wee bit of cheese with no success. A cup of coffee doesn't stop it either. I'm really not a breakfast person, at least not immediately after getting up. Jabbing isn't the issue, just the eating bit.

Anyway, onwards. Got a washing machine calling my name (oh what fun right).

Have a great day everyone <3
Well I woke up with a 6.1 so not bad at all!

Ran to mum and dad’s yesterday afternoon (it’s only 10 miles!) and now have a very achy Achilles in my right foot and a slightly swollen knee. I was pushing it a bit with the distance but I’ve got two half marathons coming up and wanted to get mileage under my belt. Now it means no running until this is healed and it might take a GIF few days as it’s a recurring issue. I ought to contact the GP and get it checked out I guess but I’m putting that off.
Morning all, 6.9 here. Was 4.9 at 4am, and 7.9 a few minutes ago (Libre algorithm overshooting) I think the .9 is stuck.
Who doesn’t like a 6.9 in the mornings! 😉
5.6 for me today. 🙂

Good morning - 4.8
Well I misplaced my Libre reader last night and after much searching around the house... and worrying that perhaps it has got lost in the recycle bin as I went out last night to empty my in house recycling.... I gave up and had to sleep with my BG meter under my pillow instead of my Libre... a lot more bulky and not nearly so reassuring. Slept fitfully with lots of very weird dreams which is unusual for me but I guess I felt vulnerable without it but at least I didn't feel the need to test through the night. Woke up this morning and tested and got 8.2, so that is my offering for today. Injected Levemir and 3 units of Fiasp... a correction for the 8.2 plus some for FOTF as not having breakfast straight away this morning and got up to search again for reader which I located under my computer desk thanks to the alarm telling me it is time to take Levemir, so scanned and got 6.1 within a few minutes of that 8.2 BG and normally levels go up in the first 20 mins of getting up especially if I haven't given the Levemir an hour's head start. Libre is now showing me 3.4 and dropping when finger prick is 5.5. Clearly levels are dropping so I have eaten a prune but I object to the Libre showing more red on my graph. I don't mind Libre being 1mmol lower than BG but 2 mmols lower is a pain. It was reading on the low side yesterday as well and had me in the red a few times for quite long periods when I refused to take carbs for what a finger prick said was mid 5s. I have eaten a prune (5g carbs) to placate it this morning plus my morning coffee normally lifts levels a bit but looks like my TIR stats are going to take a hit again, just when they were starting to improve. Arrgh!! Was just about to threaten it with a phone call to Abbott but another scan is now saying "LO" so looks like it may be more than a threat as I definitely don't feel hypo! FP shows 4.4 now so it is still dropping though. It has 6 days to go and it is causing me to use far too many test strips! Grrr!
Morning 9.9 droped again last night decided to 3.6 then to be at the safe Saud as I was about to go to bed decided to a couple of crispbreads but a little bit letter for ekt wired and diaciscoved I shot up to 17 so even though I did decide to a correction then and make an expecting about following the advice about not correcting after a hypo because leaving it at 17 just seem silly to me.
Any practical way to stay on top of that morning bg rise without doing brekkie and rapid acting right after getting up?
Have tried a wee bit of cheese with no success. A cup of coffee doesn't stop it either. I'm really not a breakfast person, at least not immediately after getting up. Jabbing isn't the issue, just the eating bit.

Insulin is the only thing that works for me.

Either you can increase basal - but if it’s set high enough for the morning then you’d probably find you are dropping during the day.

Or you can change the time of day of basal - i take mine in the morning at the moment which isn’t ideal as it’s running out when I’m going high anyway and making things worse. Taking basal late evening can mean it’s working more strongly in the morning, for some basals, but it depends which you take. I take lantus which this is true for, but I do it in the morning and accept morning high on holiday as I’d forget in the evening when out of normal routine.

Or you can bolus something for the rise as soon as you wake up. Not an option for you at the moment but for in the future. You don’t have to eat with this, and you’d start with a low dose, building it up until you know how much keeps you level.
Morning Peeps. 11.9 with a mini rollercoaster all night.
Falling to bits this morning a bit, 99% sure my body wants to have a period (actually happening is another matter) and psoriasis is all flaring up so need to get my skincare "A game" on this week. Maybe need some mittens to stop picking at it too, although I'm not too sure about the shorts and teeshirt look with a pair of mittens on :rofl:

Any practical way to stay on top of that morning bg rise without doing brekkie and rapid acting right after getting up?
Have tried a wee bit of cheese with no success. A cup of coffee doesn't stop it either. I'm really not a breakfast person, at least not immediately after getting up. Jabbing isn't the issue, just the eating bit.

Anyway, onwards. Got a washing machine calling my name (oh what fun right).

Have a great day everyone <3
Why not compromise & do what I do sometimes, STILL, as I haven’t been eating breakfast myself for that long, compared to most of my life: I eat half an oatcake & half my usual breakfast dose of Novorapid when I don’t want to eat right after getting up! You might need to experiment a bit to find what & how much to have & the dose of insulin but, worth the effort if, like me, breakfast first thing after getting up isn’t your thing!
but looks like my TIR stats are going to take a hit again, just when they were starting to improve. Arrgh!!
I hate it when my stats get disrupted by a rogue sensor, or other external forces. I've got a clinic review on Tuesday, and my latest sensor has been extremely sensitive to compression dips overnight, so my overnight graph has got loads of red on it. I think it’s a combination of where I've placed it, and a bit of dehydration at night because of the hot weather. I normally upload my results to Libre view at the end of every sensor, but if I've got a review, I get them up to date the day before. I think this time I'm not going to upload the data from this one until it finishes. Otherwise I just know they’ll look at this week's data and ignore the fact that up to last week I'd got 1% in the low range, which is a personal best.
Morning all. 8.1 for me. Its already hot out there! Stay safe in the sun everyone.
Morning Peeps. 11.9 with a mini rollercoaster all night.
Falling to bits this morning a bit, 99% sure my body wants to have a period (actually happening is another matter) and psoriasis is all flaring up so need to get my skincare "A game" on this week. Maybe need some mittens to stop picking at it too, although I'm not too sure about the shorts and teeshirt look with a pair of mittens on :rofl:

Any practical way to stay on top of that morning bg rise without doing brekkie and rapid acting right after getting up?
Have tried a wee bit of cheese with no success. A cup of coffee doesn't stop it either. I'm really not a breakfast person, at least not immediately after getting up. Jabbing isn't the issue, just the eating bit.

Anyway, onwards. Got a washing machine calling my name (oh what fun right).

Have a great day everyone <3
When I was first diagnosed I injected an extra 1.5-2 units of NR to deal with FOTF. Now I usually set my alarm to wake up an hour early, inject my morning Levemir and go back to sleep and that sorts it. This morning with having lost my Libre reader and needing to locate and knowing the vibrate alarm would go off and help me find it, I got up straight up, so I jabbed Fiasp before I got out of bed to deal with it and correct my high reading.... and for some reason it (Edited to add.... meaning FOTF) hasn't kicked in this morning..... possibly the rum and cokes (yes plural 😱) I had last night, so my levels have dropped a bit.....but no where near as much as Libre is suggesting that is for sure!
Obviously with you being new to Fiasp and on fixed doses at the moment, you probably shouldn't go off piste and try out these tactics just yet.
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I hate it when my stats get disrupted by a rogue sensor, or other external forces. I've got a clinic review on Tuesday, and my latest sensor has been extremely sensitive to compression dips overnight, so my overnight graph has got loads of red on it. I think it’s a combination of where I've placed it, and a bit of dehydration at night because of the hot weather. I normally upload my results to Libre view at the end of every sensor, but if I've got a review, I get them up to date the day before. I think this time I'm not going to upload the data from this one until it finishes. Otherwise I just know they’ll look at this week's data and ignore the fact that up to last week I'd got 1% in the low range, which is a personal best.
I'm really lucky that my consultant is cool with my recorded hypos being higher than recommended as he accepts that Libre often reads lower and of course I have my BG meter readings to back me up, but since I put a lot of effort in to get good results and sort of gamify my Libre use to manage my diabetes and like you, I treasure a personal best, I do really resent it messing up my results so badly. Now showing a whopping 9% below for the last 7days! I think that may be a personal worst! 😱
Good morning 5.0 on the nose after a small lay in today

a relaxing weekend for me, although I need todo some tidying and cleaning up around the house,
as I’ve miss placed a second pair of AirPods (I could do with using them them on Monday
morning as have a meeting-training via zoom call)

fancy Spanish omelette for breakfast first

Have a Great day Everybody 😎
@goodybags can you not find them with Find My…. or have you got the case and lost the AirPods themselves?

8.9 today xx

7.8 today, got grandson’s birthday BBQ today.

@Nigel mark - welcome and congratulations on your HS.

Have a good day everyone and stay safe.