Group 7-day waking average?

Morning folks. 🙂 10.5 here. Hmmm, some tweaking needed.

I found a nest too @TinaD when I was doing some clearing. There were two turquoise eggs nestled in the bottom. I hope my fumblings didn’t put the mother off! Enjoy your quiet day.
Morning all 13.3 and fairly smooth overnight

Doors got installed yesterday without much drama 🙂
Just the wet room to go on the list of installations pending. Need to chase that up as they were only waiting on an asbestos check and that happened weeks ago now. The funding is in place for that so there's little reason why its being held up now 🙄. Probably better calling occupational therapy and getting her to hound them, she's lovely but ferocious :D

Todays plan today is nothing planned (really, I made a plan to not plan anything) as I need a day to untangle my brain and potter about and do stuff that's needing done or I might tackle my bedroom which needs a general clear out but I will wait until everyone else is awake before doing much 🙂

Hope you all have a brilliant day <3
Morning 9.5 wayed out cereal Frist though had a couple of stacks last night 1 I might haved need the other I didn't but hey ho.

Decided I will go back to trying this low fodmap diet that my sister sujuested then if I do ever get to see anyone deal with it then because I can't really Wight any longer.

Might have to keep an eye a BG levels to see if this might have an impact on them.

9.0 for me today

@gll hopefully you'll hear about your wet room soon, don't have a clue what's going on with the new bathroom installations in Angus just now seen as MPS are being idiots but we got ours so I'm not too bothered haha xx
5.5 for me today. 🙂
Back to mostly cloudy or overcast for today. Oh well that's Summertime.

Finally it’s Friday Again,

I’m looking forwards to the weekend !
today 6.6 on waking just before 6am (having dropped to 3.9 just after midnight
which woke me up and I popped a few lifts)

feeling emotional as today wouldve been my brothers 61 st birthday (following him fighting cancer we lost him 16 yrs ago)

Enjoy every day everybody 😎
Morning all. 6.7 with bp of 113/64 and rhr 59

Seeing my folks later for mutual big hugs!

@eggyg What’s the two seater you have in your garage?
I’ve now got an image of you and Mr Eggy motoring around the country in something timelessly elegant like this little beauty…

Morning all. Drum roll please……5.6! I know it’s not a HS but it’s been so long since I had a 5 something on a morning I think I deserve one! 😉
You get one of my super special, made with glitter and glue, home made stars that are packed with love and hugs <3
3.9 for me this morning with a nice slow drift down from 7.2 at bedtime. Not at all unhappy with that but will look at a reduction in Levemir tonight if I manage to get out for a walk today. @gll has very kindly just sent me a PM reminder that it is annual lancet change day.... Happy St Swithin's Day to all 😉 After weeks of no rain, we got some overnight so maybe a wet few weeks to come.... but garden and water butts need it so not compaining. Now... where did I put my box of lancets after I removed one last year!!
Oh... must change my lancet then! Thankfully it's a lovely day here, clear blue skies and wall to wall sun!

5.3 this morning with a lovely flat line overnight! Makes I happy!

We had a great time yesterday, Julian got the croquet set out and we had a couple of games after lunch, accompanied by a great deal of laughter. I am totally useless at hitting the ball, it goes anywhere but where I intended!

@TinaD your energy exhausts me... you're so brave tackling everything you do.

@eggyg well done on the 5.6 at last. Whereabouts in Corfu are your daughter and granddaughter going? We're not long back from there, always stay in Paleokastritsa which is very pretty. The Corfiot people are absolutely lovely, so friendly and kind.

@ColinUK have lovely hugs with mum and dad.

Have a good day everyone.
5.5 for me today. 🙂
Back to mostly cloudy or overcast for today. Oh well that's Summertime.

Not for that long though at least not here next week it's peidected to be summer
You get one of my super special, made with glitter and glue, home made stars that are packed with love and hugs <3
I noticed from groups and watching diabetic YouTubers that people in America tend to call a big 100 ml/dl a unicorn and that is the equivalent to that.
I noticed from groups and watching diabetic YouTubers that people in America tend to call a big 100 ml/dl a unicorn and that is the equivalent to that.
nah, was just giving eggy a home made (made with love) star for her not quite HS 🙂 I think you are correct in the 100 being the unicorn tho x
Morning all. 6.7 with bp of 113/64 and rhr 59

Seeing my folks later for mutual big hugs!

@eggyg What’s the two seater you have in your garage?
I’ve now got an image of you and Mr Eggy motoring around the country in something timelessly elegant like this little beauty…

View attachment 21504
Not quite Colin. Although you’ve got the right colour! 🙂Unfortunately we don’t have a garage and Camille resides on the A6, one of the main arterial roads into the city. 😱 Here she is. F Type Jag V6 engine. She’s a beauty. BTW that’s not the A6! A shot from a holiday cottage window in 2019!


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Not quite Colin. Although you’ve got the right colour! 🙂Unfortunately we don’t have a garage and Camille resides on the A6, one of the main arterial roads into the city. 😱 Here she is. F Type Jag V6 engine. She’s a beauty. BTW that’s not the A6! A shot from a holiday cottage window in 2019!
Right colour and make! I just gave you wind in your hair!
Camille is beautiful.
Oh... must change my lancet then! Thankfully it's a lovely day here, clear blue skies and wall to wall sun!

5.3 this morning with a lovely flat line overnight! Makes I happy!

We had a great time yesterday, Julian got the croquet set out and we had a couple of games after lunch, accompanied by a great deal of laughter. I am totally useless at hitting the ball, it goes anywhere but where I intended!

@TinaD your energy exhausts me... you're so brave tackling everything you do.

@eggyg well done on the 5.6 at last. Whereabouts in Corfu are your daughter and granddaughter going? We're not long back from there, always stay in Paleokastritsa which is very pretty. The Corfiot people are absolutely lovely, so friendly and kind.

@ColinUK have lovely hugs with mum and dad.

Have a good day everyone.
She’s going to Agios Georgios. I’ve just googled it and it’s not far from Paleokastritsa ( which we visited in 1983). Looks lovely. Anyways, they’ve managed to get another train so Mr Eggy no longer needed thank goodness. Back to our nice peaceful Friday, after we’ve nipped to Matalan/Asda/Tesco et al to buy some trainers for 4 year old granddaughter as it’s school sports day and mum forgot to buy some ( she’s just grown out of her present ones) and she’s now at work! So super gran will buy and deliver to daughter at work who is finishing early to go to sports day! No rest for the wicked as they say! Then maybe we can get on with our day.
PS Just got sent this photo . Train a tad crowded and they’re in the doorway. Oh dear!


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Oh is that a Jag too? Classic. Mr Eggy always loved Inspector Morse’s old Jag but I think he’d love this one more
It’s an XK150 - one owner from new - fully restored and for sale at £170k!

Not mine I hasten to add!
Do they take Mastercard? :rofl: It’s our wedding anniversary soon, that would be a nice present for him!😉
Have a look at the dealers website. They’ve got some lovely bits and bobs in there!