Group 7-day waking average?

5.7 for me today. 🙂

Morning after a lie in! Getting good at these, pity I was up at 2.30, 5 and 6.15 for the loo! Anyhoo, 6.6 for me.

Just had a message from farmer daughter. The country show they were going to has just been cancelled at the last minute. They’d cancelled the horse section last night because of the soggy ground, now they’ve cancelled the lot! There’s been quite a lot of rain the last 24 hours and it’s forecast all day again today, the kids are so disappointed. Obviously this was the first show since 2019 so the organisers will be gutted too. The great British weather strikes again. When it rains in July it’s awful as it’s so warm. You put your rain coat on but you get all sweaty.:( When is summer going to start up north I wonder?
We didn’t have any plans today as it’s our first weekend without any childcare for weeks! They better hadn’t all pile round here! 😉

Have a fabulous day. 🙂
@Gwynn congrats on the HS.
Morning. Well that was an “interesting” few hours…4.6 this morning.

Looks like a roller coaster that thrill seekers would pay good money for…and we occasionally get them for free :(…ah well…onwards.

I think it was a correction to a low that took a long time to work and then last night maybe a delayed reaction to some extra exercise on Thursday…this doesn’t usually happen to me….anyway …2 fingers of fudge, a cereal bar and various jelly sweets got me to this mornings 4.6 and that horrible sugar taste that follows nights like this…hey ho.

I wonder what excitement today will bring, hopefully not too much as I’m pooped🙄. Perhaps I shall catch up on all your postings from the last week or so to see what shenanigans you’ve all been up to😉

Have a good Saturday everyone.

Ps. @khskel will we get a sneak preview of your video?


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7.4 today, still nit feeling quite right, tested for Covid but that was negative, did eat Burger King late last night which hubby brought in on his way home from Silverstone. Anyway more sugar flowers today, then watching the grand prix qualifying, then back to the flowers. Wedding is next week I wanted to get them finished last weekend but I felt too I’ll with this lurgy. Then out for dinner tonight with friends.

@ColinUK - hope you feel well enough to go out and enjoy some of Pride.

@Gwynn - congratulations on your HS.
Morning all, mostly grey sky... when will summer come?
4.5 this morning at 09:00. I'll take that!

Congratulations @Gwynn for the HS.

@khskel yes, would love to see the video please!

Meeting friends this afternoon, it seems like months since we've seen them, but was actually in May.
3.3 according to Libre which would probably be 4.3 if I could have been bothered to finger prick but had already done several finger pricks at 5am when I woke up with Libre saying I was "LO" 😱 3.1 was actually the worst BG reading so not anywhere near as bad as Libre suggested but obviously not good. Admittedly I did increase my Levemir by half a unit last night to 3.5 because I didn't get out for a walk and thought I would need it, but clearly that was a bad decision.

Congrats to @Gwynn on your House Special this morning and I think also to @khskel who casually tried to sneak one past us yesterday. So cool as befits a rock star. 😎

@eggyg We got a phone call last night about the show whilst we were out driving Zak and Arthur tandem. I had to fish Ian's phone out of his pocket as his hands were full (4 long reins and a whip) and hold it to his ear so he could talk to the lady. Such a shame for the organizers but I hear the show field is so bad that tractors are having to pull tractors out. 😱

Thankfully it is bright and breezy here. We have had spells of heavy downpours but pleasant in between and we got out with the horses last night between showers. There was a big black cloud chasing us home but we beat it! 😎
3.3 according to Libre which would probably be 4.3 if I could have been bothered to finger prick but had already done several finger pricks at 5am when I woke up with Libre saying I was "LO" 😱 3.1 was actually the worst BG reading so not anywhere near as bad as Libre suggested but obviously not good. Admittedly I did increase my Levemir by half a unit last night to 3.5 because I didn't get out for a walk and thought I would need it, but clearly that was a bad decision.

Congrats to @Gwynn on your House Special this morning and I think also to @khskel who casually tried to sneak one past us yesterday. So cool as befits a rock star. 😎

@eggyg We got a phone call last night about the show whilst we were out driving Zak and Arthur tandem. I had to fish Ian's phone out of his pocket as his hands were full (4 long reins and a whip) and hold it to his ear so he could talk to the lady. Such a shame for the organizers but I hear the show field is so bad that tractors are having to pull tractors out. 😱

Thankfully it is bright and breezy here. We have had spells of heavy downpours but pleasant in between and we got out with the horses last night between showers. There was a big black cloud chasing us home but we beat it! 😎
Oh were you going to Skelton Show with the horses?. It’s my daughter’s favourite show of them all. Pity it never went ahead. Sadie, aged 4 was so upset bless her. If you go next year let me know, we’ll pop along with the family. Yes, there’s videos on FB showing them pulling the tractors out. 😱
@rebrascora. Tad soggy! 😱 They’ve worked through the night putting down wood chippings but it poured down yet again through the night and it’s very inclement today too. How heartbreaking for everyone.:(


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Oh were you going to Skelton Show with the horses?. It’s my daughter’s favourite show of them all. Pity it never went ahead. Sadie, aged 4 was so upset bless her. If you go next year let me know, we’ll pop along with the family. Yes, there’s videos on FB showing them pulling the tractors out. 😱
Yes, we were entered, but it turned out the schedule they originally posted and that we based our entries on, was an old one from years ago, so the classes we had entered were not actually being held this year!! .... ie. the private driving and show drive, so after a phone call to advise us of that a couple of days ago, we decided that we weren't going to go anyway, and we have a club drive tomorrow so it was going to be quite a hectic weekend of being away both days. I am spending the day in the garden instead. It has been sweltering in the poly tunnel but there was a load of stuff that needed potting on. I have just had to come in and nab some JBs and a cool drink as BG dropped into the red for the 4th time today 😱. Not keeping my eye on the ball. Thankfully I caught this one on 3.9 but Libre says 3.4

@TinaD You have volunteers to poo pick!!! What on earth do you promise them?
My horses mostly come into the stable and yard to poo and wee (hence mucking out summer and winter) and having been here now on the same land 23 years I have so far, not had a worm issue and I have worm counts done regularly, so I get away without poo picking but I help my sister occasionally on the livery yard she is at and it is amazing how many people find excuses when it is their turn on the rota. 🙄
Back to a decent 5.5 this morning. Wonder if the high yesterday was stress related. Currently I am having to deal with a lot of issues and a lot of people I am healing with seem to think mediocrity is the norm. I really fed up with hiding behind call centres and emails. Contacted one estate agent who said they were working from home and could not access their server. They suggested I looked on line - this is why I called for clarification as the online information was lacking. In a TV documentary the other day they said people have had 2 years to sort out home working but haven't. I agree 110%!
Well @khskel I may not be your target audience but I liked it…and your other tracks too. The sound reminds me of someone, but I can’t quite put my finger on who…a tiny hint of Siouxsie ? Is that annoying?….not who I’m thinking of though…aargh.

I see you’re on Spotify, but I’m never quite sure the best way to download music where the artists don’t get ripped off …perhaps you could let me know?

Something new to add to my playlist to listen to in the greenhouse ..thank you 🙂
Well @khskel I may not be your target audience but I liked it…and your other tracks too. The sound reminds me of someone, but I can’t quite put my finger on who…a tiny hint of Siouxsie ? Is that annoying?….not who I’m thinking of though…aargh.

I see you’re on Spotify, but I’m never quite sure the best way to download music where the artists don’t get ripped off …perhaps you could let me know?

Something new to add to my playlist to listen to in the greenhouse ..thank you 🙂
It's the way it is these days I'm afraid apparently the average payment per stream on Spotify in the UK is $0.004912438819
Oh wow, I thought it wasn’t much, but wow.

Back in the day bands used to tour to promote an album, but now I understand it’s completely flipped and the music is to promote the tour.

How do you prefer people to obtain your music?
Oh wow, I thought it wasn’t much, but wow.

Back in the day bands used to tour to promote an album, but now I understand it’s completely flipped and the music is to promote the tour.

How do you prefer people to obtain your music?
Yes that's exactly right. For small fish like us CDs and increasingly vinyl records or downloads are the ways we prefer.
Good morning everyone. Looks like I may be first up this morning. Very dark out there right now.

BG 4.8 in fact ALL readings (temperature, blood pressure, oxygen saturation) are spot on except pulse which is 53 but has always been low all my life.

Today I go to church after a 2 hour walk. A bit of a toughie this morning. I will set out at 8am. Later on an Amazon delivery, just some supplements that I am running out of.

Other than that a peaceful day planned ahead.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.