Group 7-day waking average?

8.8. I did get 3.4 in the night(should have left that 10.2 alone at bed and just checked on it later(. its only ever so sligllty above target, oh well i remember tonight obviously if its something that 14 or 15 that's a different story) again what alerted that i could be low was waking up and not really being able to fall back asleep(maybe there's times in past where i have woken up but haven't checked) after treating it i was only 4.9 so went ahead and had a biscut as well. when i did evenetly full back asleep I dreamt that I left all my insulin somewhere and then found that i did have more but that were smashhed carrtiiges. 😱:rofl:
Add to this aparrty on average type 1 diabetics make 180 extra decisions a day no wonder why I'm always tired 🙂
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Morning walk and cycle ride back.
I’m trying to find a way of “commuting” even though I’m mainly working from home.
Stopped here for a decaf Americano.
View attachment 21068

And spotted this nest which had a mix of really tiny fledglings and eggs still to hatch.
Quite funny watching two adventurous chicks make their way into the water only to be nudged back into the nest by the dad!
View attachment 21069

And then spotted cavalry trainees doing their thing so went and watched for a while.
A dozen trainees on cavalry blacks which were certainly not making it easy for the men and women in their 4th week of training. (After their basic horsemanship training which is at Windsor.)
It’s quite something being so close to a dozen large horses going at a decent gallop!

View attachment 21070
I really can’t imagine living in London and seeing all these sights everyday. Do you ever get sick of it and want to live in the UKs smallest city ( well it used to be,that might have changed now), I’m up for a house swap. 😉
Morning walk and cycle ride back.
I’m trying to find a way of “commuting” even though I’m mainly working from home.
Stopped here for a decaf Americano.
View attachment 21068

And spotted this nest which had a mix of really tiny fledglings and eggs still to hatch.
Quite funny watching two adventurous chicks make their way into the water only to be nudged back into the nest by the dad!
View attachment 21069

And then spotted cavalry trainees doing their thing so went and watched for a while.
A dozen trainees on cavalry blacks which were certainly not making it easy for the men and women in their 4th week of training. (After their basic horsemanship training which is at Windsor.)
It’s quite something being so close to a dozen large horses going at a decent gallop!

View attachment 21070
I saw a prog on TV years ago about training the cavalry, and they certainly throw them in at the deep end. Most have never ridden before, and they were sending them over jumps and everything in the schooling arena, it was carnage, there were bodies on the floor all over the place.
Good afternoon, people! 6'3 today.

I've been taking 2 units less of Levemir than my initial dose, for almost a week, and my pre-meal readings are in the 4 and 5s. Quite pleased with that, though
I wonder how long is gonna last! I think it's a combination of the warmer weather and the amount of walking I've been doing.

Had the assessment for the talking therapy and they gave me an appointment in a few weeks.

Also went for nights out the last 2 weekends and I have the chance of doing it again, don't know if I want to get used to it, but for me having Saturday or Sunday off is a bit like those BG: don't know how long it's going to last, so better enjoy them while I can :D
@eggyg Sometimes it's a bit much tbh and that's what makes the green spaces like the parks or even the canals so valuable.
I know I'm "lucky" to be so central and to be a few minutes walk away from some of the most recognised tourist and cultural attractions but there's times I'd swap it all for a home in a few acres but within easy reach of a rail link back to London.

And if there could be either a decent Waitrose or a good selection of local shops within walking distance that would be ace!
Back on the darned steroids so a gloomy 11.6 this morning, so we shall ignore that. Just had lunch, too hungry to check BG beforehand, but lunch was yummy and only 10 carbs including a finger of melon, so I was being good.
I went and had my HbA1c blood test first thing this morning, so will await the result of that - probably won't get it until I see my DN on 9 June, but I can peep at my online results before then, hopefully. Fingers crossed for a good outcome, though I know I've fallen off the wagon a few times, but BG average has remained pretty stable in 5s and 6s mostly (when steroids haven't been in use anyhow!), so I can just hope I've had a soft landing!!! lol
Pleasant day so far, only been to GP surgery and shopping, but they reckon we could have rain and thunder later.
Enjoy the rest of your day xx
I saw a prog on TV years ago about training the cavalry, and they certainly throw them in at the deep end. Most have never ridden before, and they were sending them over jumps and everything in the schooling arena, it was carnage, there were bodies on the floor all over the place.
Speaking to one of the cavalry men this morning and he said that most entrants have never sat on a horse before they go off to the 12 week basic course. He added that those are usually the easiest to teach whereas those who've ridden since infancy can be harder as they've ingrained bad habits.
@eggyg Sometimes it's a bit much tbh and that's what makes the green spaces like the parks or even the canals so valuable.
I know I'm "lucky" to be so central and to be a few minutes walk away from some of the most recognised tourist and cultural attractions but there's times I'd swap it all for a home in a few acres but within easy reach of a rail link back to London.

And if there could be either a decent Waitrose or a good selection of local shops within walking distance that would be ace!
I can offer the train station, 3.5 hours direct to London. No Waitrose in Cumbria I’m afraid, we have Booths though, posh as owt. The nearest is 16 miles away but the bus stop is just a few metres away! No theatres unless you count our local sports centre, one minute it’s a squash court, then they pull a few seats down and, voila, it’s a 1500 seater concert hall! But we can be in the north Lakes in 20 minutes and Scotland in 10. We could do a time share.
Throw in a hunky cavalryman @eggyg and I’m there like a shot. 😉
Why do you think I stood there admiring their horsemanship for quite so long?!
Bonjour. And it’s 5.4 from me today.
It’s also pouring with rain and looks likely to rain all day long so that’s put the kybosh on my early morning stroll as I’m likely to melt in the rain of course.

Ooh has anyone started to watch Night Sky with Sissy Spacek and JK Simmons? It’s on Prime. Watched the first episode last night after watching the dinosaurs thing on AppleTV and thought both were excellent.
Highly recommend!
8 this morning. Had a really good bg day yesterday with 87% in range which vs my long term average of 49% I was impressed with. I did take bolus 7 times though and 2 basal jabs
Good morning - 4.1
Good morning a respectable 5.5 today
that’s three days in a row I’ve woken somewhere on the 5 step.

looking forwards to some time off next week for me
Have a great day everybody 😎
Why do you think I stood there admiring their horsemanship for quite so long?!
Cos you loves horsies? 😉

Morning folks. 🙂 7.9 here.

Got a phone call out of the blue yesterday from a dietitian at Llanelli hospital inviting me to do a DAFNE course! I had to sit down. She said she was going thru patient lists, trying to clear the backlog, and was I available in a couple of weeks? It’s an hour’s drive to Llanelli, but I said
YEESSS!!! She’s zooming me tomorrow to prep me for the course...o_O:D