Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. Beautiful day today!

5.5 this morning. Weird evening yesterday. Came home from town late afternoon, well pleased as we had got nearly all our holiday toiletry needs for nothing, having paid with points. Set about making the butter chicken and sag aloo with a glass of wine in hand. There's nothing complicated about Indian food but it can be time consuming to make. By the time I had the chicken simmering nicely with a timer on I had fallen asleep on the sofa. By the time I had it on the table I had lost my appetite, so clearly had bolussed too much for what I actually ate. I put on a temp basal of -20% and was in bed at 10:30. Didn't wake till 9:15. Cannot understand why I was so tired. Still, there's enough leftovers for dinner tonight and curries usually improve overnight.

Sat in bed with a cuppa and only took the hint to get out of bed when hubby started stripping the bed to wash the sheets when I was still in it! I'm so lazy! Nothing much on today except hopefully a nice walk this afternoon.

@rebrascora enjoy your hosting today.

@Lily123 Congratulations on your HS.

@gll and @Michael12421 congrats on much better FBGs.

@TinaD I am in awe of your efforts on behalf of your guests. Hope you get through all the frustrations very soon.

Have a nice day everyone.

Nit been up long as didn’t get home from hen do until 2am. Had a lovely time and was pleased with a 6.5 this morning as I had some very sweet cocktails and was eating a burger at midnight. Didny get up until 10.30 today.

@Lily123 - congratulations on your HS.

Have a good day everyone
Morning 10.3

Had a very much overdue haircut yesterday and feel much better for it, also did some housework with a bit more to finish today, and organised my diabetes kit as am going away for a bit soon. Got a cheap case for an Apple Pencil which fits meter, strips, lancer, small plastic bag for used strips, pen, needles, fast carbs, slow carbs and emergency gel.
I like the case. Great idea. Do you mind me asking where you got it from. I’ve been looking for something similar for ages and just can’t find it !
Dog update. I have just been out for a walk with my friend (and the dog). A good walk. Really needed as my wife refused to leave the house because of the intruders but then went on to blame me for all sorts of stuff and ended telling me how creuel and heartless I am for not fitting alarms everywhere and video cameras everywhere.

It didn't make me feel good. And she went on and on but wouldn't couldn't listen to any of my rational reasoning addressing each 'intruder damage' issue. Still the walk was refreshing except that we crossed the path of one of those 'fighting' dog types who lunged, snarled and growled at my dog. Thankfully it was on a leash but my dog was very shaken up by it. I was a bit shaken up by it.

All sorted now as we are back home. Jessica (the dog) has had a snack and some goats milk and is quietly lying next to me fast asleep. Nice.
@gll and @Michael12421 congrats on much better FBGs.
the awesome lasted long...15.6 or 17.2 (take your pick) at lunch with a 14g carb (total) brekkie + mid morning snack.
Really itching to get a libre on for a fortnight to see how I'm trending. Not sure if I'm better to hold off until I am nearer targets or might wait until I get my appointment letter and have libre overlap for the week she wants fingerprick data before appointment (happy to share with her even if I fund it).

ended telling me how creuel and heartless I am for not fitting alarms everywhere and video cameras everywhere.
2 things:
1) in case you need to hear this - you are NOT cruel and you are NOT heartless. You are full of compassion and love and you are doing your best. (bug hugs)
2) would getting dummy cameras and dummy alarms calm things down any or would there just be something else instead or paranoia about the cameras? just an idea x
I forgot to post my number this morning 4.0 and falling fast.

Have a good rest of the day.
Sounds like it would fit fine then!
Oh fab. Thanks. I have a nexus mini ultra I carry around just in case the libre “lies” which is tiny.
@gll thanks for the suggestion but alas it would not work. Oddly, real cameras and alarms wouldn't work either as it is not evidence that all is ok but a belief that all is not ok that she hangs on to, regardless of any evidence (and I have examples of that sadly)

Things are better this evening. Things are better with the dog too. Got her to eat as well as drink which she would not do before.

Life can sure get complicated at times and usually the complications are made or made worse by ourselves.

Thanks for caring. It means a lot to me.
Evening folks

Was an 11 for me this morning after another night of nightmares, they are really plaguing me these last couple of weeks, at least Bruce was there last night to cuddle and settle me again xx
A great night until I let the dog out and it saw a cat in our small garden. She went nuts. Shook all of us up. However she then slept well only to wake and see another cat through the window and has barked and grissled ever since even though at 4am I covered the windows so she could see nothing.

BG 5.4 this morning but blood pressure high (I wonder why)

Tired and a bit fed up this motning. Hopefully my daughter will come and pick it up later today. Unfortunately we have a second, week long dog sitting coming up in a weeks time. Why did I ever agree to this? Because I felt sorry for my daughter....and I thought looking after the dog would be easier.
Good morning - 7.3
Good morning. 8.1 for me. Managed 100% in target yesterday, doubt it will last but it made a change 🙂. Have a good day everybody.
Morning gang
It's a 17.8 from me today sugars are all to pot at the moment spent the weekend resting drinking coupius amounts of builders tea and being ignored by the hound she's proper got the hump with me at the moment cause Im not able to walk her she's only getting a hour a day from the dog walker so I'm getting a great deal of her sitting with her back to me trip to the hospital today for a check up so more sitting about. I'm almost part of the furniture I'm there so blooming often seeing the dietican I'm two and half stone down at the moment and I need to keep as much meat on me bones as I can at the minute mentally in a pretty OK space more determined than ever to beat this and get on with serving a purpose and not just purposely serving.. Have a great day what ever your up to
Keep on keeping on