Group 7-day waking average?

Oh dear, I have the feeling that the dog is depressed. Not a happy dog at all.

I would be if I felt abandoned too. Not sure what to do about it except to continue to be reassuring.

At the moment this is not fun for me, more upsetting than fun.
It's a 21.2 from me
There's a reason why it's so high again though I started radiotherapy again on Thursday so my system is a little taxed at the minute! I'm OK and just getting on with the treatment and with everything else that's come along with it. Just wanted to pop in and say hi to everyone today's plan includes a trip to the sofa and a trip to the bedroom and loads of trips to the loo...a few high protein meals and cups of tea thrown in for good measure..
Keep on keeping on
2.6 for me this morning on the Libre (finger prick not so bad at 3.7) despite another Levemir reduction last night but also did a correction for a 9.9 at bedtime thinking with the reduced bedtime dose I wanted to go to bed in the 5s. Clearly not quite the best decision.

Congrats to @Pattidevans on your optimum waking reading yesterday and likewise to @Sitosea for your achievement this morning. Well done guys!

Can't believe how quickly Zara is growing up @eggyg It is amazing! She obviously takes after her Grandma for being photogenic.

@Gwynn. Hope your house guest settles in soon. Not easy for animals to understand what is going on and cope with it although some do seem to manage better than others.
Morning everyone. 16.2

Managed to get through to my GPs yesterday after their phone lines being down for most of the week and arrange my test strips to be done in 200s instead of 100s. Will be having a party at my house and using them as confetti :rofl:
Very sad as to what makes me happy these days :confused:

Have a great day everyone.

@Sitosea nicely done on the HS
@Michael12421 glad the adjustment is kicking in with better numbers
@Griffin. can we please stop this body falling to bits thing 😉 If you are always unwell, who is going to report on hellhounds adventures to us and I need my fix of those. (but really sending all the hugs your way)
Oh @Griffin. I was starting to worry when you hadn't posted for a few days. It's good to hear from you but so sorry that you are needing more radiotherapy. Take it easy and listen to lots of soothing music and keep us posted.
Sending gentle (((HUGS))) you way.
Morning all - looks like it's going to be a nice day. Having said that, we've had lots of sunny days, but they have all been accompanied by bitter winds.

Well, well, well.... another 5.2 at 8:40 this morning... though it dropped to 4.2 within an hour, I ate half a biscuit and am now sitting comfortably in the mid 6s.

Congrats to @Sitosea on your HS.

@Griffin. big HUGS!

@Gwynn hope your guest settles in better today

@Kaylz so glad to hear your BGs are settling a bit.

@Michael12421 very pleased to see your adjustments are working!

I wonder how @TinaD 's guests are getting on now.

Well, might venture into town to stock up on toiletries ahead of our hols, as I have a decent build up of Boots' advantage points. Apart from that the only other plans are to cook Butter Chicken and Sag Aloo for dinner. Oh, the LivLife bread is doing wonders to iron out the post-lunch spikes! I can bolus ahead by 1hr 15 and still get a spike with ordinary bread.
Update: the dog did settle down again and did really well on a walk just now. Maybe I was being a bit overworrying as both my daughter and her daughter would not forgive me if anything untoward happened to their dog.

It was a good 50 minute walk but hard work as I have to keep her on a short lead and she does pull occasionally. But the worst bit is that she cannot walk in a straight line, constantly weaving. The good news is that she has nearly got the hang of the command 'sit'. Not quite there yet but it is only day 2.

She is back to sleeping again now. She is quite old , at least 7 years old. She was a rescue dog that was destined to be put down before my daughter rescued it.
No more steroids so got a lovely 5.1 this morning (that 5.2 still avoids me lol), BP pill taken last night has given me a good reading also.
Was busy wandering around a shopping district yesterday, as well as doing the weekend shop plus some light chores, but I thought I'd still have a short spin on the exercise bike after dinner. As it was I stayed on it for a full 20 minutes doing a virtual ride in the Cotswolds 🙂
Enjoy your weekend whatever you have planned - or just lay back and relax x
Not been to Chelsea in years! Enjoy!
I’m thinking of maybe Hampton Court as not been to that one in ages either.
I have never been to a flower show! I enjoy on the telly though. 🙂 This morning's programme was a repeat of the lock-down cancellation, how quickly we forget.
Good afternoon, this morning woke at around ten (after nearly 11hrs sleep) to a 8.6
even on a day off I’m usually awake just before 6am.
I didn’t really sleep well Thursday night - so obviously I needed the sleep.

Yesterday I managed to finally get a blood test authorised and the necessary appointment booked,my Hba1c is overdue.

Plus have been re referred and now booked the initial consultation (in a fortnights time) at a different hospital, this time a private hospital (tat it seems like many others they are propping up the NHS)
as although I was undergoing treatment was recently discharged from the local hospital, following the senior orthopaedic consultant / surgeon leaving.

Waiting to hear when next consultation can happen with the diabetic consultant, I’m still hoping he agrees to change my medication, I’ve really not got on so well with Trulicity as Ozempic, still will see what the Hba1c comes back as I suppose.

have a great weekend everybody whatever your doing😎
Well...after a morning and most of an afternoon struggling to get levels above 5, i've had an evening and night (so far) struggling to get levels below 10. What a day!!
My body clock is almost there after an extra wee kip that turned out to be necessary for me to get up & have some food! Got up the first time yesterday evening a bit earlier 22:04 BS 5.9 & so hungry that I had an extra baked potato with still the same amount of 200g of heinz beans & two slices of Low Low, it’s a local Northern Irish brand that’s known for being low fat with its diary products, cheese & dithered with either the old +2 extra or the new +4 extra NR? I went with +2 just to prove it to myself that I DO indeed need +4 now for extra food when I’m hungry & went back to bed as I was dropping off, watching the new season 4 episodes of Agatha Raisin I bought on iTunes, around 23:45. And now after a bit more sleep I’m up properly 03:04 BS 9.3 & it’s proof: should have gone 38 units instead of 36 NR for 2 baked potatoes instead of 1; corrected now though! 🙂

An extremely early Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Been enjoying series 4 of Agatha Raisin that was delayed, like so many other film & tv productions because of covid, & it’s sad to read the “In loving memory of M C Beaton” messages at the end of each episode who wrote the books died just before the pandemic hit in 2019! :( She highly praised Ashley Jensen’s comedic portrayal of Agatha Raisin on the screen & the updated, for the audience of today, way the episodes have been done!😛 I love it too for it’s mix of ridiculous humour & clever murder solving: Agatha Raisin in her brightly coloured outfits with high heels traipsing about precariously solving murders!:rofl:😛😎🙄😉

Oops! 😳 Edited to correct:- The Low Low brand is made in County Kerry Ireland & they do low fat cheese & buttery spreads etc. I love the taste of both!😛
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