Group 7-day waking average?

5.2 first time I’ve ever had one in the morning so I’ll go with sensor not blood which will inevitably be different. The aim is to avoid the green bit as much as you can right?


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Morning all. 🙂 8.7 before bed, 8.1 this morning - lovely flatfish all night long, but too high for my liking. I’m not tweaking my basal again tho. I’ll do some gardening instead.😛

Did you tweak your basal @Michael12421? Apparently, you’ve got a severe weather warning (extreme heat) in Andalucía - I hope you manage to stay cool somehow. 😎
Did you tweak your basal @Michael12421? Apparently, you’ve got a severe weather warning (extreme heat) in Andalucía - I hope you manage to stay cool somehow. 😎
Yes, I reduced basal by one unit but I understand that it may take 2 or 3 days to have any effect.
We have had warnings for a week now that UV is extremely high and all measures must be taken to protect oneself.
@Lucyr well done on the House Special. I just missed it by a whisker today - 5.3. 🙂


Another 9.something today

My hands were looking really good, hadn't had any blood blisters or anything for a while, that was until I opened a ring pull tin of tuna and now have a blood blister :( xx
5.4 for me with an upward sloping arrow but that was because 2 JBs were bringing me up from a 3.5 earlier, so my 4 units of Levemir were a bit too much last night. Got the dentist coming this morning for the horses, so got to go up to the farm to catch Ian's horses for him (they can be a little evasive sometimes) but I have knack, then back to my yard, where mine will come to a whistle if they haven't already heard the car pull up. Always amazes me how my yard is on a busy main road with thousands of cars passing every day or pulling in to go to the shop next door, but they know mine!

@Lucyr Many congratulations on your first House Special. Green is so last year's colour.... who wouldn't want some red and yellow in their lives 😉
Morning all 15.2

DSN called back at just after 8am with apologies for not phoning me. She does come across as very genuine and she's very easy to talk to.
Anyway updated my thread with what was all said : HERE

Gratz on the HS @Lucyr <3

Have a great friday everyone!

Another one on the 6.2 step today, levels deffo seem better after yoga the night before, so going to go back to doing a 20 or 30 mins nightly yoga session from my Davina app, to see if that helps.

Very grey here today, hope it brightens up tomorrow as off to a hen do in London which is not a boozy pub-crawl type hen do, we are meeting up at 9.30am, and going to the London Dungeons, then at some point in the day, an organised walk around part of London again think to do with crimes, so not sure if it one of the jack the ripper walks, then a ghost bus tour, in the evening but it will still be light!! finishing up with cocktails in the evening, which will be fizzy water for me.

@Lucyr - congrats on your 1st ever HS.
Morning all it was 2.7 for me with a vertical down arrow and a red overnight graph. Feeling fine a finger test gave 7.4. sensor threatened with a report to Abbott. Just checked again and we've got 5.7 v 6.1 so hopefully it was just the way I was sleeping.

Have a good day everyone.
@Grannylorraine I’ll keep an eye out on my strolls around town tomorrow for you and your friends!
6.3 this morning. Slept late because I keep going to bed far too late. I need to cook earlier in the evening. Mrs mop today doing changeover for our rental cottage here (although saying that my hubby's over there putting the linen on the kingsize bed as we speak because it's too much for me after my surgery 😉). Bit of a nightmare going on up on Harris where our other rental cottage is. The ferry crashed (bumped) into a pier on another island so it's had to be taken off for hull repair and is out of service for a full week. So now the guests leaving tomorrow have had the worry of what they'll do but luckily they've managed to get on a late one tomorrow evening from Stornoway to Ullapool. And the guests arriving on Sunday who are already on holiday on the Isle of Skye now have to try to get on the Ullapool to Stornoway one on Sunday instead - and then it will all happen all over again next Friday (that will teach me to allow a short let during the main season!). I have to be assertive whilst sympathetic but obviously it's completely out of my hands and the incoming guests do have to take priority (first world problems I hear you say!). Have a good day everyone. I've changed my profile pic to be a bit more summery and Wilbur wanted to be part of the action.
Hmm interesting daughter arrived, dumped the dog and food and stuff and then promptly left.

Dog is settling in (I think)

Pictures to come some time
Morning all!

Not as flat as I'd like overnight, but I will take my morning scan and be grateful!
@Grannylorraine glad you are feeling better.

@Lucyr congratulations on your first HS! Woo hoo... know how much you have been struggling.

@gll sorry not answered you sooner... was out most of yesterday. FWIW when I was first diagnosed I was told T2 beause I had only trace ketones (according to the horrid little Ketostix, which are quite easy to read wrongly if you don't get the timing spot on). Clearly I was still producing small amounts of insulin - which very quickly ran out, but the diagnosis was still wrong as was subseqently discovered. I had to kick up something of a fuss i.e. bursting into tears in the nurse's office and saying how it affected me mentally not having a proper diagnosis, before I got the correct tests which proved that their "off the top of their heads" diagnosis was wrong.

Even so, T2 or not, I was at least put on a proper insulin regime which worked almost instantly. I didn't have to fight for it. I really do feel for you... over 18 years of being part of the online diabetic community I have come across only a small handful of cases where the HCPs have been so reluctant to prescribe insulin where it's patently needed. I hope the nurse is as good as her word and rings you promptly next time.

@Michael12421 this morning's result is a little better... what basal insulin are you on? Do you have a half unit pen? Please promise me that if it's not a better waking number in a day or so you will adjust down again.

Oh well, have a good day everyone!
I use Toujeo, no half unit pens available.
Today is the hottest day of the year so far and guess what? They came to fix my central heating. Duh
Ah, right! I have no personal experience of Toujeo but I believe it does take a few days to adjust.

LOL! re the heating! Typical!
Well, that’s a relief! I do qualify for help & it’s urgent help too I’m down for so, they’ll be getting back to me ASAP! 🙂

Now, I’m knackered & will finally eat something, couldn’t before the way my stomach was feeling, before going to bed for some sleep! A Rumbling Tummy, if such an emoji exists, & a stream of z’s emojis! :D
Took my last lot of steroids late last night, along with my other meds, so wasn't surprised to be greeted with a 10.4 this morning.
Been out with daughter today, stopped for brunch - smoked salmon, scrambled egg and spinach bagel in Tesco's cafe, along with English Breakfast tea (no sugar) - did not eat all the actual bagel, just most of the first half. Came home, put shopping away, made a caramel latte (sachet - higher carb than homemade), just checked BG again and we are down to 5.6, so more than happy about that.
Exercise bike - I have improved as this week has gone by, struggled to reach 3 minutes to begin with, but yesterday I managed 2 stints of 10 minutes duration, so feeling very chuffed about that. Onwards and upwards hopefully.
Have a good weekend all 🙂