Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning - 6.6 but not a very realistic sample - up since 1.40 to get some peace and quiet to fill in yet more paperwork.

Our Government welcomed Ukrainians but made no effort to simplify the process of getting visas to get here or benefits once arrived. How bad is it? Universal Credit, online forms ghastly and then you need an appointment which doesn't come, at the best the application takes 5 weeks; child benefit 4 weeks and send us your passport so we can lose it; contact the Red Cross - no don't - they talk for 3 hours and then you have to apply for the money and sim cards by phone so that they will send you an email about more required details - only they do not; apply for school places online only - except the page says "Oops, something has gone wrong, we will contact IT"; we will give sponsors £350 a month, if you ask for it, whether you have 1 or 6 Ukrainians (daren't look at credit card statement but £350 will not touch the sides); apply for biometric residence permits - no appointments available in Cardiff I am told but plenty in Birmingham - just 3 hours drive away....they all need to go and 6 will not go in a Skoda Octavia.

On the plus side: they are a nice family and like gardening so they have been planting lots of veggies to reduce their food bills; the community has done better than the government in providing clothes; money for a car and insurance, road tax (can't wait for delivery, my poor car is slurping down diesel daily) and an invitation to the 4 June celebration; my handyman has taken them to the seaside (leaving me to phone/email/forms/despair over applications) which they loved; communication is improving - not sure if it is me getting better at guessing Ukrainian or them at guessing English but it is good exercise as lots of arm waving required; there is a lot of laughter round the place and they are looking a better colour now that they sleep in beds not in the car, in a garage, waiting for the all clear. Also I have found Mum and Dad part time jobs starting this week - one simply created by a friend - the other in a local company offering free English lessons - no NI numbers yet so private enterprise trumps the government again.

Must try to find time to cook - I'm living on cheese, parma ham, yoghurt and nuts. Maybe next week...
Good morning everyone after a much improved night for everyone, including the dog. I actually got some sleep but only becase everyone else did.

BG 5.1 this morning. Missed HS by a whisper.

A quiet day planned. Ie no plans as yet.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning. 5.6 after a weird night with very strange nightmares where I was being chased by wild boar. I realise I am actually in a fenced off area where they are allowed to be and it was me which is the intruder. I manage to lose all of them somehow but then I fall over and am confronted by a massive boar who is towering over me.
And then I wake up.

That happened twice last night and it’s not as if I even eat bacon!
Oh dear I spoke too soon...the dog is clearly a bit distressed now and has been calling her family and won't settle this morning. She has eaten nothing of her normal food since her family left to go on holiday and buries anything else we give her (like a dog biscuit, hide 'bone', etc).

What I find very hard on me is the whining and barking (my tinnitus and sensitivity to noise). What I find hard on her is her clear distress and confusion.

At least I solved the no drinking problem for her.

I guess it is very hard on a dog to be separated from its normal family. I wish she could understand that they are coming back tomorrow....then it's a weeks break for all of us....then the dog is back with us for a whole week whilst they all go off on a longer break.

I haven't had a holiday in over 15 years!!! Sigh.

I hope the rest of the day improves for the dog. I struggle emotionally dealing with distress. I now feel shredded. I guess I wouldn't make a good marine or soldier.
Morning 10.3

Had a very much overdue haircut yesterday and feel much better for it, also did some housework with a bit more to finish today, and organised my diabetes kit as am going away for a bit soon. Got a cheap case for an Apple Pencil which fits meter, strips, lancer, small plastic bag for used strips, pen, needles, fast carbs, slow carbs and emergency gel.


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Morning all. 5.8 when I rose at 6.20. Not by choice, Zara is an early riser but TBF she went to bed no bother at 7.15 and we never heard a peep until 6am, she just chattered away to herself until I went for her. We’ve all had our breakfast and chilling now! NOT! She’s a live wire. :rofl:

Today will be mostly spent entertaining a 14 month old! We’ll be good for nowt tomorrow, oh wait, it’s our Zara Monday tomorrow. o_O Roll on Tuesday when I think we may have a day off, it’s hard work being retired!😉

Well done once again @Pattidevans. Fingers crossed for the hat trick today.
@Gwynn swap the dog for the baby?
@TinaD hope things are resolved very soon. It sounds like a nightmare, the powers that be aren’t making it easy are they?

Have a super Sunday.
Morning all. 🙂 6.4 here. The last couple of days I’ve been bewilderingly hi-di-hi but back down to earth with a bump today, phew!

Good to hear your Ukrainians are looking more relaxed and pink-cheeked @TinaD. What a nightmare they’ve been thru. I hope the paperwork nightmare is sorted asap. It sounds worse than dealing with the DVLA!
Morning all, 5.6 here. So what did I do yesterday while I was finishing the holiday washing? Booked another holiday, of course. July, in the Dolomites (Italian side of the Alps) We’ve missed them for the last two years, and Inghams had a special offer I couldn’t refuse. The hol we’ve just had was paid for in 2020, it just kept getting put off, so I felt justified in creating a 'this year’s' holiday budget.
6.2 I kind of expected it to be a bit higher because I spent a bit of time sorting out my backfast. Perherps im not getting dawn phermon anymore or pherperps it was actually lower ealiler or perhaps dawn phermom hasn't happened yet. I can't tell at the moment.
Not going to bother with today's: more steroids from A&E last night, not home until 1.00am and hadn't eaten anything since lunch apart from 2 slices of wholemeal bread and butter, which I commanded so as to line my stomach, before I would take those tablets (not making that mistake twice!) - so got home with a chronic case of the munchies and a huge thirst despite taking my water flask and refilling it there. Up with the sun to get some hot tea and refill water flask with iced water again.
Hoping to go out to the "Big Doggie Do" event this afternoon as the day/weather looks promising....though hubby doesn't yet know we plan to be kidnapping the dog!
Enjoy your Sunday
Morning all 12.1.

I'm going to chill out this morning, had a migraine yesterday so feeling a bit delicate this morning still and body is complaining about feeling low.

have a great day everyone

@TinaD the 5 week wait for UC is normal. I do believe you can ask for an advance on the payment when applying or within a certain amount of days of applying. Not totally sure if that's a thing for refugee status but worth checking to see if they qualify.
Good morning- 5.2

@gll that seems to be heading in the right direction compared to your recent levels! Well done!
Good morning all. Very happy with a 5.9 this morning with just 2 units of Levemir last night. Needed a 1.5 unit correction at bedtime when levels were 8.6 with an upward sloping arrow but that seems to have worked perfectly.

We are hosting the driving club meet today so I need to head up to the farm pronto.
Hope everyone has a good day.
Well done @Lily123 on that 5.2. 🙂
My reading first thing this morning was 5.7. 🙂

Good morning all. Overnight i've hovered in the 11s and woke at 8.30 with an 8.1. Roll on an hour and its dropped to 4.9 despite eating breakfast. I hope its not another motning of lows. Ironing to do today but not much else planned atm.

@TinaD you are doing such an amazing thing to help and support the family. What a lovely community you must live in for them to rally round and give you extra support.
@Gwynn this might be a silly question and you might have tried it but could you have something that your daughter has worn which smells of her so the dog can have it with her? Or maybe a throw she has wrapped around her for a while so the dog can lie on it? It might not work but its worth a try.
@Lily123 Congrats on the HS
@rebrascora enjoy your day.

Have a lovely Sunday everyone. Why do the weekends go so quickly?!