Group 7-day waking average?

5.9 here, excited to find you can now log insulin and carbs on the Shuggah app I use for libre as cgm


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Morning folks. 🙂 7.0 here.

Yesterday I wrote a list of everything diabetes-related I’d need to take with me on holiday...good grief! No more travelling light. o_O I’ll need an extra car just for all the diabetes gumph. Or a trailer, in the shape of a pancreas, hmmm.

Glad to hear you’re body clock’s back to normal @Lanny. :D

Tested before bed to 10.something, had a bit of fun yesterday morning so thought I'd go 3 shortbread fingers and a dark chocolate digestive "just in case", goodness knows what is going on with me but according to Libre I went just above 12 at about 1am then proceeded to nose dive, finger pricked at 5am to 5.6 and thought that can't be right so another finger gave 5.7, had 5 lifts and went to the loo and when I got back down to 4.9 and starting to feel a bit off so had 6 more, come about 6:45 I was 8.8 which I'm far more comfortable with at the moment, hopefully I won't be dropping like that again anytime soon! xx
Morning all. 10.4.

Up before my alarm too. My son must have an early start today, he picked up with the dog early today. Of course he wanted out right away for his inspection of the garden so I got up etc. Soon as he was done he abandoned me to go curl up with my daughter. 🙄

Got some bits and bobs to do with my sis in law today (tip run, picking up her prescriptions and shopping) so had better go get showered and ready for the day.

Have a great day everyone!
8.8. I did get 3.4 in the night(should have left that 10.2 alone at bed and just checked on it later(. its only ever so sligllty above target, oh well i remember tonight obviously if its something that 14 or 15 that's a different story) again what alerted that i could be low was waking up and not really being able to fall back asleep(maybe there's times in past where i have woken up but haven't checked) after treating it i was only 4.9 so went ahead and had a biscut as well. when i did evenetly full back asleep I dreamt that I left all my insulin somewhere and then found that i did have more but that were smashhed carrtiiges. 😱:rofl:
5.8 for me today. 🙂

Thanks @gll for mentioning prescriptions, you reminded me I needed to contact the chemist to ask why Bruce didn't get a new sharps bin when he handed my full one in on Saturday 🙄 xx
Afternoon! As it happened it wasn’t our Zara Monday, we’re all mixed up with being on holiday, so I’ve had a much needed lie in. Rewarded with a rather nice 5.5. A great number that panders to my slight OCD.

I’ve stripped the bed and the washer is on, forecast not brilliant but it’s dry, so far. Rained all day yesterday until teatime, then it was glorious, but too late to do anything as we were cream crackered after three days of childcare. Mr Eggy is planting his iceberg lettuce seeds today, I’m pootling around the house. Not too much housework going to happen as we have the four eldest grandchildren coming for a sleepover this coming weekend! We’re absolute gluttons for punishment. TBF it tends to be the WiFi that gets the battering, I just dish up food three times a day, they help theirselves to snacks. It’s a bit easier than looking after one baby, but noisier!

Have a Happy Monday, although it’s nearly Tuesday now! I’m ashamed! 😉
Thanks @gll for mentioning prescriptions, you reminded me I needed to contact the chemist to ask why Bruce didn't get a new sharps bin when he handed my full one in on Saturday 🙄 xx
our lot don't do sharps bins, just needle clippers and pop whats left in a container like a shampoo bottle and seal it and bin it 🙄
7.8 for me this morning. Think I ate too many walnuts before bed. 🙄
our lot don't do sharps bins, just needle clippers and pop whats left in a container like a shampoo bottle and seal it and bin it 🙄
Ours has always done exchange, not sure what size mines usually are but they last months, when we started getting the Sayana contraceptive injection (self administer) the nurse that watched mum do her first was just like you can just use Kayleigh's sharps bin :rofl:, I've emailed the chemist as said if they could pop one with my prescription that Bruce is picking up on Saturday it would save everyone time, I do have a needle clipper somewhere but I've never used it xx
Morning everyone. 5.9 for me this morning. Still having the weird taste/sensation in my mouth - I'm wondering whether it's an after taste from sweetners which I have in tea (3 x day) and coffee (1 or 2 a day).
Morning all on this grey day.

6.9 @ 08:40... 4.9 30 mins later.

@eggyg you exhaust me with your energy! LOL! I'd be lying prone after 1 childcare day!
Yesterday I wrote a list of everything diabetes-related I’d need to take with me on holiday...good grief! No more travelling light. o_O I’ll need an extra car just for all the diabetes gumph. Or a trailer, in the shape of a pancreas, hmmm.
Whatever you do don't forget insulin... after my recent experience I realise it's nowhere near easy to get it away from home.
I agree though, all my gumph nearly fills my cabin bag when we go on holiday.
Morning all and 5.1 for me.

Hurrah, reduced basal yesterday evening and flatfish overnight. Trying a reduction this morning as well to see if I can stop going low at teatime.

Have a good day everyone.

6.2 today, nice lie in as not at work today. Still feeling tired from my late night Saturday.
Morning walk and cycle ride back.
I’m trying to find a way of “commuting” even though I’m mainly working from home.
Stopped here for a decaf Americano.

And spotted this nest which had a mix of really tiny fledglings and eggs still to hatch.
Quite funny watching two adventurous chicks make their way into the water only to be nudged back into the nest by the dad!

And then spotted cavalry trainees doing their thing so went and watched for a while.
A dozen trainees on cavalry blacks which were certainly not making it easy for the men and women in their 4th week of training. (After their basic horsemanship training which is at Windsor.)
It’s quite something being so close to a dozen large horses going at a decent gallop!
