Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all, 6.3 here. That'll be the Sachertorte. Not the real thing from the Viennese cafe, we didn’t want to remortgage the house, but the chef on board did his own very nice version. Relaxing morning sitting on deck coming up as we sail back to Budapest. I could do with a sit down, we walked miles round Vienna yesterday. (in the rain, but the sun is back out now).
Good morning - 4.8

Yesterday evening I spiked up to 15.9 (no obvious reason) so did a correction and then I went low at 10 O’clock, again at 11, again at 11:30, again at 1:20, again at 3:00 and then again at 4;00. I did the correction at 6:30 so it couldn’t have caused all them hypos
Morning all. Scores on the doors,6.4.

Had pleasant enough evening with friends, had penne salmone ( didn’t t quite finish it) and one small glass of Pinot Grigio, and my BGs behaved impeccably all night.

Lovely morning so far and hope to stay that way. Daughter and baby Zara coming for lunch, haven’t seen them for three weeks! BTW, Zara hadn’t caught COVID from her other grandparents, it turned out to be tonsillitis. Poor wee soul has been in a right state with herself, but a course of antibiotics seems to have done the trick and she’s picked up. Looking forward to seeing her, she took her first steps when we were away so I’m looking forward to chasing her around the garden trying to stop her going head first into the ponds or down the many steps we have or over the garden wall! Great fun.😳

Have a great day. 🙂

@TinaD good luck with the forms, hopefully the Red Cross can help, or at least point you in the right direction.
Morning all. 7.6 after a 3am 2JB. Feeling very low last night and this morning. Tearful and tired. Finding everything (not just diabetes) overwhelming atm.
Morning all. 🙂 4.6 here.

@TinaD you’re an absolute star. Hope dad gets the job and the form gets sorted...then you can chillllll.

Had another fab appointment with my DSN yesterday to prep me for my pump start. My latest A1c (done with a finger prick) is 7.7% (61), so moving in the right direction. Today’s task is buy a cheap laptop so that I can upload my Omnipod PDM data.

Sounds like you’re having a lovely holiday @Robin - hope you get more sunshine, although I’m sure most European cities look spectacular in the rain too.

Aw, poor little Zara @eggyg. I bet she’s missed you and Mr Eggy.
Today the Libre was showing 5.1, but this current libre is a bit erratic and the raw data (Obtained through another app) tends to go mad when I start any sort of movement/exercise before settling back down again a few minutes later.

Yesterday I had a dentist's appointment to get scans done for the crowns on my implant - this involved removing the healing caps and when one went back in it nicked my gum and I was in pain all day. This seemed to push BG a little bit higher than normal (Although when the libre was reading 6.5 my contour next have me a 4.8!) until the pain went away.
6 for me today.
I’ll chase the police for an update today and see what’s happened if anything.
Also going to buy myself a Panama hat and play the role of a dapper gent around town as this sun is way too fierce for my delicate skin.

Oh and I’m going to work today as well of course.
I thought I'd lost the knack but first thing this morning I got

9.9 today

Bruce started showing signs of our cold on Monday, mum was a week since it started for her yesterday and was starting to feel better, oddly mines became apparent on the Friday but I'm feeling pretty well already with only minor coughing and a bit of a blocked nose when I get too hot although levels are still off xx
7.8 dropped to 2.9 in the midle of night(noting that that waking up and geting restless is now a hypo systom) think it might diffentlly be time to try half an unit less of evening liverier because its been a few times now i've dropped from where i was using 5 units.
Morning all and it was 7.7 for me.

Was 5.8 at bed so had an oatcake and peanut butter. Levels rose gently and stayed there all night. After the nigh before's drop from 13 to 4 I thought better safe than sorry.

Anyway gardening to do, studio to book and rehearsals to arrange.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning everyone (I'm a bit of a late riser!). 6.5 this morning. Yesterday I went for a 2.5 hour walk very early (7am) and must say that all day I was feeling a bit weird. I get this sort of feeling in my mouth and I feel as though it's my BG telling me I'm low and then if I do a test it isn't actually low, but not high either - it's definitely a feeling I've been having since last year when the whole pancreas thing flared up but it's SO difficult to describe. I once described it as being as though I'd been inhaling entinox but a very low dose - it doesn't make my head squiffy. Well I'm sure you're all none the wiser now either about what I'm talking about - maybe it was just tiredness. I'm still incredibly aware at certain times of the day of this big knotted feeling in my abdomen. I've asked my consultant if he can arrange an abdominal scan just so I can be told that everything's still in the right place after my op - I'm waiting to hear but it's being done on my health insurance so shouldn't be waiting this long - might have to chase them up again if I haven't heard by the end of the week. Have a good day everyone xxx

If anyone is coming to London today then be warned, I’ve got the shorts out!
Morning lovelies 16.7

Another nice day today and washing is all done n out :D Think the plan is to head up to my sis in laws and sit out in the garden with her for some heat therapy (for her, ill be hiding in the shade with a hat on).

Have a brill day everyone x
5.8 for me today and a lovely, perfectly horizontal line on my graph overnight. I am back up to 5 units of Levemir at night which obviously was spot on last night and 20 in the morning mostly holds me very steady although I have seen a slight rise this morning because I skipped breakfast.
I have to report failure on that swarm yesterday I'm afraid. Had a couple of attempts to get them but obviously didn't get the queen. Had to come in to use the loo and whilst my back was turned they took to the air. I hope they have found a nice tree cavity to move into. They were high in the air heading into the woodland above my house when I came back out before they disappeared from view, but impossible terrain to try to follow. Only a small swarm so no huge loss and there will be plenty more to come.

@MeeTooTeeTwo Good to see you back on form Dez. Congratulations!
5.8 for me today and a lovely, perfectly horizontal line on my graph overnight. I am back up to 5 units of Levemir at night which obviously was spot on last night and 20 in the morning mostly holds me very steady although I have seen a slight rise this morning because I skipped breakfast.
I have to report failure on that swarm yesterday I'm afraid. Had a couple of attempts to get them but obviously didn't get the queen. Had to come in to use the loo and whilst my back was turned they took to the air. I hope they have found a nice tree cavity to move into. They were high in the air heading into the woodland above my house when I came back out before they disappeared from view, but impossible terrain to try to follow. Only a small swarm so no huge loss and there will be plenty more to come.

@MeeTooTeeTwo Good to see you back on form Dez. Congratulations!
Good afternoon folks! 7.3 for me this morning. Thought I would turn a new leaf in this chapter after speaking to the DSN and Dietitian. Stopped noting carbs Intake. Finally understood that insulin needs to work around me not the other way. Not a sensible decision it turned out to be. Mid morning the Libre 2 warned of a high reading of 13.2.
Luckily have an appt with the Dietitian tomorrow, hopefully will learn about adjusting insulin. I am an educated , reasonably sensible individual but not when it comes to dealing with Diabetes. I myself am amazed at my lack of understanding the mechanism of Diabetes and Insulin. That's my rant over for the day. Have a good one!

If anyone is coming to London today then be warned, I’ve got the shorts out!
Might go running mine tonight, currently have capri length running leggings on but need to get the use out of the shorts.
Afternoon All

6.9 this morning which I was surprised at, but not sure why I am surprised.

@MeeTooTeeTwo - congratulations on your HS