Group 7-day waking average?


If anyone is coming to London today then be warned, I’ve got the shorts out!
…..and ON presumably?!

Dashed out this morning as overslept a bit and had to get to upholstery.

Woke with a 9.2 today….considering I spoilt yesterday’s great numbers by consuming too much birthday chocolate yesterday evening and…well let’s not mention my bedtime bg..not so bad. Back on track now, hopefully.
…..and ON presumably?!

Dashed out this morning as overslept a bit and had to get to upholstery.

Woke with a 9.2 today….considering I spoilt yesterday’s great numbers by consuming too much birthday chocolate yesterday evening and…well let’s not mention my bedtime bg..not so bad. Back on track now, hopefully.
Oh No! That sounds rather like I missed sending you birthday greetings! Belated Happy Birthday! Hope you had a lovely day and the chocolate was absolutely worth it!
Afternoon all.

6.1 at 9am after a troubled sleep, but even so, I had a nice straight line. I am being cautious, but it looks like an overhaul of my overnight basals is taking me in the right direction.

Was following the Von Trapp conversation with interest which led to me looking up the real life story. I have a friend who worked as an usherette (his description and rather apt under the circumstances) in the cinema in London where they were showing Sound of Music for months (if not years). He subsequently became an airline steward. He was standing by the front door on Concorde welcoming passengers when Julie Andrews came up the steps. She asked why he was looking behind her... and he replied that he was waiting for the Von Trapp children. He then told her he'd seen the film something like 150 times.

She had a very good SOH. Joan Collins used to get permanent free flights in payment of several adverts she had made for British Airways (with Leonard Rossiter). On this one occasion she turned up at the last minute and was furious that she couldn't have a first class seat. She insisted her fur went into the F/C wardrobe. On top of descent she asked the stewardess for her coat. The poor girl was sorting through the dozens of coats stowed in the wardrobe.... Julie Andrews asked who was demanding their coat so early. On being told it was Joan Collins, Julie said "Oh give her any old thing, she won't notice".

I agree @ColinUK Croatia is beautiful. I first visited before the troubles when it was in Yugoslavia, back in 1969. I visited again after when it was in Croatia... I would love to show it to Julian, a visit is definitely on the cards sometime soon.

@MeeTooTeeTwo congrats AGAIN! Becoming a habit!

@Lisa66 Happy Belated Birthday
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Just wanted to brag about my 14.0 pre lunch test (vs the 16s which are the norm at the mo) and hope its not a one off :D
Shiny new numbers make my day 🙂

EDIT: pre dinner was 10.2 😱
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I've been missing in action for a while with yet more trips to A&E for non-diabetic issues. My BG has been pretty stable though mainly high 5s and low 6s, with a few exceptions either way - and I overlook the way high results when I'm on 6 steroids per day.
I somehow got overlooked for my COPD/asthma annual review and my diabetes review, both due last month - but this I have now resolved. Yesterday I phoned the surgery and got appointments with my COPD nurse for the end of the month (she is on leave right now) and one with my DN for next month - apparently she only works at the surgery 2 days a week now .... sigh!
I had to go queue outside the surgery before 8.00am this morning in order to get a Dr's appointment for a meds review - very much needed being that the hospital cut my BP meds by half because of the effects on my kidneys and cancelled this, altered that - blah blah blah - you get the picture! Anyway, I saw the nicest lady Dr there (there are more changes and I only have had dealings with one other lady Dr - no idea who the other 2 are, nor if they are m or f, not that it matters much). Anyway, she prescribed my new BP meds, same lower dosage and I need to monitor that - she suggested I take it at night as it seems there are better results that way, so we shall see. She gave me one more salbutamol and said my COPD nurse can change my prescription back to 2 ventolin when I see her. She also suggested I book my full blood test so the results are back before I see my DN - so I got that sorted for next week (could have had it later this morning, but I had other plans made), so next Monday it is. I am hoping my hba1c will be favourable with the weight I have lost, the lower carbs and the lower fingerprick numbers - to be below the diabetic number would be lovely, but with everything else that's been thrown at me, I really don't know which way it will go.
Oh well, I have been good most of the time, I'm still losing a little weight, albeit on a slow slow scale, but I'm not far off MY chosen target weight with just 2 pounds to go, so I'm not overly worried.
Just watch this space.
I am starting over on the exercise bike, my legs complain so it is a slow build back up by time - 5 minutes is my current aim, but I would like to get back to 20 - 30 minute stints, as that would/should benefit my lungs too. Also I hope to get more walking in now the weather is improving - but if it gets too hot, you can forget that!!! I cannot do extremes, but we will find a way to get fitter again.
I've had the ultrasound done on my neck, all seems good and working normally again, according to blood test. Next will be another CT, then another chest x-ray after 3 months, and for some reason I have a "diabetes medicine" appointment, at the hospital, booked for end of October - and I have no clue as to what that is about! Anyone have any ideas??? Guess it can't be too much to worry about when it came as 6 months in the future....
This brings things pretty much up to date - will let you know the results of my diabetes blood test in due course.
Just wanted to brag about my 14.0 pre lunch test (vs the 16s which are the norm at the mo) and hope its not a one off :D
Shiny new numbers make my day 🙂

EDIT: pre dinner was 10.2 😱
I am same as yourself. After reading 14.5 pre lunch, it came down to 7.3 before dinner. Suddenly get a high BG warning 13.4. Finger pricked too. After an hour, the mobile buzzed again with the same warning. Took 10units of Lantus before bed time. Had a mixed kind of day, more ups than downs. Can't solve or resolve the mystery.
Morning all. 16.2
After such brilliant pre lunch and pre dinner readings, before bed was over 19.
Will see what patterns today brings and see if it is trend or was just a bad evening/bad meal with a very good day etc.

Got a a day of paperwork and accounts ahead of me so having an hour to enjoy my coffee and wake up properly.

Hope you all have a great Thursday x
😳 Sorry I’ve been AWOL for a couple of days! My sleeping pattern just doesn’t exist at the moment & I’m sleeping when I can! 🙄

BS seems ok when I test & it’s been in the 6’s not eating much at the moment & only remembering to eat once or twice a day! o_O

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

I’m about halfway through MY day having gotten up at 18:00 yesterday! 🙄

I’ve been watching The Derry Girls on All 4 Northern Irish comedy about school girls in the city of Derry in the mid 90’s during the last few years of The Troubles before The Good Friday Agreement! 😛😎 It was about 5 years after my college years in Derry from 1988 to 1992 but, it sure brought back my memories of my time in that city & the mindset of the people there during that time: my college was right beside the heavily barricaded police station & I had to go through the barriers every day; there were a fair few bomb scares & everybody being sent home early for day!😱 It was a running joke among the students that if anyone felt like a holiday off from their studies all they had to do was leave a suspicious package with maybe a few wires sticking out to for the police to check it out & everybody being sent home!o_O:rofl: It was gallows humour but, every day life had to go on Troubles or no Troubles & at that time, I was there, Derry had more violence than Belfast which terrified my mum as I was at the cinema with a friend the night the courthouse was bombed: heard it queuing to get into the cinema; a HUGE BANG & we heard about it the next morning after our night out at the cinema!😱

It’s all THAT done with the typical Northern Irish humour & I’ve LOVED watching all 3 series of The Derry Girls & the final episode was just on last night very appropriately about the girls’ very first vote at 18 years old being THE BIGGEST VOTE EVER in NI’s history Yes to The Good Friday Agreement! 😛😎:D

Check it out as I highly recommend it for a different taste to the more usual Belfast people more commonly portrayed on film & television: Derry, the city & its people are VERY different from Belfast! 🙂
Morning folks. A very early 6.9.

Appointments this morning, cut and colour and waxing for me, just a bog standard haircut for Mr Eggy and walking round town with baby Zara whilst her mummy gets her eyes tested, and probably have a bit of lunch. We’ll be out the house from 9am until after 2pm. Which, in normal circumstances would be fine, but have received an email from Amazon saying my parcel is out for delivery! When I ordered these goods, delivery was Friday which was perfect as I knew I’d be at home all day. I’m sure they think it’s good customer service delivering early but sometimes it just makes life harder. Rant over! 😡

Weather forecast good, sunny all day, best keep an eye on my BGs walking about in the heat. When I say “heat”, it’s only going to be 17degrees but up here, that’s hot! :D

Have a good day all. 🙂
Morning all. 6.0 after not much sleep for no obvious reason.

Oh I’ve secured a place in the Royal Parks Half (someone’s unable to make it so I’m buying their space from them) so that’ll be my third half marathon this year. Might raise funds for SurvivorsUK as they’ve been instrumental in my processing the assault stuff and they’re clearly underfunded.

Walk/cycle before catching up on Glow Up from last night and work. Then probably chauffeur duties to take mum home from hospital after an angioplasty later today. It’s easier for me to get a Zipcar and take her home then it is for dad to drive up and get her. He’s not waiting all day at the hospital as there’s no parking and no visitors so he’d literally be just hanging around from 11:30 until Lord only knows when.

Opera last night, Don Pasquale, never heard of it before and didn’t think it particularly good tbh. Will book for Madame Butterfly I think as that’s in the summer season and I’d like to see it at Covent Garden.

Erm… no news from the police about the arrest but I trust they’ll update me when it’s happened.

That’s all for me for now. Thank you for listening!
Good morning everyone.

BG 4.7 this morning

House tidying today in preparation for dog sitting. This is where my open plan (no doors) stratgey for the kitchen and utility room causes a bit of a problem. Hopefully a babygate will sort that out.

Months ago I was referred to the hospital for further hearing tests as I seem to be going deaf. Pardon the pun, but I have heard nothing from the hospital. Is it normal for hearing tests to be so delayed ?

@ColinUK I have never ever understood, nor liked opera sadly. Nor ballet. But music is wonderful. Thankfully I can still hear that.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Good morning - 4.7
7.7. Really frustrating I've managed to get in to normal figures most of the day know but still wake up over 6.5 everyday.
Got my hb blood test next week and hope this isn't going to effect me to badly or the meds no meds discussion starts again.
Morning. 6.3 for me…that’s more like it.

I loved the Derry Girls series @Lanny , great characters and the way the social history was intertwined was very well done (haven’t worded that well, but hope you know what I mean). I thought the last episode was a great way to end the series…obviously sad it was the last one though. I may start watching season 1 again.

Supermarket this morning, then still trying to catch up in garden and greenhouse…. I wish the plants would stop growing quite so quickly.

Have a good day everyone.