Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. Take your pick on numbers today, alarm been waking me often since 3am with 4s, JBs eaten but still really not up. Finally woke to proper alarm at 6.4. Fingers crossed it doesn't drop and i'm late for work again. Basal reduction on the cards i think.
Enjoy the sunshine today
Steady 10.00 this beautiful Tuesday morning @eggyg am I the only one that calls beans on toast skinheads on a raft?
It's super weird how many of you have eye issues I've had floaters in my left eye since I was 30ish they don't bother me unless it's a super bright day or I'm looking at a white background then the little buggers are everywhere the blurry vision is new and it's a little disconcerting but the geggy quack said they can't do anything until the bloods drained and the swelling gone down. Today's plan includes a trip to the bird sanctuary and I'm walking my neighbours dog she's in her late 70's and has mobility issues so I'll take the set of teeth on legs for a walk when she asks he's a little chihuahua with a huge attitude like two stone of dog who thinks he's 14 Stone of wolf. Also need to go to the library I'm out of books to read that's a huge issue in my world may also go to the music store and rifle through the records not visited the shop in three years so I think I need to remedy
Have a fantastic day what ever your up to
Keep smiling
Good morning! 5'7 today.

Yesterday my manager reminded me that last week I forgot my meter at work once (have an extra one at home, meter is the same but the finger pricker is harder to use). She also has a chronic condition and was saying "how is life, Elenka! Before we had to carry lipstick and now, all the medical stuff!". I don't know what size of bag I'll need when I am 50 :rofl:

A brand new head chef started yesterday. He is nice to look at, but is he nice to work with? We will find out soon!
Morning. 8.2 for me…the result of a couple of corrections. (Edit. Meant snacks, not jabs)

I think I’m the only person who’s not keen on The Sound of Music…I think possibly because I watched it when I was young and it scared me. However your holiday does sound amazing @Robin , beautiful scenery 🙂

I think we might be off to Bowood House today, let’s see what the final decision is after breakfast.

Have a lovely day everyone
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10.1 today xx
5.8 for me today. 🙂

Morning all

Well managed to get out running and yoga, was very anxious just before I stepped out of the house, but all was fine and despite eating some pilau rice with my chicken at 10pm last night I was rewarded with a 5.1 today. Taking mum for her eye screening this morning.

@Robin - holiday sounds wonderful.
9.3(i did hapen to eat at around one when i was in the 5s 🙂)
Just got back from my morning walk. 1hr 16 mins. I will go out again after lunch.

I forgot to post my BG reading earlier too. And it was a surprising, and slightly worrying 3.9 the lowest I have ever had. (Edited correction. It seems that 3.9 is ok and right at the bottom of the normal range. I had mistakenly thought that 4.0 was the lower limit)

Just tidying up my App update today and fixing a few minor errors.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
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Morning all and it was 4.9 for me despite 13 with an upward arrow at bed time. Resisted the urge to correct and lo and behold settled down to a nice flatfish by about 02:00. It's almost as if the body has some mechanism for dealing with glucose in the blood stream. Sometimes I think it might be worth pushing for a c peptide test because high levels at night always subside but moderate levels stay moderate. Good game this D lark.

Any way enough of my blathering. Gardening to be done and double rehearsal today. One acoustic then full band.

Have a good day everyone.
It was an 8.1 for me earlier but that was after a 2 unit correction for a 9.8 an hour earlier. Have been out with Ian this morning to collect his new carriage and just home to find a swarm in the plum tree so have that to deal with now. It is in a right awkward place in the v where two branches meet about 10 feet up, so ladders will be necessary. First swarm of the season. Fingers crossed I get them first time..... I have my doubts somehow in that location. I think it may be a battle! It is very hot and sticky here today, so not looking forward to pulling on overalls and boots and climbing ladders but needs must. Hope they aren't too radgey with it being so hot and humid. They will be going to a young man a couple of miles away who is just getting into beekeeping and has 2 empty top bar hives waiting for occupants.
Do you know that Georg was actually an Italian citizen which is partly why they left by train to Italy?
They also didn’t make a secret of the fact that they were going to the USA on a singing tour.
The film also moves the marriage much closer to the departure whereas they were married years before. Oh and two more kids had been born with another on the way when they left and Liesl was a complete fabrication.
Not that any of that detracts one iota from the brilliant story telling on show in the stage and film musicals.
He was born in Croatia, which was part of the Austria-Hungary empire at the time, thus giving them a sea coast and allowing him his naval career. When the Empire broke up, and Austria became a landlocked country, his Naval career was over! But bits of Croatia and Slovenia were always changing hands. We visited a small village in Croatia a few years ago and were surprised to learn that Italian racing driver Mario Andretti was born there, because it was part of Italy back then.
Feeling rather fed up with libres at the moment.

I’ve lost count of how many times I’m replacing them because they’re either ending earlier or just too inaccurate to bother.

I gave this one 2 days to warm up and it’s still reading too low. Particularly after meals when the levels naturally come down with the insulin, it seems to significantly overestimate, giving me a red line after every single meal when actually the lowest I’ve had is 4.8 with generally 5s and 6s.

I don’t understand and it’s super frustrating. Almost feel like giving up with them in all honesty.
@Robin You’re right, Croatia! And what a beautiful country it is. Went a good few years ago, stayed in Split and drove all over the place and visited some really quiet islands. Simply one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been.
Good evening - late logging in as trying to understand Universal Credit applications. What a palaver. BG 5.5 at 0800hrs. Struggling to get my guests to concentrate on getting non Ukrainian email addresses - Grannie talking to Ukraine on phone, Dad and kids painting at dining table, Mum cuddling 3 year old. Gleeful cycling when the rain lets up. Still they all seem happy which is the main thing!

The red cross are coming tomorrow - may delegate further UC applications to them - online forms drive me demented and raise my blood pressure. 2 hours before I worked out how to identify that the application related to a Ukrainian refugee and I wouldn't have got that far without calling CAB. Looks as though Grannie (59) may get enhanced payment as recovering from chemo - will probably need sick note from local GP. Seen more meat on a stick of celery but full of courage and laughter. UC want to talk to her about health on phone - well best of luck with that idea, matey, we only worked out where the cancer was when she upped her jerkin and pointed...Wonder if the Open University offers a PhD in understanding benefit regulations? I am clearly underqualified in the topic.

Job interview with managing director of local firm on Thursday (Ukrainian Dad not me - I'm just the chauffeur. ) Meanwhile if anybody feels deprived of a misbehaving body they can have mine. The wretched thing is being a real bore.

Wishing everyone a good week - I may be side tracked by further paperwork.
Good morning everyone.

@TinaD I understand what you mean about forms. I struggle to complete any and always have. For me the problem is always ambiguity of some questions or not enough relevant options or just plain confusion.

Anyway, BG another 4.6 for me. Seems to be a favourite number now

Today, got to start thinking about and preparing for dog sitting of a rather nervous, but pleasant dog. Wish me well for the sitting, the first of which starts on 20th May.

App update seems to have gone well. I am very pleased with it.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning 5.5 on waking just now

which was a relief as shortly after going to sleep last night
woke up in the early hours with a low of 3.1

happy Wednesday everybody 😎