Group 7-day waking average?

11.5 trending down i like it !
first walk with the pup this morning its pretty naff out there so she wasn't bothered and turned home half way round the route (not that I was complaining)
spent the day yesterday editing and choosing some pics for my portfolio I'm really thinking about going back to school and doing another course in photography its mostly online and i need something to keep me busy plus i feel like my brains turning to mush and needs a workout reading books are not quite cutting it at the moment Police are coming to see me later on today something about court cases and witness statements. its like this blooming thing is never going to away i know i did the right thing but so much paperwork and back and froing is rubbing a little thin but i shall persevere and hopefully justice will be served
here's a few of the shots I've taken over the last week will someone please tell me the names of these flowers ?
go get em tigers !!!
keep smiling
Red one looks likely to be petunia carpet plum and the bluish one is another kind of petunia.
Hanging my head down in shame again today! 😳😳😳 15:03 BS 8.7 A bit late for Tresiba & pills but, they’re in!🙄 Albeit I had to go to the kitchen for a new Tresiba pen to find it’s the last one so, phoned the chemist to deliver the backlog of 3 NR boxes, 1 box of Tresiba, 2 boxes of needles, sharps box, testing strips & a box of lancets that’s been sitting there from up to 2 weeks while I was FF obsessed! 😳🙄 So, from being 15 minutes late, time to respond to alarm, to being 30 minutes late by the time I rang the chemist while the last Tresiba pen was in my hand from the fridge & before I forget, AGAIN!🙄

Another Australian greeting, then, today! 😳 A Very G’day Mates & continue having a Wonderful Day!😉

Yesterday’s forcing myself up earlier & having the new Lava Java coffee FINALLY after getting up too late for coffee all week rather backfired on me! Was still tired all day but, wired on a double whammy of caffeine & adrenaline when that wore off so, I had an EVEN HARDER time trying to sleep last night: was trying from 21:00 on & it was some time after 06:00 before all that caffeine & adrenaline ebbed away for me to drop off to sleep! 🙄

I forgot, didn’t I? About the previous postings about the effects of being tired AND wired: drinking caffeine on top of adrenaline when already tired; even more dangerous for driving than being tired alone according to the results of that scientific experiment I saw quite some time ago & I posted about before! 😱

I won’t be doing THAT again, for a while at least until I forget next time: I forget SO easily; get distracted & it’s out of my head! 🙄:D😉:rofl:
Did you not get a DolceGusto coffee machine? The decaf Cafe au Lait are pretty good.
Just come back from a very long appointment at the opticians. No disaster but i am being referred to hospital for a second opinion. I am somewhat relived.

The concensus of opinion seems to be a pulling away of some of the vitreous fluid and interesting (read frightening) optical effects from it, common in older people.

Getting old stinks!!!
Just come back from a very long appointment at the opticians. No disaster but i am being referred to hospital for a second opinion. I am somewhat relived.

The concensus of opinion seems to be a pulling away of some of the vitreous fluid and interesting (read frightening) optical effects from it, common in older people.

Getting old stinks!!!
I am pleased it is nothing too serious, these things do make you panic. I had something similar a few years ago, it appeared as if spiders were drifting in my vision. The optician described it as what you have been told, occasionally it can cause a detached retina but usually diminishes with time and the brain learns to ignore them. My optician said he had had the same thing for years.
Just come back from a very long appointment at the opticians. No disaster but i am being referred to hospital for a second opinion. I am somewhat relived.

The concensus of opinion seems to be a pulling away of some of the vitreous fluid and interesting (read frightening) optical effects from it, common in older people.

Getting old stinks!!!
Getting old is much better than the alternative!
A strange but successful day.

Eyes good
Yesterdays failed App update, sorted this morning (with a lot of effort)
Lowesr blood pressure readings ever this evening (after a rise this morning due to stress. low reading was 98/56 verified several times too). Seems a bit too low to me.
Morning all, 5.8 here. If it’s Tuesday it must be Vienna. Yesterday was Salzburg, and everything was Mozart or the Sound of Music flavoured. I’ve always known that the von Trapps couldn’t have escaped to freedom over the mountains from Salzburg because they’d have arrived in Nazi Germany, and wondered where they did set off from. Apparently it’s worse than that, they didn’t walk over the mountains at all, but escaped on a train to Italy. Still remarkable and dangerous, but not so photogenic.
Good morning 8.3 today
a bit high (because of what I ate yesterday)

have a great day everybody
Good morning - 4.3

There’s a nest of Sparrows right above my bedroom window and they don’t ever be quiet and I’m a light sleeper- probably got 6 hours
Morning all, 5.8 here. If it’s Tuesday it must be Vienna. Yesterday was Salzburg, and everything was Mozart or the Sound of Music flavoured. I’ve always known that the von Trapps couldn’t have escaped to freedom over the mountains from Salzburg because they’d have arrived in Nazi Germany, and wondered where they did set off from. Apparently it’s worse than that, they didn’t walk over the mountains at all, but escaped on a train to Italy. Still remarkable and dangerous, but not so photogenic.
I LOVE Salzburg: a fairytale city; birthplace of Mozart! 😛

My very first holiday on my own anywhere as a fresh faced 18 year old was to Salzburg & Vienna during Christmas week: wanted a White Christmas; got it in Salzburg; did the Sound of Music coach tour on Christmas Day! Had NO idea that they were real & not just a film I grew up watching! 😎

Had a 3 hour Christmas Eve mass at the Salzburg Cathedral & ate loads of pastries etc at the Glockenspiel cafe beneath the Glockenspiel clock tower that people gathered every day to see the figures of the clock come out to chime at Noon! I went every day of the 4 days I was there! Went to chamber music concerts every night including The Mirabel Palace music festival! 😛😎:D

Vienna I didn’t like so much but, I discovered the Viennese hotdog coming back from a concert & ate that from a street vendor every night of the 3 nights I was there! People going out at night love buying the hotdogs after going out late at night! AND, of course the best ever bathtub I’ve ever come across that I’ve posted about before! 😛😎 PERFECT for my 155cm height that’s not too long for me with half the bath being deeper at one end so, I’d half sit/half lie at the shallow end with my feet at the deep end! I LOVED that bath SO much I took 2 baths a day in it: in the morning & before bed at night!:rofl:

That sure brought back the memories! 😳
No waking reading as I’m going going to bed now & a quick check on this thread before I sleep! 🙄

The early route is clearly not working & so, going the late route & eventually get up SO late it’ll be my body clock will be in whack with everybody else’s again! For however long THAT lasts: I’m ALWAYS going out of whack body clock wise! 🙄:rofl:😉
Just come back from a very long appointment at the opticians. No disaster but i am being referred to hospital for a second opinion. I am somewhat relived.

The concensus of opinion seems to be a pulling away of some of the vitreous fluid and interesting (read frightening) optical effects from it, common in older people.

Getting old stinks!!!
I’ve got that Gwynn. Noticed massive floaters last year just a week or so before my regular eye test, my optician, who was also my boss before I retired, took photos, and I had eye drops so she could see what was going on better. The vitreous gel is pulling away from the edges. It’s sounds revolting doesn’t it? And it definitely is an age thing. I’m due another eye test soon, must get it booked, hoping it hasn’t got worse, although I suspect it has as my eye sight is worse, unfortunately a new prescription can’t fix it I’m afraid. She gave me leaflets and put my mind at rest, I did think I had a retinal tear initially. Good luck at hospital.
I am pleased it is nothing too serious, these things do make you panic. I had something similar a few years ago, it appeared as if spiders were drifting in my vision. The optician described it as what you have been told, occasionally it can cause a detached retina but usually diminishes with time and the brain learns to ignore them. My optician said he had had the same thing for years.
Mine is like an very big upside down 7! I notice it more when I’m reading in bed as I have a very bright light, it’s very annoying. Apparently I have loads of floaters in my other eye but I don’t really notice them.
Morning all, 5.8 here. If it’s Tuesday it must be Vienna. Yesterday was Salzburg, and everything was Mozart or the Sound of Music flavoured. I’ve always known that the von Trapps couldn’t have escaped to freedom over the mountains from Salzburg because they’d have arrived in Nazi Germany, and wondered where they did set off from. Apparently it’s worse than that, they didn’t walk over the mountains at all, but escaped on a train to Italy. Still remarkable and dangerous, but not so photogenic.
Do you know that Georg was actually an Italian citizen which is partly why they left by train to Italy?
They also didn’t make a secret of the fact that they were going to the USA on a singing tour.
The film also moves the marriage much closer to the departure whereas they were married years before. Oh and two more kids had been born with another on the way when they left and Liesl was a complete fabrication.
Not that any of that detracts one iota from the brilliant story telling on show in the stage and film musicals.
Morning all. 6.8 today. I’m up early as I have a splitting headache. I hate waking with a headache, they take ages to shift. Oh, and my Levemir didn’t half sting this morning, going in and for a while after. Haven’t had that for ages. Not the best start to my morning! At least it’s not raining, it looks positively glorious compared to yesterday.

Not a lot going on in Eggyland today. A bit of cooking, cauliflower soup for lunch and a loaf of bread in the bread maker. I don’t need to organise any tea as I’m going out and Mr Eggy is going to “ sort himself out”, ie beans on toast! I’m meeting up with some former colleagues for an Italian meal and a catch up. We haven’t seen each other since our Christmas catch up, so should be a good laugh.

Have a lovely day, hope the sun is shining where you are. 🙂
@Robin have a great day, sounds as if it’s keeping you busy, you’ll need another holiday when you get back! :rofl:
5.8 today for me.
Off for a brisk walk!
Morning all. 17.7 but I may have got up and stripped the bed and put washing on before I got to the testing thing, got a little too excited that the sun was out before 7am and it would be perfect drying weather :rofl:

hope you all have a great day today 🙂