Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 15.5 :D I just love seeing shiny new waking numbers. 18 units so far has dropped me down by about 7-9 waking and mostly put a lid on the general trend of the huge rise throughout the day.
Slowly getting closer to where I need to be 🙂

Have a great day everyone <3
hugs to everyone who is struggling

Not had a chance to look through all the posts I missed over the weekend yet. Anyway 6.7 for me, still not feeling right and having big anxiety attacks. Going to try going to my running group and yoga tonight just hope my anxiety doesn't stop me, not been this bad with not wanting to go out on my own for about 20 years. Was fine going out with hubby on Sunday to the shops.

@Pattidevans - congratulations on the HS, sorry to hear you are going to a funeral.

Sending my love to you all. I'll come back on later to read all the posts I have missed.
Morning! Back again!! Mine was a rather high (for me) at 9.6!! No excuses, I think I've fallen off the wagon over the last few weeks! I'm also getting used to the new Metformin dose, which, I think, is forcing me to tweak my diet which I'm still adjusting.
Morning all and a slightly wayward 7.1 for me. Looks like I could have got away without that oatcake.

By 'eck it's a bit damp and dismal out.

Nevermind it'll bee inside jobs today.

@Kaylz colds are the pits when you haven't had one for a while.
It was 13.7 however last night for the first in my 8 and half an months journey I took 5 units of novorapid instead of livemir(in my defanse it was on of my prirtictar grogry moments illness wise.) as I'm trying different things in the evening I wasn't sure how much I needed it I did end up doing a correction and at half midnight and well it looks like it's looked like it haven't worked for all I know it could have done but but just gone back up.
5.6 and already spent the morning in a long session with lawyers. What a soul destroying experience it is.
Morning all!
Like @Lisa66 I had a ridiculous rise last night up to 15 that suggested my Fiasp had turned to water and even ignored stacked corrections. To make it more odd my levels were steady as a rock from 9.30am yesterday until 8pm, mostly mid 5s, so basal is clearly right. Injected 4units Fiasp with about 15mins prebolus time for evening meal which I thought was reasonable for 3 small saute potatoes, cauliflower cheese, swede and leeks with ham and chicken. Had cheese for afters so really no idea where the rise came from but injected 2 units half an hour later when levels were clearly climbing fast and then another 2u 45mins later, then another 3u an hour later when levels were still rising and then another 2u at 12.30am before bed. I also upped my basal by another unit to 5 and still woke up at 6.30am on 9.2. So that was 13units Fiasp plus an extra basal unit and still didn't bring me down to a decent number! Anyway, I refused to start the day on 9.2 so injected another 2 unit correction plus my current morning Levemir dose of 20 units and went back to sleep to wake up on a very nice 5.1..... so clearly my Fiasp hasn't turned to water after all! Sometimes there is just no logic to it! I had also been for quite a long ride on the horses in the early evening which should have helped bring levels down a little overnight.... but clearly didn't.

@Kaylz Hope you are feeling better soon. I used to get real humdingers of colds but I haven't had one for years and certainly not since diagnosis, so no idea how my BG will respond. Hope that doesn't tempt fate!!

@Pattidevans Congrats on your House Special and yes, it definitely counts. Hope you are able to share some happy memories with people you meet at the funeral as well as offer comfort to each other.

@Griffin. So sorry to hear that your dog walking pal passed away but pleased that you are getting out yourself again now and starting to feel more human.
@rayray119 It is easy enough to do, when you aren't feeling well or are distracted by something when you go to inject. It has only happened to me once so far but I have also caught myself with the wrong pen in my hand a couple of times since.
Did you then inject the Levemir once you realised your mistake and then just eat carbs to cover the NR?
@rayray119 It is easy enough to do, when you aren't feeling well or are distracted by something when you go to inject. It has only happened to me once so far but I have also caught myself with the wrong pen in my hand a couple of times since.
Did you then inject the Levemir once you realised your mistake and then just eat carbs to cover the NR?
Yes I did still give myself livermir I knew I still needed that(admitty though I did it after eating.
11.5 trending down i like it !
first walk with the pup this morning its pretty naff out there so she wasn't bothered and turned home half way round the route (not that I was complaining)
spent the day yesterday editing and choosing some pics for my portfolio I'm really thinking about going back to school and doing another course in photography its mostly online and i need something to keep me busy plus i feel like my brains turning to mush and needs a workout reading books are not quite cutting it at the moment Police are coming to see me later on today something about court cases and witness statements. its like this blooming thing is never going to away i know i did the right thing but so much paperwork and back and froing is rubbing a little thin but i shall persevere and hopefully justice will be served
here's a few of the shots I've taken over the last week will someone please tell me the names of these flowers ?
go get em tigers !!!
keep smiling


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Yes I did still give myself livermir I knew I still needed that(admitty though I did it after eating.
I also thought to myself well at least it wasn't the other way round.
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@Grannylorraine Really sorry to hear you are struggling so badly with anxiety. I can totally understand why. The world is in a big mess at the moment. I get spells of it but thankfully they have been relatively short lived and I am sleeping well which helps me to cope. Really hope you can get out for your run and yoga as you know it will help, but there are times when I really struggle to leave the house so I know it will be difficult, even though you will enjoy it when you get there.
Sending (((HUGS)))
@rayray119 It is easy enough to do, when you aren't feeling well or are distracted by something when you go to inject. It has only happened to me once so far but I have also caught myself with the wrong pen in my hand a couple of times since.
Did you then inject the Levemir once you realised your mistake and then just eat carbs to cover the NR?
The funny thing when I'm injecting livermir at work I actually making myself contacting and always double checking (or even triple checking the pen)
Morning everyone (just!). 7.0 this morning. Went to my son's for dinner last night and it was risotto (bless!). I then followed it when I got back home with a bowl of crisps & cheese and some vegan truffles - think I'm falling into a habit with those particular snacks. I had so many months last year avoiding anything rich because of my gallbladder problems and now I haven't got it and I don't react digestively to fat I think I'm subconsciously making up for lost time, but not sure why I seem to think it's fine to re-introduce Tyrrells crisps which are clearly high carb. Chocolate wise I've found Booja Booja vegan hazelnut truffles which are lower carbs than normal chocolate but high fat - years ago I could really take it or leave it but nowadays I find I NEED chocolate in the evening. I also have a large orange but convince myself that's fine because of all the fibre I'm eating with it (pitch etc). Any advice or tips on how to satiate my late night cravings would be very welcome. We had a charity event here yesterday with yet another afternoon tea. I largely resisted but did pop a couple of bite size pastry/creme anglaise cups into my mouth. I ate the insides of a couple of finger sandwiches and completely avoided the scones & cakes. I need to do more walking this week as that seems to have tailed off. Have a great day everyone 🙂 @eggyg I love your mentions of Mr Eggy - really makes me LOL
Morning everyone (just!). 7.0 this morning. Went to my son's for dinner last night and it was risotto (bless!). I then followed it when I got back home with a bowl of crisps & cheese and some vegan truffles - think I'm falling into a habit with those particular snacks.
You hit the nail on the head I think with the comment about making up for lost time.
Do you think you're compensating for something or is it a reward thing maybe?
I know I have a tendency to reward myself for 'being good' and can justify ill-advised food decisions by telling myself that it's not often or that I'll do 'better' tomorrow.
You hit the nail on the head I think with the comment about making up for lost time.
Do you think you're compensating for something or is it a reward thing maybe?
I know I have a tendency to reward myself for 'being good' and can justify ill-advised food decisions by telling myself that it's not often or that I'll do 'better' tomorrow.
I think fundamentally I'm just greedy! I also think I'm still rewarding myself for giving up alcohol 2 years & nearly 4 months ago (not that I'm counting :D). That's why it's definitely important for me to keeping checking my BG (only twice a day now) and keep an eye on my overall nutritional input.
Hanging my head down in shame again today! 😳😳😳 15:03 BS 8.7 A bit late for Tresiba & pills but, they’re in!🙄 Albeit I had to go to the kitchen for a new Tresiba pen to find it’s the last one so, phoned the chemist to deliver the backlog of 3 NR boxes, 1 box of Tresiba, 2 boxes of needles, sharps box, testing strips & a box of lancets that’s been sitting there from up to 2 weeks while I was FF obsessed! 😳🙄 So, from being 15 minutes late, time to respond to alarm, to being 30 minutes late by the time I rang the chemist while the last Tresiba pen was in my hand from the fridge & before I forget, AGAIN!🙄

Another Australian greeting, then, today! 😳 A Very G’day Mates & continue having a Wonderful Day!😉

Yesterday’s forcing myself up earlier & having the new Lava Java coffee FINALLY after getting up too late for coffee all week rather backfired on me! Was still tired all day but, wired on a double whammy of caffeine & adrenaline when that wore off so, I had an EVEN HARDER time trying to sleep last night: was trying from 21:00 on & it was some time after 06:00 before all that caffeine & adrenaline ebbed away for me to drop off to sleep! 🙄

I forgot, didn’t I? About the previous postings about the effects of being tired AND wired: drinking caffeine on top of adrenaline when already tired; even more dangerous for driving than being tired alone according to the results of that scientific experiment I saw quite some time ago & I posted about before! 😱

I won’t be doing THAT again, for a while at least until I forget next time: I forget SO easily; get distracted & it’s out of my head! 🙄:D😉:rofl: