Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all, 5.8 here. Why am I getting up at the crack of dawn to see Bratislava? I’m on holiday!
Yesterday was Estergom, where they are busy replacing the copper cupola. The locals were outraged because the new one is brown, until it was explained to them that in a few years it will have oxidised to green. But it’s going to look piebald for a few years.

6.0 after a disturbed night with neighbours screaming at each other in the street at 2am and then again at 4am.

Thinking about what the dietician said, not the prayer bit but the other stuff, and allowing that to sink in.
Off out for the day to Bushy Park/Hampton Court so hopefully it’ll stay dry and I’ll see some fawns frolicking about!

@Robin The only thing I think of when someone mentions Bratislava is that James Bond film with the cellist! What’s it like? (The city not the James Bond film!)
Morning all and I’m on the 5.8 step with my fellow early riser @Robin. Why am I up so early when I’m back from holiday and I’m not going anywhere, except a quick trip to Aldi to tide us over until Monday?

We got back home at 3.30 after leaving the cottage at 8.30. Never got out the car driving through Glencoe, we wanted to, we stopped and parked up but the rain was horizontal by this stage. And as Dame Mary says, no one likes a soggy bottom! Especially when you know you’ve another 4/5 hours drive home. We were disappointed but there’s always another time. We stopped in Balloch at the foot of Loch Lomond. Had a nice walk through the Balloch Country Park, it was dry by now but cold and very breezy. Then had fish and chips in a fish and chip restaurant. As usual I waited until it came before bolusing, then I split it incase I didn’t eat it all. The portions were just right, I almost finished it, Mr Eggy finished mine for me. Bolused again driving through Glasgow as I was heading up. Worked out well. A long journey home, the roads were very busy especially going along Loch Lomond and through Glasgow and the M8. Once we hit the M74 and M6 it was great and flew home. Popped into our local butchers/ fishmongers/ greengrocer, which is just a few minutes from J43 of the M6, got meat, fish, veg, cheese and biscuits ( farmers’ children coming at 10.30) got back on the M6 and got off at J42 and we were home in two minutes. Washing to tackle this morning, which isn’t much as we travelled light and I did a couple of washes whilst there. It’s nice to be home. 🙂

Have a great day all. 🙂

The last of the holiday photos.
1.Foot of Loch Lomond in Balloch.
2. Talk about lazy, a moorhen hitching a ride on a dingy!
3. Balloch Castle and Country Park, what a lovely place to have on your doorstep.
4. A fawn, obviously very frightened and lost. :( Hope it’s mother found it. There was lots of dogs around the park.


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5.1 for me. While in meeting a work, the GP surgery called on my mobile. I thought 'oh no, they want to make me take statins'. Anyway, when I called back after the meeting it was for a referral to DESMOND and they wanted some height/weight/BP info. When I told them my hba1c was down and I'd lost a lot of weight, they looked at my record and after the last blood test it said, 'NO FURTHER ACTION'. Then they said the nurse would probably not bother referring me to DESMOND due my last test being OK.

So it's taken 9 months to get that sorted out - when I was diagnosed rather than go into a panic I did the research and lost weight and reduced BG myself. How do people who need help cope when it takes 9 months to get referred onto a dietary course to help with the condition?

As I'm currently using a Libre sensor (Self funded) I also realised that stress at work causes my BG to rise far, far more than food! Especially stressful meetings with customers where they tell me they've found 'strange issues' in the software I'm writing!
Good morning 6.1 today

I managed to book a phone call with a GP yesterday, we spoke about three things which was good,
a referral to a different hospital for care of and ultimately one day ankle surgery - having a week ago been discharged due to lack of staff at the local hospital, hope I get the referral he spoke of, on his recommendation I’ve called the diabetes department, no waiting for a appointment now (I'm thinking I’d be better going back on Ozempic)

not planning on doing to much this weekend, trying to rest my ankle following a busy week at work

Have a great day everybody 😎
Morning all. 🙂 8.3 here.

Well done @harbottle for taking the initiative and sorting yourself out, rather than wait 9 whole months!!!😱o_O Shocking.

More Welsh this morning, then off to see my mam. Have a great weekend, peeps. 🙂:D😛
10.2 but potentially could up be happening while working out brackfast(,I offen feel like I need to work it out before testing because then the asser might change). Yesterday was okay bacfast aparty from spiking but back around where it was for lunch. Can't say the same for the lunch and evening I don't think my body to make its mind how insulin it what's at the moment oh well hopefully things will become more pricatble once things are worked out.
Much more stable night with an 8.4 this morning which is about the same as I went to bed on
Good morning- 4.1
Good morning. 5.4 today with a sluggish headache. Not sure whether thats from the glass of wine (or two) last night, lack of caffeine or sleeping to heavy. Still, up and at it today. I've got washing to hang out, bed to change and cleaning around to do. If i get on with it, i can sit in the sunshine with my book this afternoon.

Have a good Saturday!
A rather disappointing 12.3 for me…getting a bit frustrated with this. Although did over sleep so a bit of DP there and we also were out for a meal last night. A rather nice Thai restaurant in town. I haven’t had Thai food before, not sure why, but I really enjoyed it…food was fabulous.

Anyway…hope everyone has a lovely day. Garden for me.
Just back from a sunny 7 mile early morning walk. :D
My reading first thing was 5.6. 🙂

Morning all!
Bit of a disappointing 10.1 for me this morning but that is because I spent most of the day on my backside driving yesterday and got almost no exercise. I also ate "off piste" carb wise as we stopped at services for lunch (savoury mince with chips, carrots and peas (not the best choice of veg) on the way there and tea and a chocolate brownie on the way back. It was a nice treat in some respects to eat "normal" food and just think "stuff my diabetes " for one day. I managed the lunch reasonably well and just tipped into double figures afterwards but the brownie (with no prebolus time) took me from 4 to 14. Totally guessed the carbs and corrected later. Got home late but had a hankering for some award winning black pudding I bought (It would be rude not to when visiting Lancashire 😉 ) Cooked the whole pack before bed intending to eat one piece and reheat the rest today but it was just heavenly so ended up eating nearly all of it with pickled beetroot. So I then needed to inject more insulin .... all total guesswork and I was just coming down from the brownie with active insulin still in my system for that. I guessed a 1.5 increase in basal for the lack of exercise but maybe 2.5 would have been a better decision.
Anyway, I had a lovely day away, gave my diabetes the minimum attention/consideration that it needed and didn't have a major disaster, so I am counting that as a success. We both really enjoyed meeting the guy we went to see, who was really fascinating (we were there hours!!) and seeing all his carriages and harness and Ian bought a carriage, so we will be having a return trip to collect it within the month. Maybe with practice I can keep things in single figures!! Ian will be driving next time so I will be able to keep a closer eye on my levels and prebolus and correct whilst we are travelling. Got to get some more of that gorgeous black pudding too!
It was a nice treat in some respects to eat "normal" food and just think "stuff my diabetes " for one day
I think its nice to do every so often. I'm glad you had a nice day 🙂
Good morning everyone

Well, after yesterdays HS I thought I'd go for a other 4.6 rats

Just been to the optician. Worried about my left eye with some new 'blobs' (don't think they are floaters, possibly a bleed. I don't know) and about the glasses they did for me as the right eye is blurred on 2 pairs but not the third. Got an urgent appointment for this coming monday. They did suggest that I go to A&E but considering the huge wait times at A&E and stress I felt that a relaxing time at home, waiting for Monday, would be the better option.

Getting old stinks!!!

Have a great day today whatever you ard doing
Morning all and it was 6.8 and a flatfish most of the night so basal is not changing for now.

Washing out on the new rotary.

FA Cup and Eurovision seem to be on the agenda today.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning everyone 17.3
Readings have generally stabilised across the day on pre meals tests and aren't climbing over the day like they have been.
Still getting impatient and want to either adjust by more or with fewer days wait between adjustments. 🙄.

No major plans for today. I asked my daughter if she wanted to go and see fantastic beasts at the cinema but she would rather watch Moana at home and get some snacks. Got a tesco booked for later on with some snacks inc stuff a recipe for cinema style nacho cheese sauce that was posted on Odeon's website :D
Been a while since we had movie time so looking forwards to that. Will go totally easy with carbs at dinner to try and balance things out but I need a bit of a treat yourself day (without going overboard).

Hope you all have a wonderful day x