Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning! 5'5, almost like @freesia and I also had a glass of wine. Coincidence?? 😉

@rebrascora nice to read you had a mini "break" from diabetes (within reason) and you enjoyed it!

@ColinUK hope the dietitian gave you some useful info or ideas, along with their prayers.

Had a nice and productive day yesterday. Housework in the morning and a good time with my friend in the evening. She is going today to a Pride event in a nearby city, with some other people I know, unfortunately I work split shift today. But my housemates are going to the local club tonight and I want to join them, it's been a while since we don't go out together.

Also I tried on my black jeans which I didn't dare to wear for a bit, they still fit but are a bit tight around the waist. So I'm not thinking of losing X pounds, my goal is to get this jeans to fit comfortably again. I just love how I look in them, specially from behind :D
Morning all!
Bit of a disappointing 10.1 for me this morning but that is because I spent most of the day on my backside driving yesterday and got almost no exercise. I also ate "off piste" carb wise as we stopped at services for lunch (savoury mince with chips, carrots and peas (not the best choice of veg) on the way there and tea and a chocolate brownie on the way back. It was a nice treat in some respects to eat "normal" food and just think "stuff my diabetes " for one day. I managed the lunch reasonably well and just tipped into double figures afterwards but the brownie (with no prebolus time) took me from 4 to 14. Totally guessed the carbs and corrected later. Got home late but had a hankering for some award winning black pudding I bought (It would be rude not to when visiting Lancashire 😉 ) Cooked the whole pack before bed intending to eat one piece and reheat the rest today but it was just heavenly so ended up eating nearly all of it with pickled beetroot. So I then needed to inject more insulin .... all total guesswork and I was just coming down from the brownie with active insulin still in my system for that. I guessed a 1.5 increase in basal for the lack of exercise but maybe 2.5 would have been a better decision.
Anyway, I had a lovely day away, gave my diabetes the minimum attention/consideration that it needed and didn't have a major disaster, so I am counting that as a success. We both really enjoyed meeting the guy we went to see, who was really fascinating (we were there hours!!) and seeing all his carriages and harness and Ian bought a carriage, so we will be having a return trip to collect it within the month. Maybe with practice I can keep things in single figures!! Ian will be driving next time so I will be able to keep a closer eye on my levels and prebolus and correct whilst we are travelling. Got to get some more of that gorgeous black pudding too!
True you can't not eat black pudding while in the north I didn't use to like black pudding but going to uni in the north changed that.
Morning all. 8.7 again, despite wine last night.

The food festival was good fun, though it was overcast with an occasional sighting of the sun alternating with a cold wind. I only had one slight incidence of vertigo on some steep steps. Lots of good music and a heck of a lot of food outlets! I bought a selection of "genuine curry pastes made in India".... well, wherever they were made the resulting curries (Butter Chicken, Rogan Josh and a couple more) tasted excellent. J rather fancied some rum he tasted but didn't buy as it was prohibitively expensive. We resisted the Greek food outlets which rather dominated the lunch options (we will be there eating the real thing soon enough) and chose sausages in baguettes with onions and gravy from a French street food stall for lunch, followed by half a brownie each. Total rubbish and not good for me. I ended up skimming 18, but that was partly due to not bolussing until after I ate. One HUGE drawback of the Omnipod is that you cannot see the PDM display outdoors, all you can see is your own reflection on the screen. I had to find somewhere inside one of the marquees to be able to see it. I daren't leave my food on the table or it would have been full of sand or possibly blown away altogether and I didn't want to leave poor Julian holding it so he couldn't eat his. Our friend also had her hands full holding hers. Unfortunately the "famous chefs" turned out to be people I had never heard of trying to cook on a fire pit and advertising their services as "private chefs" which was disappointing.

Have a good day everyone... we shall be watching Eurovision later, though doubt UK stand a chance.

@Elenka_HM Good luck getting into those jeans...

@Gwynn hope all turns out well at the opticians. I had a similar thing and it transpired to be a slight detachment of a retina. I was told to stay well hydrated and it cleared up very quickly.
Ooops.. forgot the attachments
The food festival
A rather tame blackbird having a bath at the garden centre the day before.


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True you can't not eat black pudding while in the north I didn't use to like black pudding but going to uni in the north changed that.

This was a tray bake black pudding similar to how my mother used to make it rather than the dense stuff in a sausage casing that you normally see on sale and I have to say it was nearly as good as Mam's home made.
When I was a child we used to walk up to the abattoir at the top of the hill with a bucket to get a gallon of pigs blood and then bring it home and mix it with milk and add the barley and grated fat and Mam always used chopped mint from the garden and then pour it into big trays and bake it in the oven until the top was crispy and it was soft and moist underneath. Yum!
This was a tray bake black pudding similar to how my mother used to make it rather than the dense stuff in a sausage casing that you normally see on sale and I have to say it was nearly as good as Mam's home made.
When I was a child we used to walk up to the abattoir at the top of the hill with a bucket to get a gallon of pigs blood and then bring it home and mix it with milk and add the barley and grated fat and Mam always used chopped mint from the garden and then pour it into big trays and bake it in the oven until the top was crispy and it was soft and moist underneath. Yum!
That image is enough to put anybody off black pudding for life.
My daughter is vegetarian and some of her housemates (from Finland) had cooked a meal with 'blood sausage' and thought it would be fine for her as it was not meat. She freaked out and rang me in floods of tears so upset that they could even think it would be OK.
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This was a tray bake black pudding similar to how my mother used to make it rather than the dense stuff in a sausage casing that you normally see on sale and I have to say it was nearly as good as Mam's home made.
When I was a child we used to walk up to the abattoir at the top of the hill with a bucket to get a gallon of pigs blood and then bring it home and mix it with milk and add the barley and grated fat and Mam always used chopped mint from the garden and then pour it into big trays and bake it in the oven until the top was crispy and it was soft and moist underneath. Yum!

I can’t find the right words….definitely not yum! 😳:rofl:
This was a tray bake black pudding similar to how my mother used to make it rather than the dense stuff in a sausage casing that you normally see on sale and I have to say it was nearly as good as Mam's home made.
I mean, the list of ingredients is a bit off putting if you think about it, but we have this kind of "flat" black pudding at work instead of the round one, and I think it's much better, thought probably not as good as a northern homemade one.

In Spain we have morcilla which is made with blood, onions and in some areas, rice. I was never a fan, and black pudding is not my favourite either, but I tried.
I've never bought or cooked black pudding although if we go away anywhere and its included in the breakfast i've always enjoyed it. I didn't know what was in it until now though!! How i got to my age without knowing that i just don't know :confused:. It did taste good though.

Last load of washing in (where its all come from i don't know), house dusted, bathroom cleaned and back lawn mowed. I reckon i've earned myself lunch in the garden with my book now.
The only thing I think of when someone mentions Bratislava is that James Bond film with the cellist! What’s it like? (The city not the James Bond film!)
We enjoyed it. It’s a mix of everything, a pedestrianised old town you can walk across in 10minutes, with mediaeval, baroque and nineteenth century buildings, a castle on the hill with a baroque garden, and the whole thing has a fascinating history. All the brutalist communist era concrete stuff is outside the old town. Their economy has been good recently, so lots of restoration been done in the old town, and they’re beginning to restore the 60s stuff too! Several groups of lads (both U.K. and German) on stag nights around, of course, it being a weekend, Having spent half a day there, though, I feel I can now tick it off my lifetime list, whereas other small capital cities we’ve been to briefly, like Ljubljana, I’d be happy to go back and spend more time.2CCBA696-E3E0-4F80-89C5-3BEEAB5D8BEC.jpeg7164871E-69E6-4AF0-9790-D61AF4CC71AB.jpeg
Was a 13 6 this morning.
I'm a little sad today found out that my dog walking pal passed away a few days ago he was such a lovely old fella was 87 and was full of stories I really treasured those morning walks with him I hope I'm as spry and full of life at his age as he was. Today's plan include a fish bbq and a trip to the park the green necked parakeets are back so Im hoping for a few good pictures.
Have a lovey Saturday
😳 Hanging my head down in shame! 15:15 BS 8.5 😳 I actually woke for a loo trip & looked at the iPhone clock, still not gotten around to getting a new watch, & it was 13:50 but, was still tired & groggy so tried to get back to sleep! Was JUST starting to drop off when Tresiba alarm went off at 14:30, bashed it off, in annoyance, tried to grab 20 winks at least if not the full 40, why IS it called 40 winks?, & eventually gave it up as basal was waiting! Soohhh! An 8.5 for DP & a bit late on Tresiba albeit that’s more forgiving than being late with Levemir! 🙄

A Very G’day Mates to you all & continue having a Wonderful Day! 😉

I’m just finishing off a lazy Belvita breakfast biscuit soft bakes blueberry, yummy, while I read posts & posted! 😛

I had the same thing yesterday on 34NR & ended up on a surprising BS 4.3 when testing for lunch about 5 & a half hours later than needed a precautionary JB so, only 30 NR today will hopefully be ok? Still a wee bit of adjusting here & there of NR doses but, discounting today’s waking BS & BS in general the lower 84 Tresiba seems to be more or less bang on! :confused:
@Pattidevans thanks for the reply. I am very concerned and I suspect that you are right too. Looks like I may have to speend Monday or Tuesday at the hospital. Not sure how it all goes. I go to the opticians. They may then think a visit to the hospital is needed, but would it be A&E and if so can they treat it there and then or is it something that takes months to get treatment. Still, I will start with the opticians on Monday at 4:30pm.
@Pattidevans thanks for the reply. I am very concerned and I suspect that you are right too. Looks like I may have to speend Monday or Tuesday at the hospital. Not sure how it all goes. I go to the opticians. They may then think a visit to the hospital is needed, but would it be A&E and if so can they treat it there and then or is it something that takes months to get treatment. Still, I will start with the opticians on Monday at 4:30pm.
In my case the optician told me to go to the optical A&E dept. I never knew there was such a thing.... apart from drinking lots of fluids I had no treatment and it just cleared up.
Hi Everyone - my numbers have been a bit up the last couple of days even though I have been very "good". Went out to lunch with some friends yesterday and just had two starters (which were very small with no carbs) and didn't partake of the delicious sourdough bread that they serve there. Hey ho. I think because I've been keeping my BG around 5 & 6 when I saw an 8 it shocked me but actually I need to relax a bit about it. Got the letter from the Diabetes doctor from the OCDEM this morning and he mentioned his suggestion that I only finger prick randomly 3 times a week for now. There is no way that I'll be doing that as I just know I will completely lose focus. I want a good "score" at my next HbA1c. He also mentioned in the letter that it's basically inevitable that I'll have to start on insulin at some point but I just want to stave it off for as long as I can. We've got a woodpecker nest in our garden at the moment so I'm wasting quite a lot of time standing still craning my neck. I also think I need to make my profile pic look a bit more summery on here 🙂
A 3.3 for me. Mad busy week, super tired. Had a restful day for a change.

Lots of posts caught up on.