Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all , 5.8 here. No lie in for me, off to see the castle where Richard the Lionheart was imprisoned. Legend has it that he was rescued by his minstrel Blondel, who found him by singing his favourite songs all over the place until Richard answered. The castle is on top of a high rock, I can only assume Blondel had a really loud voice!
Good morning. BG 6.3, back and hip pain awful. Definitely overdid it yesterday. Picked up my Ukrainian guests at 12.53. A nice family with no English except for Grannie who has retained a remarkable amount of her school lessons - thank heavens for her! Kids completely exhausted after 2 days travel and sleeping in airport at Stansted - until they found the bicycles and whizzed off at Mach 8 with me shouting "on the left" and Grannie translating ad alta voce. Much laughter and chaos. Seems my vegetarian choices have gone down OK - no expert on that being a dedicated keto dieter - pass me another bullock sort of eater. Today is the great "try on" of donated clothes and returning those which do no fit. Living room looks like an Oxfam extension but all nice quality and clean - people have been so kind. Poor Wolf was in shock with so many new people but calmed down once the gravy bones were handed out. I've been up and fed the animals but there is total silence from guest accommodation so far. Hopefully they are catching up on much needed sleep.
14.5 this morning and rising. Bit confusing given I was 4.9 before i went to bed, but apparently got up to 18 overnight.


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7.3(test done sooner after I got up this morning) I actually ate 4 in the morning as I got down from to 5.1 from 8 and felt like I was dropping) I'll have to see what happens on on evening I don't go out and may have now think about cutting back my evening livemir(and just accept dawn phermermon is going to happen sometimes) I probably rather do that then risk dropping in the night) I'm thinking about asking to go back to once of a day thing(not for blood sugar reasons just will make things a bit percentlly ) and adjusting though food things understand Il use the fleaxabity then. I might discuss it with my team and see what they suggest(I do chose to do shifts by the way my work don't make me I think theres miss understanding there yeah sometimes timings change after I put I. For them but events time change and clients might change their requirements). Anyway apartenty local guidelines for cgms is exacted to released in the summer so in a few months I might have more of an idea weather I'll be aload to try one in the future instead of the libre which didn't work for me. Because I wanting something to be able to make more informed decisions at the moment because I think I've made some of the wrong ones
Good morning - 4.8
Morning all it's a 12.9
Still on the high side but so much better than its been in ages. Editing and sorting photos today I take so many I need to transfer them to the pc and cut out the ones I don't need also need to go shopping or I'll be eating the pups kibble for the next meal and she's not that into sharing.
Have a great Sunday
Good morning. 4.9 for me. Ironing to do today, maybe go for a walk if the showers hold off. Have a good Sunday.
Morning. 8.1 but this am it was the direct result of 2 Dextrose and half a cookie at 3am due to a 4.1 alarm.

Eurovision was surprising because of the UK coming 2nd for a change... might well have won if not for a huge surge of votes for Ukraine... due to sympathy for their plight rather than appreciation of their entry methinks. Spain did well @Elenka_HM, due in part to the beautiful singer. personally I liked Greece.

@TinaD glad to hear of your Ukranians arrival. Hope they settle in well.
Morning all. 5.9 on this late lie in. It’s all catching up with me, holidays do that to you.

Had a busy day yesterday, washing,shopping, childcare, feeding the five thousand etc. Today is going to be a bit quieter, apart from making a steak and ale pie for tea. Weather promising, I’m a bit unnerved as we haven’t seen any rain for two whole days! :rofl:

Have a super Sunday. 🙂

@TinaD so glad your guests have arrived safely. I can’t imagine what they’re feeling, grateful but probably very anxious/ nervous. At least they have you and your friends and neighbours to support them. Hope things go well for you all. 🙂
That image is enough to put anybody off black pudding for life.
My daughter is vegetarian and some of her housemates (from Finland) had cooked a meal with 'blood sausage' and thought it would be fine for her as it was not meat. She freaked out and rang me in floods of tears so upset that they could even think it would be OK.
Mum once cooked a huge buffet meal for, I think it was an anniversary party maybe, and a great uncle by marriage was veggie.
He was wolfing the stuff down quite happily until he asked mum how she made X and Y.
“Oh really simple!” she says,” just rice, peppers, mushrooms, salt and pepper and a couple of chicken stock cubes…” lol
5.8 for me today. 🙂

PS, so sorry, I completely forgot to thank @ColinUK for the yoghurt recipe. Will give it a go, hubby eats tons of the stuff. FWIW I use a new J-cloth to strain yoghurt when I want Labneh.
I’ve got j-cloths but the cheesecloth was only £3 so thought I’d treat myself.
I’d advise googling recipes/how to’s for whichever method you’re going to use but I’m sure you’ll be fine and the difference between homemade and shop bought is huge.
Mum once cooked a huge buffet meal for, I think it was an anniversary party maybe, and a great uncle by marriage was veggie.
He was wolfing the stuff down quite happily until he asked mum how she made X and Y.
“Oh really simple!” she says,” just rice, peppers, mushrooms, salt and pepper and a couple of chicken stock cubes…” lol
My Dad was vegetarian and used Worcester sauce on everything, not realising it had anchovies in it. Before the days of ingredients having to be listed of course.
7.1 this morning for me after a late night but a pretty good sleep.

Went out to Bushy Park house spotting and they had lovely houses but all frankly a little deer.





I think this is a hawk or falcon of some kind. It was quite small. Reddish on top. It hovered for ages above long grass and would drop lower in steps closer to prey but didn’t see it successfully get anything.

It was probably after the well disguised rabbits and mice!

There’s a rabbit in the centre of this picture!


The deer were fabulous. They’re truly wild, obviously it’s a managed herd but they are wild and have freedom to roam over 95% of the park.
There’s a sense of then accepting our presence with a slightly disdainful wariness but then we found ourselves surrounded by grazing bucks and does as they ate and cooled down in the river.

One young buck sat down no more than three foot away and this particular herd numbered about 50 or so.

What did change was when a puppy slipped the leash and came over to investigate. In a flash the herd was not running away but actually all stood their ground and made a move on the puppy who ran back to his distraught owners.

Walked 20km over the course of the very relaxed day and I’ll certainly head back to Bushy Park again as it’s such a special place.

Also happens to be the location for the first ever Park Run!
7.1 this morning for me after a late night but a pretty good sleep.

Went out to Bushy Park house spotting and they had lovely houses but all frankly a little deer.

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I think this is a hawk or falcon of some kind. It was quite small. Reddish on top. It hovered for ages above long grass and would drop lower in steps closer to prey but didn’t see it successfully get anything.

It was probably after the well disguised rabbits and mice!

There’s a rabbit in the centre of this picture!

View attachment 21003

The deer were fabulous. They’re truly wild, obviously it’s a managed herd but they are wild and have freedom to roam over 95% of the park.
There’s a sense of then accepting our presence with a slightly disdainful wariness but then we found ourselves surrounded by grazing bucks and does as they ate and cooled down in the river.

One young buck sat down no more than three foot away and this particular herd numbered about 50 or so.

What did change was when a puppy slipped the leash and came over to investigate. In a flash the herd was not running away but actually all stood their ground and made a move on the puppy who ran back to his distraught owners.

Walked 20km over the course of the very relaxed day and I’ll certainly head back to Bushy Park again as it’s such a special place.

Also happens to be the location for the first ever Park Run!
Red Kite ?
Love your pictures.