Group 7-day waking average?

How parochial that the Chelsea Physic is closed on Saturdays.
Sigh - I wish I could have a Kew spring visit but 5 hours driving each way. One of the few things I miss about London life. A tidy 5.4 this morning. Yesterday whizzed about like the proverbial blue bummed fly, planning a quiet morning today before tomorrow's arrival of Ukrainian guests. Final child's bicycle sources, service and cleaned, child seats installed in car, pantry full, beds made - just bread, green veggies, sour cream and milk to buy tomorrow together with a cake, hopefully Polish Shop will oblige.
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Morning all, 8.9 here, and rising. Went for a walk in 28 degree heat yesterday afternoon and not surprisingly found I was 2.9 half way round. (dumbo forgot to set her low glucose alarm) so I was a bit conservative last night. (OK, I had the patisserie option for pudding. when in Budapest…)
Security was fine at Gatwick, @Pattidevans , but we’d been seeing in the papers the horrendous queues round the block at Manchester and Birmingham, and the airline had been texting me telling me to get to the airport early, so I was a bit concerned.
Photos as the boat departed last night, now in Estergom, then Bratislava tomorrow.
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Good morning - 4.3
Good morning 5.6 today
I went to sleep on a 5.1 so both of those numbers respectable.

well done on the HS @Gwynn
glad you got your varifocals @ColinUK (I’ve had mine nearly a month now and getting on quite well with mine)

I’m still not loosing weight which is so annoying as I was doing so well when I was on Ozempic,
for me im not convinced that Trulicity is as good as Ozempic was, but appreciate the reason they wanted to change it, will try and speak to HCP about changing back.

Happy Friday 13th have a great day everybody 😎
4.2 here, with bg under 5 all night again and a few snacks before bed as I dropped to low 4s late evening.

I reduced lantus by 10% last night so maybe will see more effect from that in the next couple of days.
Morning all. 6.6 at 6am! In the words of Cliff “ I’m just a devil woman!” Up and showered and dressed. Breakfasted and bed stripped. Yep, we’re off home today. :( Have to be out by 9am! Will I manage to get Wordle done? Will the creases have fallen out of my face before I show it to the general public? So many things to ponder. How did I ever manage to leave the house at 8 when I was working, I’ll never know.:confused:

Our last day was wet! But we did get out for a few hours. Popped back to the wildlife hide and the spot where the white tailed eagle is nesting. It was still there, just watching over the huge nest. Two hours it sat, then just flew off so suddenly no one got a shot! There was quite the crowd yesterday. We stayed for a while but it never returned, must have gone fishing. So we returned to the cottage, finished the packing as much as we could, and read and both finished our books. It rained incessantly all day and through the night. Still raining now, but it won’t stop us stopping off at Glencoe for a photo opportunity. Then on to Balloch at the foot of Loch Lomond for some lunch and fill up with petrol to get us back home. For all we have really enjoyed our holiday, it’s always nice to get home to your own bed, bathroom and kitchen. I am looking forward to seeing the grandchildren too, the farmers’ three are coming tomorrow for a few hours as mum is working and dad at the coo auction. Had hoped to see baby Zara too but just found out last night it seems she may have Covid, she’s not well and her other grandparents have tested positive. Poor little thing. :(

Well that’s Eggy checking out from the Highlands, we’ll be back. 🙂

@Gwynn congratulations on your HS.
@Robin sounds like a great trip, re you walking in 29 degrees, I had a woolly hat on yesterday, 9 degrees!
@TinaD good luck for tomorrow, you’re a very special lady doing this. Bravo.
Have a fab Friday everyone.

Last photo of the holiday. The seals were much closer yesterday so managed to get a better photo.


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4.8 for me this morning after sticking with the 2.5 units of Levemir last night but needed a correction before bed. Off to the dentist this morning for some work on a front tooth which shouldn't involve injection and then quickly sort animals out before heading off towards Blackpool for the day to look at carriages and harness as there is a guy over there breaking up his collection and there are a few things that Ian might be interested in but until you see the stuff in person and take measurements you don't really know for sure.

Oh bummer! Just dropped into the red despite eating breakfast earlier than usual. Hope Ian can drop me at the dentist. Will have to give him a call! On a positive note, my Libre is looking pretty accurate today as a finger prick is agreeing down to the decimal place with my hypo scan of 3.6 right when I could do with it reading a bit low. To me fair my tongue is tingling a tiny bit but I had hoped Libre was exaggerating.
Morning all. 🙂 4.6 here.

It’s double Welsh today - Zoom book club first, then in-person Welsh class at 1. Then a quick M&S run for new undies. Life in the fast lane, or what?!
Morning…7.2 for me . 4.2 Libre 🙄 have got used to it now as at least it’s consistent)

Tip of the morning. Put reading specs on and don’t grab spice jar from the cupboard in without paying attention …otherwise one might sprinkle ground coriander on their porridge instead of ground cinnamon 😳…well it made a change I guess.

Have a good journey home @eggyg
Beautiful pic @Robin

Have a lovely day all.
9.4 but I did end up correctly in the evening (I wasn't quite going to bed yet) then got down 4.8 in the middle of night(I eat). I happened to wake up) don't know if I should have checked again when I woke up around 5(but that's not unusual) because feel pretty gorgy but might just be the affects of the illness 🙂
5.8 this morning

Varifocal update! They are actually photochromic but took a while to activate. So that’s good.
I’m still convinced that the measurements are slightly off and that the left lens focal position thing is not in the right place.
The far vision field is not centred. Also it’s not great for watching telly as the screen falls perfectly in the gap between the near and far fields.
Same for walking along the street. Anything out to about seven to ten foot away is blurred.
Is that how it’s supposed to be??

Not tried the sunglasses yet but no doubt will break those out over the weekend!

Other stuff… erm… oh! Picked up cheesecloth yesterday and there’s what seems to be a much more successful batch of yoghurt staining in it right now!

Dietician appointment later today. I’m hoping that they’re not going to just tell me to eat according to the live well plate or something like that but actually listen to what I’m saying and can help me muddle my way through the emotional side of food.

C’est tout for now. Other than to say went for a regular sexual health check up yesterday and the nurse asked about the assault stuff and how I was getting on etc. I cried a little and I’ve not done that in ages as there’s been a stoic determination which has overridden the emotional most of the time. Was good to let some of the emotion out for once.
5.6 for me today. 🙂

I won’t ask what activities compromised said 3 or 4! Ooer, Mrs.:confused:🙂
Now now! None of this rampant imagination. You know what they say about people who imagine things like that!😉

Actually simple things like pulling my pants down and/or catching it on the shower door as I got out when it was on my arm. I was changing it before a shower so the backing got wet before the adhesive firmed up. I now change it after my shower and the darn things stick like limpets, but you can dislodge the cannula whilst the pod is still firmly stuck. I do not do what the DSN suggested and go without knickers! I just avoid the area.
6.1 this morning. Surprising after eating Orzo last night.

Off to St Ives food festival today. Looking forward to seeing some famous chefs demonstrate.

@Robin, I loved Budapest, but we went fir theChristmas markets and it was freezing!

@TinaD you sound mega-efficient. I am sure the Ukranians will feel very welcomed.

@Gwynn congrats on the HS

@ColinUK how do you make yoghurt?
@Pattidevans Full fat milk in a pan. Bring it up to almost a boil then let it cool down for an hour or so. Take a cup of that warm milk and mix in a couple of spoonfuls of live yogurt. Add that back into the warm milk. Whisk.
Either then back on a very low heat - some use a slow cooker, others put it in the oven with the light on rather than heat, I use my Instant Pot, but mum used to just use a wide necked thermos flask- for between 6 and 24 hours.
After that you refrigerate it to let it firm up. Then strain it.
Last batch I strained through a normal sieve over a bowl, this time I’m using cheesecloth.
Discard or freeze the whey.
You have yogurt.

It takes time but it’s not as if you have to do anything to it whilst it’s yoghurting!

Loads of YouTube videos about various methods etc but Instant Pot has a yoghurt setting on it and I just wanted to see what it was like and make better use of the Pot!
Sigh - I wish I could have a Kew spring visit but 5 hours driving each way. One of the few things I miss about London life. A tidy 5.4 this morning. Yesterday whizzed about like the proverbial blue bummed fly, planning a quiet morning today before tomorrow's arrival of Ukrainian guests. Final child's bicycle sources, service and cleaned, child seats installed in car, pantry full, beds made - just bread, green veggies, sour cream and milk to buy tomorrow together with a cake, hopefully Polish Shop will oblige.
Going to Bushy Park tomorrow I think.
It’s the second largest of the road parks and is nowhere near Bushy but is actually part of the old Hampton Court estate.
It’s apparently huge and has lots of free roaming deer. This time of year there ought to be quite a few Bambi’s around.

Oh and there’s also a couple of very well reviewed cafés that might get a visit 🙂