Group 7-day waking average?

@Lisa66 Wisley is beautiful but it’s been years since I was last there. It’s not the easiest one for me to get to from home but it’s doable without a car just about.
Don’t think I’ve ever been to the Chelsea Physic.
@khskel I've have wondered if there is a method / formula to how tracks are ordered on an album…is there? Starting with a strong one, ending in a high with a surprise somewhere in between…it’s the way I think albums (vinyl) used to be back in the day…way back🙂

That's pretty much the way I see with vinyl tracks with the greatest dynamic range go on the outer tracks.
Hang on a minute didn't you just tell me not to make decisions based on one night 🙂
It’s not based on one night, my bgs have dropped consistently for 3 days since I started splitting basal on Monday (which was expected to improve insulin absorption)
It’s not based on one night, my bgs have dropped consistently for 3 days since I started splitting basal on Monday (which was expected to improve insulin absorption)
Morning bgs:
Last week 10-13
Monday 9.7
Tuesday 8.5
Wednesday 6.9
Thursday 4.4

That’s a definite trend with an identified cause, not a rash decision based on one nights results.
@khskel obviously I’m not suggesting you have anything less than an album full of strong tracks🙂

@ColinUK Wisley definitely isn’t the easiest place to get to…probably a good hour and a bit drive for me….so will make sure there’s plenty to see when we go. Physic garden was lovely, not huge, but really really interesting. We did go in the summer, not sure what it would be like at other times. I would highly recommend joining one of the free guided tours to get all the history and stories behind the plants and garden. We were probably there a couple of hours..incl tour. Rather nice cafe too 🙂
It’s not based on one night, my bgs have dropped consistently for 3 days since I started splitting basal on Monday (which was expected to improve insulin absorption)
Ah sorry misunderstood with the way it was put 🙂 seems things just do get misunderstood understood sometimes so maybe it's not me after all 🙂
But I also was
Ah sorry misunderstood with the way it was put 🙂 seems things just do get misunderstood understood sometimes so maybe it's not me after all 🙂
But I'm also not making s decision(not w permanent one based on one night. I'm going to see what happens if I'm on others days days where I'm not traveling and also wondered if. I only recently uped it 5 anyway from 4 and that was the advice of my team. What I was saying was other nights it could have potentially dropped futher(I don't always wake up when this happens sometimes I do sometimes I don't ) so saying I should probably left only slightly above 10 alone and check on it later at least at the moment.
Don’t think I’ve ever been to the Chelsea Physic.
My elder brother took me and mum there. It was lovely, very chilled, nice cafe. Whatever you decide to do, enjoy!

It’s June 28th @Pattidevans, so I’m busy watching vids on YouTube and trying to get my BG to behave. I’m seeing my DSN on Tuesday - she’s fab. :D I can see now how truly terrible my first endo was (had her for 9 years!) and how she really didn’t have the faintest idea, not a clue, poor dab.o_O🙂
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How parochial that the Chelsea Physic is closed on Saturdays.
And what time do you call this? 😱 14:35 BS 6.6🙂 But, only because of the 14:30 Tresiba alarm that I bunged off pretty sharpish & then, took 5 minutes to respond reluctantly to!😳 Was burning the midnight oil & it’s catching up on me! 🙄

There’s nothing else for it, mates, it’s got to be an Australian greeting today! 😳 A Very G’day Mates to you all & continue having a Wonderful Day!😉

Just finished breakfast & since it’s the 3rd day of 84 tresiba now I’m pretty sure breakfast dose is 40NR but, we’ll see if that’s the case later? :confused: I’ll be able to work out the rest once I get breakfast figured out!🙂
My elder brother took me and mum there. It was lovely, very chilled, nice cafe. Whatever you decide to do, enjoy!

It’s June 28th @Pattidevans, so I’m busy watching vids on YouTube and trying to get my BG to behave. I’m seeing my DSN on Tuesday - she’s fab. :D I can see now how truly terrible my first endo was (had her for 9 years!) and how she really didn’t have the faintest idea, not a clue, poor dab.o_O🙂
Oh good luck. Have a good think about where you might find sites to put it where it won't make an unsightly lump in clothing (although to be honest it's tiny) and where your activities won't compromise it. I pulled 3 or 4 out by accident at first.
No idea on a waking number today. The 1st time in 24 years and I over slept! And to make it worse it was car share day !!!it was only because they rang to say are you ok I woke up. Up and sorted and in the car in 9 min.

I was a 10.3 when I scanned in car. Sensor is reading 2 too high all the time so maybe it was 8.3. Who knows.

Glad you’re ok @Lily123 we had a small fire at school not long ago and it was very exciting shall we say for the children not so for the teachers. Took ages for the fire engine and were next to the fire station you can imagine the offers form the year 11 boys of going to get the fire engine !

Hope you got to work ok eventually @freesia

Thinking of you @ColinUK

Have a good evening everyone.
No idea on a waking number today. The 1st time in 24 years and I over slept! And to make it worse it was car share day !!!it was only because they rang to say are you ok I woke up. Up and sorted and in the car in 9 min.

I was a 10.3 when I scanned in car. Sensor is reading 2 too high all the time so maybe it was 8.3. Who knows.

Glad you’re ok @Lily123 we had a small fire at school not long ago and it was very exciting shall we say for the children not so for the teachers. Took ages for the fire engine and were next to the fire station you can imagine the offers form the year 11 boys of going to get the fire engine !

Hope you got to work ok eventually @freesia

Thinking of you @ColinUK

Have a good evening everyone.
It was quite scary because we were all stood on the field before all the teachers got out and we realised that they wouldn’t do a drill when it was heavily raining. 1500 students + teachers on the field and none of us knew what was going on until the head teacher used a megaphone to say that they had found a fire and a lot of smoke! - and to make matters worse that school building has only been in use since January!
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Oh good luck. Have a good think about where you might find sites to put it where it won't make an unsightly lump in clothing (although to be honest it's tiny) and where your activities won't compromise it. I pulled 3 or 4 out by accident at first.
I won’t ask what activities compromised said 3 or 4! Ooer, Mrs.:confused:🙂
Good evening people. 5'9 this morning, a not so great 10'8 now. I was going for a walk anyway, so I won't need a snack before. It's one of this times where I feel I wasted the whole afternoon and make myself get out of the house so I feel a bit less crappy later. Have my headphones on, now trying to decide if I need some reflection (could help with therapy next week) or just drowning my thoughts in music.

That was intense. I needed to let it out xx
Oh boy, did this walk bring my levels down! An hour and a half after my post I was 4'1, with cold sweats and sudden hunger. My brain also felt a bit dumb. Had my late dinner and will test again before bed, don't think it will be long now
Good morning everyone.

A cooler, very gusty start to the day. It might make a walk on the beach a bit more challenging.

BG 5.2 Yessss an HS at last and out of the lower 4's

Today not much planned. Found it hard to get to sleep last night (very unusual for me) thinking about the suddenly announced (dumped on) dog sitting. The dog is a lovely smooth collie who gets on with me really well. But it is a bit frightened and nervous of pretty much everything. I think it sees the calm I create and gravitates towards that. She is great company too. I will see if I can find a picture of her. Her name is Jessi (jessica).

I had better make the house a bit more dog proof between now and when the dog turns up later in the month.

I kind of envy my daughter as she is going on holiday. I haven't had a holuday for over 15 years as my wife is very reluctant to leave the house. Sigh.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing