Group 7-day waking average?

@Lanny Now smoked salmon is ALWAYS in my kitchen somewhere. I have about 2kgs of the stuff in my freezer right now.
I don't associate that with sushi though as it's so intrinsic to foods from my Jewish Central/Eastern European roots.
Good afternoon

8.8 this morning...

I broke a mirror the other week, knocked my travelling make up mirror off the dressing table. 7 years bad luck? I hope not! Yesterday we went to our next door neighbours' house for lunch, which was very nice. Didn't feel like drinking so only had 2 very small glasses of wine... and we came home around 5pm, then had a conference call with a friend in Bordeaux for an hour or so. I got up to go start dinner, completely dizzy (which came out of nowhere) I ricocheted across the dining area and luckily J caught me before I went flying, I felt very very drunk, though I'd drunk nothing since after the two small wines. I checked BGs (6.1) so it wasn't that, BP (151/93) not that either. I was completely dizzy for the rest of the evening, doing nothing except sit on the sofa until 9pm when I went to bed exhausted. Slept until 9 am and woke still feeling dizzy. Rang the GP who said to get there as soon as I could - arrived at 10 am when I was seen by a student Dr who took my medical history etc... and then the GP came in and they had a chat. I now realise that I provided a subject for training the student... but that's fine and it was good I could get in so soon for an appointment. Turns out it's Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. Apparently it'll resolve itself, but I have some neck/head exercises to do.... so what's next I ask myself???? Fingers crossed nothing LOL!

Fab photos again @eggyg

@Elenka_HM worst nightmare a chef walking out mid-service! How did you all manage?

@ColinUK & @Lanny despite many visits to Japan I have never quite acquired the taste for Sushi!
@Elenka_HM worst nightmare a chef walking out mid-service! How did you all manage?
Well, being nice with the 2 chefs left, apologising a lot to customers and keeping the duty manager busy with complaints! :rofl: only they know how many complimentary drinks they had to give away.

On the bright side, after the service, there was a good vibe between us in the kitchen, chefs and restaurant staff. Banter and jokes about the sh*t show, even found out one chef is expecting a baby! Not always, but sometimes a bad shift brings people together.
Afternoon everyone 18.1. Ended up going back to sleep this morning after doing the usual morning routine. tiredness hit me like a truck.
Yesterday all readings were between 16.8 and 19.7 so super happy about that. Bit of a milestone being under 20 every test. 😱
Update from Police.
They’re arresting him next week.
He’s up North.
He’ll be arrested for the other investigation and then they’ll put my allegations to him.

I’m ok. It’s all process etc but it doesn’t half whack up the stress and adrenaline in the system.

I’m pleased I started back on the shakes this week because otherwise I’d be running to comfort eat a bucket of ice cream.
@eggyg, despite the rain it still looks beautiful where you are. I hope it hasn't rained too much today!
@Lanny, i love trying any new food (especially if its cooked for me) but sushi is something i just can't imagine eating. I'm not sure what it is about it that puts me off...(though i did once follow a smell at work, someone had bought in sushi as a snack and forgot about it, leaving it in a warm room. The smell and mould was revolting - maybe thats what has put me off 😳!)
@Pattidevans i hope you're feeling a bit better today. It sounds horrible.
@ColinUK good news on the update. Try not to stress too much, come on here and rant if you need to. You know where we are.
@eggyg, despite the rain it still looks beautiful where you are. I hope it hasn't rained too much today!
@Lanny, i love trying any new food (especially if its cooked for me) but sushi is something i just can't imagine eating. I'm not sure what it is about it that puts me off...(though i did once follow a smell at work, someone had bought in sushi as a snack and forgot about it, leaving it in a warm room. The smell and mould was revolting - maybe thats what has put me off 😳!)
@Pattidevans i hope you're feeling a bit better today. It sounds horrible.
@ColinUK good news on the update. Try not to stress too much, come on here and rant if you need to. You know where we are.
Oh no! THAT’S the thing about sushi: it does smell a bit especially the raw stuff I don’t like but, then again, smoked salmon smells too; it goes off very quickly & why supermarkets & Marks & Spencers sell the last remaining stock of the day at half price or less as they only stock it for 1 day! It CAN be left until the next day if you have a very cold fridge but, it is best on the same day!
Oh no! THAT’S the thing about sushi: it does smell a bit especially the raw stuff I don’t like but, then again, smoked salmon smells too; it goes off very quickly & why supermarkets & Marks & Spencers sell the last remaining stock of the day at half price or less as they only stock it for 1 day! It CAN be left until the next day if you have a very cold fridge but, it is best on the same day!
It freezes perfectly well.
Now thats more like it! Give me trifle and bread over sushi anytime (though not trifle and bread at the same time :rofl:)
At least the bread is very low carb!
Good morning. 5.9 this a.m. Off to hospital for scan of lump on kidney and multiple X-ray of arthritic joints. Good news: Ben Lake, my splendid young Plaid MP, has got the Home Office off their fat behinds and my Ukrainian guests now have a full batch of permissions to travel with their names properly spelled!!
Good morning - 4.2

Yesterday was quite the eventful day. There was a fire at school. Five minutes to the end of break and about 150 students charged out the canteen at once. It was heavily raining but because we were on break we all had our coats and some of us had umbrellas (did feel bad for the teachers though as they didn’t have coats on). Apparently the kiln in one of the art rooms exploded - the art corridor smelt of smoke and one the art classrooms was closed off. No one was hurt luckily. We all think the kiln exploded but we will never be told anything by the school - I don’t know why because the rumours will only get worse
Morning all, 4.8 here, up early enough to beat the dawn rise, That’ll be along in a minute, I expect as the stress levels rise, I've got to battle my way through Airport security in a mo, to go on our first holiday abroad since October 2019.
Well i may have to reduce my basal now I’ve split it into multiple doses to improve absorption (reached the 3rd day of that now), as I dropped to the 4s last night before bed, had some carbs to get it up to 7, then dropped again to apparently be hypo all night. I was 4.4 when I woke up and 5.4 before blousing for breakfast so I think I’ll call that close enough to my first HS, must have passed 5.2 at some point!
Morning all. 4.8 (sensor alarms kept waking me at this for the past few hours!). Now very tired and still got 2 days at work.
@ColinUK low carb bread is always good, even better when spread thickly with butter.
@Robin enjoy your holiday. Pics of sunshine please.
@Lily123 so glad no one was hurt!
Have a good day everyone