Group 7-day waking average?

5.9 for me today.

Hi everyone. Hope you all have a good day.
Did you by any chance have anaesthetic? There's a component in that which can make you hypo. I once had the worst hypo ever right as I came out of the dental surgery after a filling.
My first ever severe hypo was in a dental chair, I’d had anaesthetic for a root canal and it was a trainee so quite a long procedure. Had to let them know I was going to faint and her manager had to come and quickly finish it so I could have some sugar before I passed out.
Morning all...

8.7 this morning, which was a darn sight better than it has been over the weekend. FWIW J and I went away for the weekend on Friday to celebrate the 40th Wedding Anniversary of some friends. We drove up Friday ( 5 hour drive) and stayed with them, going out for a Thai meal on the Friday night. On Saturday they were holding a party in the garden, starting at 2pm. I was up early helping the hostess with the buffet. At 1pm the antics started.... omnipod alarm went off advising me that the pump would finish in 2 hours. I went off to change the pod and get into my party outfit... and so I picked up my Frio bag and put my hand in.... but to my absolute HORROR there was no insulin in there.... You could hear my scream of distress all over their (rather large) bungalow - and probably next door and across the street too!

Our host said he'd take me to the chemist attached to their Dr's surgery as it was the largest in their area.... so I grabbed my handbag - and stupidly my empty Frio too. Yes, despite the surgery being closed the chemist was open, but the pharmacist was a regular "Jobsworth" and I have rarely had such a frustrating half an hour in my life. Life and the conversation spiralled into a sort of never never world. She said I could either ring 111 and get a prescription, or pay for the insulin. I know how difficult it would be to get through to 111... so I said I'd pay. She then said she didn't have the prescribed insulin anyway (Apidra - I know it's not as common as other types). At this point she didn't seem to know the difference... So I said I'd have Novorapid... she couldn't give me that because she'd need a prescription from a doctor. OK.. so presuming I could ring 111 after all could she give me it? She watched as I tried to ring 111 who merely told me they were too busy to answer any more calls and to use their website then disconnected me. Arghhhh.... it then transpired she only had disposable pens, she really didn't seem to know of the difference between vials and cartridges... so why had I wasted 20 minutes on 111? I asked if she could direct me to another perhaps larger chemist... NO.... she had no time for that and anyway wasn't local. My poor companion was so frustrated by this time I had to calm him down despite my own near apoplexy. It's hard to describe the fear I was experiencing at this point... as my Omnipod was past the expiry time - though I did know I had 7 hours leeway until it actually stopped.

We decided to go to the hospital in Basingstoke. By the time we arrived there my companion should have been at his own party greeting his guests. Fortunately we encountered a sympathetic triage nurse who found out from the hospital pharmacy that they had 1 (yes just one) vial of Novorapid in stock and she said she'd find a Dr to prescribe it for me... so we waited what seemed forever, but was probably about 45 mins... and eventually arrived back at the party at 3.30pm - just 1.5 hours after guests arrived, my host unshaven and wearing his holey tartan slippers! We were greeted by laughter neither of us understood. Apparently the hostess, when asked where her hubby was had told one lot of guests that "Oh he's gone off with Patti". Julian said the faces of all around were an absolute picture! We both scrambled into our party clothes and I got my pod changed as quick as I could.

Apparently I had left my (bright pink) Frio bag on the kitchen work surface by the fridge, ready to put Apidra vial and spare cartridges of Apidra and Levemir into it right before we left. Hubby had picked it up and put it in the car, informing me he'd done so... and in the scramble to get off on our journey in time I hadn't even thought that there was no insulin in it. Horrible experience... had it's funny side though.
Part 2. I'd always assumed that it would be, if not easy, at least reasonably possible to obtain insulin in the UK if stuck. It's not, especially out of hours. Hospital is your only hope out of hours.

Novorapid is not rapid..... Apidra is much quicker... I only obtained 14% time in range over Saturday/Sunday and Monday... mind you the buffet was a lot of carbs... and we got to eat leftovers at lunchtime on Sunday.

I found my copy of "Think like a pancreas". I had lent it to our host when he (T2) went onto insulin in an effort to get him to ask for MDI rather than Humulin I twice a day. He hadn't read it. His wife returned it to me.
Part 2. I'd always assumed that it would be, if not easy, at least reasonably possible to obtain insulin in the UK if stuck. It's not, especially out of hours. Hospital is your only hope out of hours.

Novorapid is not rapid..... Apidra is much quicker... I only obtained 14% time in range over Saturday/Sunday and Monday... mind you the buffet was a lot of carbs... and we got to eat leftovers at lunchtime on Sunday.

I found my copy of "Think like a pancreas". I had lent it to our host when he (T2) went onto insulin in an effort to get him to ask for MDI rather than Humulin I twice a day. He hadn't read it. His wife returned it to me.
Novoslowied is what I decided to call it.
Oh my goodness @Pattidevans what a worrying few hours. Good to hear the hospital came up trumps and good tip to try hospital should anyone else find themselves in a similar situation.

I hate being rushed when we are going anywhere…but have managed to go out on the odd occasion with no needles or not enough insulin in my pen…easier to sort that your situation.

@Lisa66 I think we should let you have the House Special this morning...., so "Congratulations!!" .... We all know Libre never lies 🙄 .... and who is to say you didn't have a strong DP afterwards to get that finger prick reading! 😉
Well if you insist 🙂…thank you.
Morning all...

8.7 this morning, which was a darn sight better than it has been over the weekend. FWIW J and I went away for the weekend on Friday to celebrate the 40th Wedding Anniversary of some friends. We drove up Friday ( 5 hour drive) and stayed with them, going out for a Thai meal on the Friday night. On Saturday they were holding a party in the garden, starting at 2pm. I was up early helping the hostess with the buffet. At 1pm the antics started.... omnipod alarm went off advising me that the pump would finish in 2 hours. I went off to change the pod and get into my party outfit... and so I picked up my Frio bag and put my hand in.... but to my absolute HORROR there was no insulin in there.... You could hear my scream of distress all over their (rather large) bungalow - and probably next door and across the street too!

Our host said he'd take me to the chemist attached to their Dr's surgery as it was the largest in their area.... so I grabbed my handbag - and stupidly my empty Frio too. Yes, despite the surgery being closed the chemist was open, but the pharmacist was a regular "Jobsworth" and I have rarely had such a frustrating half an hour in my life. Life and the conversation spiralled into a sort of never never world. She said I could either ring 111 and get a prescription, or pay for the insulin. I know how difficult it would be to get through to 111... so I said I'd pay. She then said she didn't have the prescribed insulin anyway (Apidra - I know it's not as common as other types). At this point she didn't seem to know the difference... So I said I'd have Novorapid... she couldn't give me that because she'd need a prescription from a doctor. OK.. so presuming I could ring 111 after all could she give me it? She watched as I tried to ring 111 who merely told me they were too busy to answer any more calls and to use their website then disconnected me. Arghhhh.... it then transpired she only had disposable pens, she really didn't seem to know of the difference between vials and cartridges... so why had I wasted 20 minutes on 111? I asked if she could direct me to another perhaps larger chemist... NO.... she had no time for that and anyway wasn't local. My poor companion was so frustrated by this time I had to calm him down despite my own near apoplexy. It's hard to describe the fear I was experiencing at this point... as my Omnipod was past the expiry time - though I did know I had 7 hours leeway until it actually stopped.

We decided to go to the hospital in Basingstoke. By the time we arrived there my companion should have been at his own party greeting his guests. Fortunately we encountered a sympathetic triage nurse who found out from the hospital pharmacy that they had 1 (yes just one) vial of Novorapid in stock and she said she'd find a Dr to prescribe it for me... so we waited what seemed forever, but was probably about 45 mins... and eventually arrived back at the party at 3.30pm - just 1.5 hours after guests arrived, my host unshaven and wearing his holey tartan slippers! We were greeted by laughter neither of us understood. Apparently the hostess, when asked where her hubby was had told one lot of guests that "Oh he's gone off with Patti". Julian said the faces of all around were an absolute picture! We both scrambled into our party clothes and I got my pod changed as quick as I could.

Apparently I had left my (bright pink) Frio bag on the kitchen work surface by the fridge, ready to put Apidra vial and spare cartridges of Apidra and Levemir into it right before we left. Hubby had picked it up and put it in the car, informing me he'd done so... and in the scramble to get off on our journey in time I hadn't even thought that there was no insulin in it. Horrible experience... had it's funny side though.
@Pattidevans what a frightening and worrying experience! Like you, i've always assumed it would be easy to get insulin from a pharmacy in an emergency. I'm so glad it all turned out ok in the end.
Good morning, 7.1 today

A busy morning planned.
starting with a 30 minute dental appointment for some fillings (I’m thinking it’s three)
then just 45 min later after a half hour drive my first appointment at work,
Hope I don’t arrive to see my potential new customer with a mouth that’s still numb from the anaesthetic … lol :confused: thinking of DelBoy in OFAH

Have a great day everybody 😎
Good morning 6.0 this morning. Fraught afternoon yesterda y. Was emailing MP re blasted Home office when pc crashed and I was faced with blue screen of death. Am a complete clutz with a tablet. Managed it to get email saying now arriving Friday not sunday. Eek! May need turbocharger fitting.
@Pattidevans what a dreadful experience and must harder and more frustrating than it shoild have been. Glad it turned out ok in the end.

BG this morning 4.4 these morning readings are quite low but ok

Yesterday had a bit of a downturn as my wife was upset that someone had stolen her cleaning gloves. I suspect that they had just got thrown out but my wife was insistent. Apparently she had hidden them to keep them safe!!!! Cue obvious answer....

These rest of the day did not go too well but not as bad as it could have been.

My dentist appointment went really well. Not too keen on going to the dentist.

Struggling to think of something for tea tonight....

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
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Morning all. 6.4 for me today. Is it only Wednesday? This week is dragging despite not stopping at all. Work so busy, dashing around.
Have a good day everyone. Its wet here atm and expected most of the day i think.
Morning folks. I’m pleased to report it isn’t raining! Yeah!!! Oh, and BGs are 6.1.

Another very, very wet day in the highlands yesterday. Don’t get me wrong we got bursts of sunshine on occasion and it was wonderful. We ventured out at 1.25pm during one of these bursts of sunshine. Just a walk down to the loch shores. It was very pleasant, quite warm in the blazing sunshine. Got through the gate to head to the beach, it started spitting, it was now 1.30pm. At 1.35 we were drenched right through, and I mean RIGHT through. The rain was horizontal and the wind got up quite alarmingly, nearly took us off our feet! We trudged/ squelched back to the cottage. We hadn’t even been out half an hour. Stripped off and got changed. Our boots were absolutely sodden, never had that before but the rain just ran off us, down our legs and straight into our boots. Luckily, I’ve just checked and they appear to have dried out ok thank goodness as we’re off on a road trip today. Rain still forecast but less chance. We’ll have webbed feet by the time we get back!

Just caught up with all yesterday’s posts. @Pattidevans what a palaver and a such a worry for you, and like others, I thought it wouldn’t be a problem getting insulin in an emergency but it seems I was wrong. I always pack my prescription just incase but hope I never have the need to use it. Glad you got it sorted and I just wish your friend had read “ Think like a Pancreas” and was on MDI and you could have “ borrowed” some off him. Lesson learnt, always re check everything that our Muggle other half’s do!

Have a wonderful Wednesday.

I did get some photos yesterday.
1. Just as we got to the loch shore, glorious it was.
2. Dark clouds looming!
3. Mr Eggy looks like he’s been for a swim. 😱
4. Our wee bothy as we walked back, the sun was back out!


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Bit late this morning - 4.2
Good morning from Sunny Spain - I got my two month blood test result a couple of days ago. Delighted to see it go down from 53 to 44. A little way to go yet to get it into the normal range but all done through diet and weight loss so very happy about that.

Beautiful day here again, hope it’s sunny wherever you all are.

PS - 7.0 this morning but back on the straight and narrow today before holiday indulgences get out of hand.