Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all,

5.8 today on finger prick.

Not convinced my sensor is working properly - apparently I was having a hypo all night! But seeing as I slept like a baby and have woken up with a typical level (usually I’m somewhere between high 5s and low 6s in the morning when I do finger pricks) for me makes me think this isn’t true.

Not much planned today other than an online meeting and training session.

Have a good day 🙂
Morning folks. 🙂 6.8 here.

Well, I’m still waiting on my lovely DSN. Hubby reckons I should just send her a *nudge* email. They’re really busy atm, but I’m chomping at the bit as far as getting a pump is concerned.

More pics, plz @eggyg!
5.1 for me today. 🙂

7.6 this morning
Morning all. 6.9 on this not actually pouring down but still raining day.

I never left the cottage at all yesterday. It was torrential all day, until a glimmer of sun poked through the clouds at 7pm and rain miraculously stopped, Mr Eggy grabbed his camera and went down tho the loch. 10 minutes later the rain was beating down on the four skylights in the living room. 10 minutes later a drowned rat walked in the door! He said he got some good photos though! What you do for your art! :rofl:

Just spitting at the moment and we’re promised light, but sunny showers and light winds. So fingers crossed we’ll get out sometime.

Have a great day. 🙂

I only took two photos yesterday, through the patio doors. But I’m offering up Mr Eggy’s contribution today as well. Guess who’s who’s? 😛


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11.7 but this is how the night went. I did try taking my livermirr a at 8 in instead of 9 in the evening yesterday it did still raise . I wonder if I left that 12 alone would have come back now. Not sure what do about my livermir tonight weather to try taking the 5(twhich is dose I've been doing recently) at 8 instead to see if that does anything or do the 5.5(I'm going out for the evening but it's not active it's just to a house) I did last night at nine. The nurse did say yesterday am I'm sure I wasn't dropping in the night at that's why I'm waking up high but I didn't think I was.


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Some nice numbers reported this morning🙂

I was very excited to see a lesser spotted 5.2 on the Libre, much less excited to see 8.2 bg immediately after. Not sure numbers have settled since Covid, but I think I have seen others report similar on the forum. Insulin needs seem, quite upside down atm…ah well, extra work for the little grey cells.

Grey start here, not sure I’d go as far as to describe it as rain though. Meeting a friend for a quick catch up at little garden place this morning…must not buy plants, must not buy plant, must not buy plants…. Then lots to do in garden and chair to work on. I’ve only got the seat cushion to do, so nearly done, but garden keeps calling to me 🙄

Have a lovely day everyone.
Good morning everyone.

BG 4.7 this morning.

Up late as I was very tired after yesterday.

Nothing planned for today might wander out to M&S to buy some raspberries. Might even try to make an ordinary victoria sponge cake (M&S one seems a bit dense). Just an experiment of course !!! 🙂

My walking friend is playing keyboard at a funeral today so no walking buddy today. I have only ever played once at a funeral and found the experience a bit daunting. Not my thing I think.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning. 5.1 this a.m. Feeling pretty good. Overwhelmed by local chums offering to chip in to buy a car for my refugees. Not quite at target yet but within sight. Off to a mansion this afternoon to check out charitably donated clothes etc. Owner, a retired teacher, not simply content with donating free space and time, is offering group lessons for a group of local Ukrainian families - spot on. On the downside had a rear light fail on car. Garage reports a blasted mouse has taken up residence and eaten the wires....NB stop carrying horse feed in car - use trailer...
11.7 but this is how the night went. I did try taking my livermirr a at 8 in instead of 9 in the evening yesterday it did still raise . I wonder if I left that 12 alone would have come back now. Not sure what do about my livermir tonight weather to try taking the 5(twhich is dose I've been doing recently) at 8 instead to see if that does anything or do the 5.5(I'm going out for the evening but it's not active it's just to a house) I did last night at nine. The nurse did say yesterday am I'm sure I wasn't dropping in the night at that's why I'm waking up high but I didn't think I was.
She also say about the libre again because of the data but I explained I didn't really have the data while I was on them anyway because of the amount of issues I had( I gave them about 4 to 5 months of chance) and it will take a while for the new nice guidelines to reach local guidence (the anoying thing is I would qualify now if I was a child.
Just had a dental appointment late this afternoon. I was surprisingly stressed by it.

Anyway, I thought that stress was supposed to raise blood glucose levels, but when I tested on getting home it had dropped to 4.5 and my blood pressure had dropped to its lowest reading yet 100/60. And I was rather dizzy walking home.

Is that to be expected

Still, all sorted now and I cooked a great tea after a few minutes to test and recover at home
Did you by any chance have anaesthetic? There's a component in that which can make you hypo. I once had the worst hypo ever right as I came out of the dental surgery after a filling.
4.8 on the Libre this morning... my BG does go quite low during the night and stays there until breakfast.
7.9 for me earlier which was down to cutting my Levemir by another 2 units (ie. no evening Levemir at all last night) and I ate a quarter pounder burger (just the meat) before bed as my levels were in the 4s (and had been most of the day except when they dropped into the red) and I wanted to give it some stability overnight without carbs or insulin.
As you probably know by now, I don't like to start the day on a high number, so shot myself a couple of units of Fiasp with my morning Levemir and went back to sleep whilst it did it's work and woke up on a much better 5.9 but DP/FoTF must have taken some of the umph out of those 2 units because it is now rising slightly.

Need to get out for a walk today to straighten out my back a bit and clear my lungs out and then I have a huge pile of logs to chop and stack somewhere and brash to "munch" with the shredder. Last night Ian and I spent a couple of hours trying to demolish an alder tree that came down in the orchard during the storms but fell mostly in the stream which is more a swamp than an attractive stone bottomed affair. Heavy work under foot just getting to it and then the pair of us trying to drag the limbs up and out of the wet onto the lawn with a rope once Ian had cut them off and then barrow them round to the house for chopping. It isn't even good wood to burn as it absorbs water as soon as it is exposed to air instead of drying. It's one redeeming feature is that it goes a really pretty bright orange colour as soon as it is cut and absorbs the moisture. As a result the chomped brash makes an attractive mulch. It needed to be dealt with though and we still have a good half of it to work on. I am hoping Ian will cut me some stepping stone slabs from the trunk that I can use in the garden and perhaps the apiary along with the mulch. So that is my day mapped out plus the usual chores of course.

@Lisa66 I think we should let you have the House Special this morning...., so "Congratulations!!" .... We all know Libre never lies 🙄 .... and who is to say you didn't have a strong DP afterwards to get that finger prick reading! 😉
Morning all and 5.7 for me.

Finally got the final (i hope) mixes of our latest album. Rehearsal tonight so no doubt there will be plenty of my part is too loud, too quiet, too bassy etc

Have a good day everyone.
Just thinking it is 7 months since my accident when I ruptured my patellar tendon and I am still struggling to get back to normal activities. I would have never believed how long it would take. I am able to do more but not without getting stiffness, pain and soreness in the knee. It is a very neat scar though. I feel as if I am walking like a penguin, not a flattering look.
I got a copy of the medical records from the surgery and treatment and was astonished by the sheer amount of handwritten notes which are almost totally illegible, I thought no wonder mistakes are make. They always do say doctors have the most appalling handwriting.
11.7 but this is how the night went. I did try taking my livermirr a at 8 in instead of 9 in the evening yesterday it did still raise . I wonder if I left that 12 alone would have come back now. Not sure what do about my livermir tonight weather to try taking the 5(twhich is dose I've been doing recently) at 8 instead to see if that does anything or do the 5.5(I'm going out for the evening but it's not active it's just to a house) I did last night at nine. The nurse did say yesterday am I'm sure I wasn't dropping in the night at that's why I'm waking up high but I didn't think I was.
Unfortunately due to this having covid it had be a face to face apoitment but due to the nurse having covid it had be over the phone so I couldn't really get things done. Due to reasons (I'm going home on Thursday and was suppose as was supposed to be going to suden I'm not going to have that face meeting for another month)
@Pattidevans good thought, but no, no anasthetic. Amazingly, no pain either !!!
Morning Everyone 16.8
Another increase this morning by 2 units (at 14u now). Still seeing the odd spikey number or off day but overall lowering 🙂
Was so tempted to bung in +4u (no danger or it being too much) but brains saying keep it slow for the sake of my eyes.

Still no DNS phonecall and haven't chased up yet. Might just waiting until I am closer to target as I double there will be much she will do at the mo and there are no glaring issues. Things are moving in the right direction.

No plans today. After what feels like a rush of appointments for a month there, all quiet again 🙂

Hope you all have a wonderful day <3
Good morning everyone! 6'6 today.

Reducing my basal was the right move yesterday, and I'm doing the same dose today. I'm just slightly annoyed because my pen had exactly 10 units left (my usual dose) and one has gone to waste, but didn't want to risk it considering I work split shift today and don't feel like eating more to compensate. Hope it works well again.

Have a lovely day guys 🙂
10:48 BS 9.6 & I had to look it up twice as I’d forgotten the time & then the number by the time I’d read through the
posts first! 🙄:rofl: Anything’s better than yesterday’s 14.0 but, yesterday I lowered tresiba to 84 & was still conservative with NR doses so, maybe a tad too conservative with the last dose?:confused:

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

PS:- The great big long & hard slog to get GF Tonberry in FFVIII was yesterday & I deployed 3x times faster & max stats/limit breaks with immunity & the whole thing took 20 minutes!!! 😱 WOW! From 20 hours to 20 minutes!😛😎 It’s cheating, of course, but, I’m not a spritely spring chicken of 17 anymore when I first played this on Playstation One!:D