Group 7-day waking average?

5.6 for me this morning and 3 JBs overnight to treat 2 supposed trips into the red despite a 2 unit Levemir reduction. I say "supposed".... the first time I woke up at 2.30am with Libre showing 2.6 😱 I guzzled 2JBs whilst I immediately put the light on and tested with a finger prick... 4.0 Phew.... I don't think even my digestive system is quick enough to get glucose from my mouth to my finger tip in less than a minute, but good that my body woke me up earlier than the 2.6 Libre suggested. Woke up again at 5am to Libre showing 3.8 (didn't double check) just ate another JB and went back to sleep. Did another -2 Levemir reduction again this morning, so looks like my body is settling into the season change now after a lot of to-ing and fro-ing the past few weeks with basal needs going up and down.

Bit of a disappointing turnout for our club drive yesterday.... just 4 turnouts including ourselves but had a lovely drive and weather was perfect and for once "Slacker Jack" AKA Arthur, actually pulled his weight! Normally he hangs back and poor Zak, who is a willing worker, takes most of the load and Ian has to keep reminding Arthur that he isn't just there to keep Zak company and look pretty, but yesterday he put his shoulders into the collar and pulled from the start. Woohoo! All of 2 horse power!

@eggyg Wow Elaine! those photos are spectacular. Please keep them coming. Sounds like you headed off another nasty one last night. Well done!
8.9 I was a bit naughty and did a slight correction at 6 despite all ready doing on 2 hours before(thinking back over times the past few weeks it's probably time to listen to 4 hour rule again expect in cirten crinstames like if it's higher after correction without food then makes sense but if its the same or a bit lower but still high leave it alone and wait to see if novoslowied does its job while at least without something telling me what's happening) it was the way the raise of the night went that made me do it.

I noticed something interesting last night I convinced I was supper high at bed because I felt however I was only 10.4 and I thought that's wired I'm high but not as high as feeling but 2 hours leter I was higher despite a correction (must learn to leave 5s alone in the evening as well as some other things it's hard when you don't know which ways it's going). So I guess it was body warning me that I was heading up but in same way it warms about dropping.
A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Now! Get ready for a double whammy explosive shocker!, 😱😱 07:59 BS 13.9 checked it again with hands washed 08:01 BS 14.0 RIGHT after waking up, heart racing through the roof so, probably stress & will wait to see if it comes down before correcting?:confused: WHY? Because I had a totally bonkers dream that was a comedy movie to begin with that just turned into a blockbuster disaster movie “on a dime” as Americans would say ie. a very fast turnaround! From:rofl: to😱 in the blink of an eye!

Funny how how things work themselves out in my dreams: the stressful effort of the darks wash the other day after the social worker visit; I dream this psychotic number! 🙄😱:rofl:

My family of my two younger siblings & my eldest brother’s 2 nephews, we dubbed ourselves The Famous Five as kids, were helping me to tidy up the house & it was a case of little comedic disasters after another like a cross between the 80’s comedy starring Shelly Long in The Money Pit where a married couple try to build or was fix up a house & it was falling apart around them & A National Lampoon family comedy film doing it & I was laughing twice at some antics! :rofl: Then, for some dream reasoning I was doing laundry in the bathtub when I spilled a whole gigantic tub, nearly as tall & wider around than I am, of white oxi action powder that turned explosive in the water from the sheer volume of white powder rather like the periodic table is alkali metals group of reactions from 1st year science with each reaction going down the group getting more violent! It was foaming up at first then, it blew out the bathroom double glazing window, we ran out to have a look, we got caught out on the decking balcony thing that doesn’t exist in this house but, all our houses in our family village in HK New Territories are all 3 storeys with 2 floors with balconies because that’s the max you can have in planning permission, by the roof collapsing on us, some of us made it back into the kitchen & some didn’t & we that did ran out the front door with house exploding around us! I don’t know if anybody made it out? I woke up thinking “Whoah! That sure was a fast turmaround! From comedy to disaster!”😱

My heart rate is coming down now & I’m laughing a bit after the shock of that awakening & will test in about 30 minutes & see where my BS is at then, before correcting? :confused:
Good morning 6.2 this a.m. Had a busy day yesterday i) emailing about Home Office cockup on little boy's visa (mis-spelled his name, back to that today);ii) making up 6 beds, finding spare hoover and veg racks; iii) cleaning and organising workshop (amazing what mislaid tools you find when you move the rubbish); iv) pressure washing entry rug, dog pen and car. Latest flare and virus hangover have definitely departed and, happily, Covid booster has provoked no adverse reaction although others report being felled by it.
Id like to say Good Morning but it isnt 8.5 on testing I know the reason 2 tsp of honey
twice in the night to stop the cough from hay fever, ear still blocked been washing the nasal
cavity out with Sterimar but nothing happening phoned the surgery for a Dr's app to be told
31 in the queue thought well B......that so walked up there, surgery empty it seems you cannot
get an appointment unless you phone first and then arrange for a Dr. to call you back to see
if you really need a Dr, !! then he will make an appointment to see you, not a happy bunny as you might gather
the worlds gone mad so my advice is if you feel what you have could be life threatening dial 999 cause
here you wont get a Dr !!! rant over sorry guys had to vent on this one 😡
08:57 BS 12.7 Might leave it another little bit but, DP will start happening soon? So, if it’s still high I’ll correct it a bit remembering tresiba needs to go down a bit later today & the higher doses of the previous few day are still in my system! What is a girl to do? :confused: I may not correct at all with all these equations to factor in on both sides?🙄
A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Now! Get ready for a double whammy explosive shocker!, 😱😱 07:59 BS 13.9 checked it again with hands washed 08:01 BS 14.0 RIGHT after waking up, heart racing through the roof so, probably stress & will wait to see if it comes down before correcting?:confused: WHY? Because I had a totally bonkers dream that was a comedy movie to begin with that just turned into a blockbuster disaster movie “on a dime” as Americans would say ie. a very fast turnaround! From:rofl: to😱 in the blink of an eye!

Funny how how things work themselves out in my dreams: the stressful effort of the darks wash the other day after the social worker visit; I dream this psychotic number! 🙄😱:rofl:

My family of my two younger siblings & my eldest brother’s 2 nephews, we dubbed ourselves The Famous Five as kids, were helping me to tidy up the house & it was a case of little comedic disasters after another like a cross between the 80’s comedy starring Shelly Long in The Money Pit where a married couple try to build or was fix up a house & it was falling apart around them & A National Lampoon family comedy film doing it & I was laughing twice at some antics! :rofl: Then, for some dream reasoning I was doing laundry in the bathtub when I spilled a whole gigantic tub, nearly as tall & wider around than I am, of white oxi action powder that turned explosive in the water from the sheer volume of white powder rather like the periodic table is alkali metals group of reactions from 1st year science with each reaction going down the group getting more violent! It was foaming up at first then, it blew out the bathroom double glazing window, we ran out to have a look, we got caught out on the decking balcony thing that doesn’t exist in this house but, all our houses in our family village in HK New Territories are all 3 storeys with 2 floors with balconies because that’s the max you can have in planning permission, by the roof collapsing on us, some of us made it back into the kitchen & some didn’t & we that did ran out the front door with house exploding around us! I don’t know if anybody made it out? I woke up thinking “Whoah! That sure was a fast turmaround! From comedy to disaster!”😱

My heart rate is coming down now & I’m laughing a bit after the shock of that awakening & will test in about 30 minutes & see where my BS is at then, before correcting? :confused:
I often say that my dreams could be made into movies but that they wouldn't score very well on Rotten Tomatoes! I had curious ones last night featuring castles and then finishing off with a very large pig chasing my dogs in the garden and me desperately getting them indoors and slamming the door in it's face - weirdly, pigs are my favourite animals!
Hope you're feeling better soon. Can you try calling 111 in that scenario or wouldn't that work during the working day - I've found them good at getting me an appointment away from my own surgery.

Id like to say Good Morning but it isnt 8.5 on testing I know the reason 2 tsp of honey
twice in the night to stop the cough from hay fever, ear still blocked been washing the nasal
cavity out with Sterimar but nothing happening phoned the surgery for a Dr's app to be told
31 in the queue thought well B......that so walked up there, surgery empty it seems you cannot
get an appointment unless you phone first and then arrange for a Dr. to call you back to see
if you really need a Dr, !! then he will make an appointment to see you, not a happy bunny as you might gather
the worlds gone mad so my advice is if you feel what you have could be life threatening dial 999 cause
here you wont get a Dr !!! rant over sorry guys had to vent on this one 😡
6.0 - well my weekend has been a weekend of major carb avoidance. We moved my son & girlfriend out of their flat on Saturday (I pulled the "I've recently had abdominal surgery" card and stayed downstairs guarding the van as they were on the top floor). They took us out for an afternoon tea to say thank you (before the move) and it was carb city as you can imagine. I explained that I was diabetic and fortunately there was one thing on the normal menu that I could have and it was a delicious salad, but not exactly filling and SO hard to resist all that the others were having, but I did. Then yesterday we were at a golden wedding lunch and again I avoided pasta, rice and apple crumble for pudding. I had chicken, lamb & fish (and full second helping) and cheese for pudding with no crackers. Here's a pic of the afternoon tea which I must say did look amazing and the second pic has my grumpy face pointing at my salad :D


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Morning all and it was 6 en punto for me.

Bits and bats to do for me today. Need to get some fat balls for the bird feeders. Seems to be a shortage at the moment.

Have a good day everyone.
morning 9.30 reading was 15,8
feeling a little better today again spent a lovely hour in the park yesterday with the pup my camera and nurse ratchet in tow. cant even begin to explain how lovely it felt to have the cool breeze on my skin and feeling the sunshine on my back was a tonic for my soul honestly think id gotten a dose of cabin fever its been nearly a month since I've been to the park things have grown flowers have bloomed it was a riot of colour and sound ..
came home exhausted dozed off and woke at 11,30 had a snack went back to bed till 5,00 and I've spent he morning in the back yard reading and drinking tea it really is the little things in life that bring the greatest contentment for me i have a few things on trip to the clinic for x ray and check up on the face and a visit to the optician I'm 6 months over my check up and I'm starting to notice the old eye strain as I'm reading more at the moment started rereading the magician series by r.e Fiest its like the third of fourth time I've gone through the series.
have a awesome day what ever you get up to today
keep smiling


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What’s the bread recipe you’re using?
This one Colin but I add Pumpkin seeds, now I have a new bread maker it makes the perfect loaf everytime.


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Weight loss is a complete puzzle to me, when I was sitting doing nothing for 2 months due to my knee injury I stayed the same weight and now being more active, getting back to some walking, all be in not as far or as fast as before and gardening, digging etc my weight has gone up. Same food throughout, 70g carb per day.
Yes it's odd isn't it, I guess I just need to do more walking but at the end of the day I always look at what I now eat and know it is all good stuff so feel better for it and my BG is very stable. I try not to focus on weight too much I lost loads and it's not going up so i'm just enjoying the fresh foods and eating more organic stuff but cost is a factor.
Good morning everyone! 7'1.

After its big comeback last month, my period came again when I would expect...except I didn't expect it at all. All this months it was missing made me lose the habits lol. I may have some fun finding out how it affects my blood sugars. Yesterday I was running a bit low all day, it was also a hot day so might be that, I was surprised to find a 4'8 before dinner when I had been sitting on my bum since lunchtime. Used it as an excuse to have a couple chocolate biscuits for dessert 😉

I was not very energetic so I started a new book and spend almost 4 hours absorbed into it. That was common for me as a kid and early teens, and I had a nice familiar feeling. Today I plan some more activity, walking and getting some groceries (including period supplies) so I dropped my Levemir 1 unit. Let's see how the day goes.

@Griffin. Lovely pictures!

Have a good start of the week 😎
21 first thing in the morning.
One large correction later (aided by a few tabs to halt the descent) and back in range, ready to go.

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Whoa! That is some plummet! Did you feel rough?
How do you get your insulin to be so effective. Takes me hours to get my levels down once I go above 10 let alone 20! I have come to the conclusion Fiasp is a total wimp and wont fight a big BG unless I give it some pals to back it up ie stack insulin doses and then it is a fine line as to how many pals it needs..... Looks like you managed it brilliantly!
6.0 - well my weekend has been a weekend of major carb avoidance. We moved my son & girlfriend out of their flat on Saturday (I pulled the "I've recently had abdominal surgery" card and stayed downstairs guarding the van as they were on the top floor). They took us out for an afternoon tea to say thank you (before the move) and it was carb city as you can imagine. I explained that I was diabetic and fortunately there was one thing on the normal menu that I could have and it was a delicious salad, but not exactly filling and SO hard to resist all that the others were having, but I did. Then yesterday we were at a golden wedding lunch and again I avoided pasta, rice and apple crumble for pudding. I had chicken, lamb & fish (and full second helping) and cheese for pudding with no crackers. Here's a pic of the afternoon tea which I must say did look amazing and the second pic has my grumpy face pointing at my salad :D
Wow! What a spread for Afternoon Tea! Drool! 😛 A a Very Well Done! Clapping Hands emoji! For resisting THAT!:D How did you do it?🙄 I would have caved! I LOVE Afternoon Tea & had it in some pretty swanky places around the world on holiday!😛😎
Whoa! That is some plummet! Did you feel rough?
How do you get your insulin to be so effective. Takes me hours to get my levels down once I go above 10 let alone 20! I have come to the conclusion Fiasp is a total wimp and wont fight a big BG unless I give it some pals to back it up ie stack insulin doses and then it is a fine line as to how many pals it needs..... Looks like you managed it brilliantly!
I felt fine but I rarely notice high levels, or changing levels.
For corrections anything above 15 is a bit of a guess, so I injected a bit more than I thought I would need (to try to bring it down quicker - with the intention to catch the drop) then went out for a walk with the cats. Kept an eye on the curve, it slowed and gently edged towards the deck, I took 2 glucose tabs followed by a snack. Sat at the piano for an hour to make sure.
To be honest, it's one of my better catches. Libre allows you to surf, but I also checked with the finger tests, first for the high then the low.