Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all, 6.5 here, despite a poor nights sleep. Our adult kids met up here yesterday to go down to London to see Muse. Coming back, the trains were all stuck at Marylebone because of an 'incident on the line' between there and Oxford Parkway. You know what it’s like, as a parent, your kids might get up to all sorts of things all round the world that you don’t know about, but if they’re expected back at your house, you can’t sleep til they’re safely home. 3am, they finally made it back!
@Robin I’m like that when I stay over at the folks place and they’ve gone out.
I can’t sleep until they’re back home and they’re 80 and 82
5.6 for me today. Quite happy with that.
Time for a quick self-pamper face mask before shower, walk through Regent’s Park for a bit before home and work.
Should be heading to the opticians later to pick up my new specs but I’m thinking they’ll call to tell me that they’re not ready.

Also, and yes it’s the definition of a first world problem, but the royal opera house has changed their website and it’s now awful to navigate and I’m trying to book tickets for the summer season!
8.1( but I pumemitty last night and then ended up really high after wards so it dose seem like 5 units livermir(I connected this) is not enough but 5.5 is far too much you wouldn't think like half an unit I'd far too much for a middle of the night I can't seem to get on with it at the moment I might need to try and identify exactly when things are happening tonight. I know some people will say just do 5.5 and have s stank but I don't think that's the an option for me as it seems to be fair too much perherps epasilly not without something to alerm me with what's happening.
6.9 this morning :D am seeing some benefits of the changes I’ve made this week. Have also had the worse headaches in ages today so back to eating a bit more carbs in the day and drinking a bit more, something has to work to sort them out!

Sorry I've been AWOL yet again, been through another rough patch but this time nothing to do with my OCD, that I can cope better with than this! :(

Anyway 7.7 finger and 7.3 sensor, only applied it at 4:30pm yesterday and trialing it on my thigh this time, I must have hit something on application as it was quite tender last night (that was fun trying to get comfy in bed, I like to lie on a thigh or full front and 1 tender thigh with the sensor and the other tender as did my contraceptive injection an hour and a half before going to bed) it would have been done earlier but Bruce forgot to bring it on Monday 🙄 xx
Oh meant to add, my Superdrug order should have been here Monday, they emailed I think Sunday night saying it was taking longer and it should be with me no later than Tuesday, yeah you guessed right it didn't arrive yesterday and the tracking says it's at the delivery depot so first it has to go to the local courier so can't see it being delivered today either 🙄 xx
5.9 for me today. 🙂


sorry I have been AWOL, not been feeling at all well for a few days, not sure if it was a bug or depression, as I ached all over, was very fatigued, having bad headaches, upset stomach and just wanted to sleep. Not been eating very well but despite all that my readings have been their best for ages, ranging from 5.3 to todays high of 6.1, still off work today, but going to log back on tomorrow.

@SueEK - sorry to read about your op being cancelled again.
@Pattidevans - glad you got sorted over the weekend, but what a nightmare

@eggyg - photos look lovely.
Morning all,

5.4 this morning.

Gone back to finger pricks for a few days - the readings of the sensor were getting more and more ridiculous!

I’ve received a letter from my gp saying about the referral and that I should be contacted from the hospital by the 13th May!
Ok I may not get an actual appointment for a while but it’ll be nice to hear what’s going on.

Have a good day 🙂
Good morning, 7'1.

So much drama at work right now. Last night a chef left in the middle of service to not come back. He is the one who was rude to everyone so, not going to say I'm going to miss him, but we were screwed at the moment. Then there's been heated conversations in Polish between a colleague and supervisors. Today they mentioned my name twice, pointing at me which is even worse, and I was like "Elena what??". I'm used to them talking other language, I've been in their situation, but if they are clearly talking about someone who can't understand, it's plain rude in my opinion. I just left the break room early because I didn't want to be there.
Had a big plate full of Edamame Spaghetti, meatballs & sauce last night.
results were pleasing 6.3 at first mouthful 7.3 +2 hours and gentle glide down to 6.4 this morning.
I was with Sophie on the 5.4 step this morning which means my 2 units of Levemir (ie +2) last night was a good call and I had a "Unicorn Day" yesterday which always makes me feel good. Didn't get out for a walk but I did get logs chopped although more still to do and need to clear a place to store them. It isn't the easiest wood to chop as the grain twists a lot so they are all weird chunky shapes and won't be easy to stack them! Currently piled in a big heap outside my front door!
Yippee! After over two years I finally get to have sushi with this week’s tesco shop! :D Even before covid my local online tesco had stopped doing sushi & they started doing it again this year but, made by Oishii Sushi which is a local company made in NI so, not sure if it’s available nationwide? Lost count of how many times I’ve ordered it every week for there not to be any left & FINALLY got some today of smoked salmon & prawn big tray & smoked salmon & tuna small tray! Just had them for a late breakfast just now by which time DP had set in with BS 8.0 & I had a guessed 50NR: sushi always needed extra bolus; it could go either way so, JB’s or a correction later?🙄:confused:

The tesco sushi rice was always a bit on the vinegary side, for me, & this company’s sushi rice is much better balanced! 🙂 I enjoyed my sushi a LOT!😛

Edited to correct:- Oops! 😳 It’s made in Dublin so, not NI but our southern neighbour Eire!😛
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@Lanny Don't hate me, but I just don't get sushi. Sashimi I understand the appeal of but it's the inclusion of the rice for nigri or sushi rolls which just doesn't compute.
What is it that appeals to you? Perhaps I'm missing something. I've had decent as well as high st sushi and it's always left me a little mystified as to why it's so globally popular!
Well, apparently the mention of my name in the Polish argument was because this colleague was told off for something and she was saying I did the same and they didn't tell me nothing 🙄

Back to diabetes business. I did an experiment with rice yesterday, as I was curious to see how much it raises my BG and the last times I ate it, there was other carbs interfering. I was 6'3 right before, 10'4 2 hours later, back to 6'4 in another 2 hours. Don't really know what to make of these numbers. Reduce portion size, consider a small bolus for this sort of meal...? Or can leave it like that, as it came down on its own? :confused:

PS: for the bolus option I would consult the nurses first, don't worry!
@Lanny Don't hate me, but I just don't get sushi. Sashimi I understand the appeal of but it's the inclusion of the rice for nigri or sushi rolls which just doesn't compute.
What is it that appeals to you? Perhaps I'm missing something. I've had decent as well as high st sushi and it's always left me a little mystified as to why it's so globally popular!
Well, apart from the pleasing aesthetics, cross between a dolls’ tea party & airplane food, in bite sized pieces it’s the purely fresh seafood taste that’s sweet, salty & as spicy as you want, add your own wasabi! BUT, it has to BE very fresh as you lose all that if it’s not! 😎😛:D I’m not a TRUE Japanese sushi fan, though, as it’s all raw & I the only raw seafood I like is smoked salmon so, go for the American type that’s cooked: it’s mostly the American type that’s popular outside of Japan! It’s also very popular in HK where the seafood has a sweeter natural taste than the seafood here!😛