Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all 7.7 today x
06:58 BS 8.1 & cycle is more or less done, a quick strange one that caused me a LOT of havoc, & by my rising waking readings Tresiba needs going up again! :confused:

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

I caved in yesterday afternoon about 14:30 ish remembering it’s a Bank holiday coming up on Monday & phone calls by message to DSN now take 48 hours for a call back to ask for better management! Of course with the phone call so late yesterday the call back COULD be after the bank holiday? :confused: But, I’ve had a think overnight & this past week’s Tresiba actions & saw what I did wrong NOT KNOWING I was going to get a cycle: any wonder as I checked the calendar & it was only 2 weeks since the last one ended; this one was strange in that my BS started rising about a week ago! So, I put up my Tresiba & compensating with extra NR until things levelled out on the 3rd day of the increased dose then, I only had 1 day of stability & an all green in target range of readings on mySugr app! Then, I started dropping like a stone & still no sign of a cycle although, it was in the back of my mine & hesitant small reduction in Tresiba as I wasn’t sure! Confirmed the next day & thank goodness I’d delayed Tresiba already by a few hours for another wee reduction! Managed on ultra ultra conservative NR for 2 days & now it seems it’s over & BS rising again!🙄

I think I’m sticking to my usual Tresiba dose all the time & compensate with NR albeit meaning a huge swing of 20 to 90 units & just keep NR supplies topped up all the time! It’s a heck of a lot EASIER changing NR doses than Tresiba doses & only did it, increasing it, reluctantly because of the huge doses of NR I needed at times! o_O

Anyway, I’m moving back up to my usual 88 Tresiba later today & staying there unless of course it needs to come down but, I’m NOT putting it up again as the downturn that’s bound to happen, be it illness or cycle, catches me out every time with massive drops in BS! 😱

I, in italics, am not going to swing anymore & swing the NR doses instead! 🙄:D😉
Morning all. 🙂 6.9 here.

I hope your numbers start heading downwards soon @gll - glad to hear you had an uninterrupted night for a change.

Happy hols @eggyg - I’m looking forward to seeing some award-winning 😉 snaps of Bonnie Scotland.

I get fed-up with tweaking my Tresiba @Lanny - I like the fact it’s 100% flat and reliable, but I’d like it to be able to recognize the difference between night-time and day-time insulin needs. It can be a real roller coaster at times!😳😛
Thanks, Colin! I was trying not to think about that! I remember going to mid Wales one year, and seeing a hillside of mauve blooms, and spectacular and beautiful as it was, I kept muttering to myself through gritted teeth 'I shouldn’t be liking this' At least they are fussy about their soil conditions, so they haven’t spread into any of the limestone areas of the country.
I’ve settled on really liking them off they’ve been there for years but not encouraging others to buy them for new planting.

When planted en mass they are truly spectacular though.
7.7 looks like at least its settling at night.
Retinopathy check later today.
Before that I’ve a lawyer’s conference to attend. This is about the other legal matter rather than the assaults and it’s dragging on and on.
Ooh must chase the police today as was expecting a bit of news about the assault related case but they’ve gone a bit quiet.

I’d guess maybe three hours of sleep last night at most so not feeling at my tiptopper-most and must resist the lure of the bakery at the end of the road!

Oh and 7.2 this morning.
Ooohhhhh! 😛 I can’t resist it!😳 Just checked my phone upon waking earlier & got a message saying Hi, Auntie Lanny from an HK number but, didn’t know who it was that came through in the early hours, 02:04, while I was asleep! So, I sent back Hi! But, who is it? Just got the reply back & it’s my newly married youngest brother in HK who’s just had a son with his new wife, still haven’t met her yet, & I’d missed all the Facebook & Whatsapp announcements, as I stopped being on those quite a while ago, & he wanted to let me know! Aaawwww!😛 I have another nephew!😎😛:D
Ooohhhhh! 😛 I can’t resist it!😳 Just checked my phone upon waking earlier & got a message saying Hi, Auntie Lanny from an HK number but, didn’t know who it was that came through in the early hours, 02:04, while I was asleep! So, I sent back Hi! But, who is it? Just got the reply back & it’s my newly married youngest brother in HK who’s just had a son with his new wife, still haven’t met her yet, & I’d missed all the Facebook & Whatsapp announcements, as I stopped being on those quite a while ago, & he wanted to let me know! Aaawwww!😛 I have another nephew!😎😛:D
A shameful 6.8 this a.m. Hardly a true FBG as woke ravenous at 03.30 and ate a bowl of Greek yoghurt with almonds as a alternative to eating the duvet. Sunny but chilly here. Odd to see narcissi, primroses, rowan, lilac all in flower at once. Spending the day planting out final perennials grown on in the polytunnel, making 3 cushions, and foal watching. Dr had no idea about weird spastic hands but has ordered blood tests: calcium, iron, inflammation. Also explained unexpected scan appointment from urology - just checking funny lump they saw on kidney last year, hospital kindly wangled me a changed appointment for multiple joint x-rays so one trip only - if I glow in the dark it will save the electricity bill. Booster appointment came through eventually 3/5/22 - 7.5 months after 2nd dose. He signed the steroid scrip without argument tho' so at least I shall stay mobile and breathing for another month. Swings and roundabouts.
Good morning folks.
8.2 for me this morning with no evening Levemir and a lovely straight horizontal line overnight. Bit higher than I would like, so either going to bed with a lower BG or 1 unit Levemir might have been a better option but at least no red on my graph since I changed sensors.
Just done a calibration test on this one and Libre says 7.1, finger prick 7.2 so it is looking good at the moment. It is taking ages for my breakfast Fiasp to work this morning though with waking in the 8s and not having any overnight Levemir in my system, so the Fiasp is having to fight FOTF until my morning Levemir kicks in. It's an hour and a half my yoghurt and sour cherries have been sitting waiting and BG is stuck in the low 7s. Maybe a dozen trips up and down stairs will help it along.

@eggyg.... Not impressed with Jason's selfie skills! He clearly needs some photography lessons from Mr Eggy. Pleased you had a great night out. A sing and dance and belly laugh is such good therapy. Really kind of you to share ear worms but I am not taking any of those from you.... you can keep them! Hope you have a fab holiday.
5.6 for me today. 🙂

My first ever waking blood glucose….and it was 10.2. Clearly I have a long way to go. ☹️
Hi and welcome to the thread.
Can I ask when you tested this morning in relation to getting out of bed? The reason I ask is that your liver may be pumping out glucose into your blood stream to give you energy for the day and this inflates your morning reading. Sometimes this starts to happen before you wake up (referred to as Dawn Phenomenon or DP) and sometimes it waits until you get out of bed (we call that Foot on the Floor syndrome or FOTF) The liver usually continues to pump out glucose until you eat something, so what can happen is that the longer you leave it between getting up and eating the higher your reading will be. Many of us take our waking reading before we get out of bed as that will give us the best result. Personally I find that waking on a good number mentally makes me happier and gives me a better start to the day, so that may be something you want to try, but if not it will help if you make sure to test at roughly the same time after getting up every day to get comparable results. Routine is really helpful with diabetes. Hopefully, with the right dietary changes, you will start to see those morning numbers come down, but do be aware that there may be some variation both upwards and downwards on a day by day basis and you are usually looking for longer term trends rather than individual numbers.
Hi and welcome to the thread.
Can I ask when you tested this morning in relation to getting out of bed? The reason I ask is that your liver may be pumping out glucose into your blood stream to give you energy for the day and this inflates your morning reading. Sometimes this starts to happen before you wake up (referred to as Dawn Phenomenon or DP) and sometimes it waits until you get out of bed (we call that Foot on the Floor syndrome or FOTF) The liver usually continues to pump out glucose until you eat something, so what can happen is that the longer you leave it between getting up and eating the higher your reading will be. Many of us take our waking reading before we get out of bed as that will give us the best result. Personally I find that waking on a good number mentally makes me happier and gives me a better start to the day, so that may be something you want to try, but if not it will help if you make sure to test at roughly the same time after getting up every day to get comparable results. Routine is really helpful with diabetes. Hopefully, with the right dietary changes, you will start to see those morning numbers come down, but do be aware that there may be some variation both upwards and downwards on a day by day basis and you are usually looking for longer term trends rather than individual numbers.
I took it after I had got up, dressed etc but before I ate or drank anything. I am sad it is so high…..but I realise I don’t know how all this works. I assumed it was only eating and drinking that would impact the numbers….I clearly have a lot to learn.
Hey @CarolA , glad you made it over here!

How did you find the test? Hopefully the fear and anxiety about it was worse than the actual test for you <3

If you are constantly running out of your own insulin and/or can't use it properly then it tends to drive numbers up and up over time and will take time to bring it down too. Don't fall into the trap of being too hard on yourself. Common phrase around these parts is "diabetes is a marathon and not a sprint".

Like I said yesterday, ask as many questions about the forum as you need to, no one will be judgy for anyone not knowing stuff.
Hey @CarolA , glad you made it over here!

How did you find the test? Hopefully the fear and anxiety about it was worse than the actual test for you <3

If you are constantly running out of your own insulin and/or can't use it properly then it tends to drive numbers up and up over time and will take time to bring it down too. Don't fall into the trap of being too hard on yourself. Common phrase around these parts is "diabetes is a marathon and not a sprint".

Like I said yesterday, ask as many questions about the forum as you need to, no one will be judgy for anyone not knowing stuff.
The test was actually fine, and easy. I was hoping for a better result, but I suppose it will take longer for any dietary changes I make to show. What, in an ideal body, is the maximum blood glucose level supposed to be?
@CarolA for a t2 diabetic you are looking at around 7 waking and pre meals and no more than 8.5 after. For now, focus on the 2-3 rise within the 2 hours of meals. It will come down if you are a straightforward t2.
I took it after I had got up, dressed etc but before I ate or drank anything. I am sad it is so high…..but I realise I don’t know how all this works. I assumed it was only eating and drinking that would impact the numbers….I clearly have a lot to learn.
There are something like 42 factors which affect BG levels both upwards and downwards. Food (and drink), exercise and medication are the 3 main players, but BG levels are highly variable and many of those factors are beyond your control although obviously, the 3 main factors can be influenced by you (or your GP in prescribing medication if necessary), so those are the thigs to focus on. Exercise doesn't have to be anything strenuous, a brisk daily walk is about the best thing you can do if you are able.
Don't worry about all the other things which affect it because you can get very bogged down if you do, but accepting that they will cause some variation in results is important otherwise you can drive yourself nuts when you don't get the same results each day when you do or eat the same things. This is why looking for general trends is important rather than individual results. You have to focus on the bigger picture, not each brush stroke.
A shameful 6.8 this a.m. Hardly a true FBG as woke ravenous at 03.30 and ate a bowl of Greek yoghurt with almonds as a alternative to eating the duvet. Sunny but chilly here. Odd to see narcissi, primroses, rowan, lilac all in flower at once. Spending the day planting out final perennials grown on in the polytunnel, making 3 cushions, and foal watching. Dr had no idea about weird spastic hands but has ordered blood tests: calcium, iron, inflammation. Also explained unexpected scan appointment from urology - just checking funny lump they saw on kidney last year, hospital kindly wangled me a changed appointment for multiple joint x-rays so one trip only - if I glow in the dark it will save the electricity bill. Booster appointment came through eventually 3/5/22 - 7.5 months after 2nd dose. He signed the steroid scrip without argument tho' so at least I shall stay mobile and breathing for another month. Swings and roundabouts.
Your weird hand sounds similar to something I used to get, it was like a cramp when my fingers would go stiff and distorted with the little finger cramping up under the other fingers. I often happened if my hands were cold and I had been doing something where I had been gripping something. It needed rubbing and manipulating to get it back. I used to freak out my work colleagues when it happened. It only very occasionally happens now, I never mentioned it to anybody so have no idea what it was.
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