Group 7-day waking average?

Well, it is starting to look like my sensor is dying as it has me almost persistently in the red now and after a bit of a wobble when my meter gave me a reading of 10.1 just now when Libre was saying 3.6, a second and third finger prick test agreed 5.1 so maybe I had a little bit of sweetness on my finger from the dried fig I ate to lift levels earlier. I am not eating any more carbs to try to appease my Libre when my levels are nicely in the 5s. This sensor only has 7 more hours to run and new one was applied last night so I am ditching this one a bit early. First time in a while I have had one fail but I am not reporting it with so little left on the clock, much as I resent it blowing my TIR stats out of the water!! :(
@eggyg your level of organization defies belief!! Totally impressed.... and very pleased you don't need to resort to smuggling spices into Scotland.... imagine if some chilli power leaked from it's packaging!! 😱
For @SueEK and @zippyjojo, and any other Rhodo-philes. A photo of Leonardslee. The Rhodos and Azaleas were fantastic, as were the Camelias. (And we did go to see the wallabies, even though we also have some in the wildlife park near our home, and they tend to escape into the wild and cause problems).

Bracing!, that's the only word that to my mind would explain about the weather today. Spent the last few hours on the clifftops of Runswick Bay windy sea fret and the hell hound at my side was really lovely
you know it gets easier to recall the adventures and all the amazing stuff we got up to when we were together. I think you never stop grieving you just learn to live with the pain more. I cheated today had a slice of carrot cake and gallon of coffee to wash it down with I can testify that it was amaaaaazing the pup had her usual pupcake.. I think the word poignant sums up my whole day in one
Keep smiling
Hey everyone, didn't post today, I had a 6'8. Actually a 7, then wanted to double check and got a 6'6, so I'm taking the average.

I'm feeling a bit down today. Yesterday I had one of those moments when you look at your body and you don't like what you see. Then I didn't sleep enough and I'm getting angry at myself for falling in the YouTube rabbit hole for hours. I didn't plan anything for this evening other than going to sleep early, I think it would be good to clean my room but also want to go outside because I feel I wasted the light hours if I don't, and could do with a walk for some activity. The thing is, walking makes me think and I don't know if I want to be alone with my thoughts today :(
It was 7.7 for me this morning still really lll I've barely been able move today the last two it's been so bad
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For @SueEK and @zippyjojo, and any other Rhodo-philes. A photo of Leonardslee. The Rhodos and Azaleas were fantastic, as were the Camelias. (And we did go to see the wallabies, even though we also have some in the wildlife park near our home, and they tend to escape into the wild and cause problems).

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Rhododendrons also escaped and caused havoc across the land. As beautiful as they are they’re a terribly invasive plant.
Rhododendrons also escaped and caused havoc across the land. As beautiful as they are they’re a terribly invasive plant.
Thanks, Colin! I was trying not to think about that! I remember going to mid Wales one year, and seeing a hillside of mauve blooms, and spectacular and beautiful as it was, I kept muttering to myself through gritted teeth 'I shouldn’t be liking this' At least they are fussy about their soil conditions, so they haven’t spread into any of the limestone areas of the country.
Another early good morning. 6.8 at 4.50am! I’d been awake for an hour at that point. Another frosty start to the day, forecast good here and where we are heading later this morning. This will probably be the best day of our holidays!

Had a fab night at the Jason Mandford show. Typical northern self deprecating humour. I was crying with laughing, very funny show with some effing and jeffing but not in a crude or cruel way. Just his take on the last two years which ended with a school assembly rave. We were up on our feet singing and dancing to “ sing hosanna” “ kumbaya my Lord” “ This little light of mine” etc. I hope you’ve all got an ear worm now because I’ve had one all blooming night! :rofl:

Hoping to leave 10ish. Just the food to pack and then Mr Eggy will have a game of Tetra trying to squeeze everything in to the boot of a two seater sports car! 1/3rd clothes, 2/3rds food! We know where our priorities lie! 😛

Have a fab Friday and I hope to check in whilst away. The cottage is very remote but hopefully the WiFi isn’t! 🙂

I’ll leave you to my claim to fame, a selfie with Jason Manford. With another few 100 other folks! :rofl:


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Good morning! 6'3. Proud to report I went to bed at the time I planned and I even put some moisturizer in my face to give some ilusion of self care. My room is still a mess but sleep was more important.

Trying to feel more positive today. I tried the last flavour in the Beanies coffee variety pack, my favourite by far was the caramel popcorn one (might sound strange for a coffee but I like it!). Also, yesterday I had a cup of Tetley for the first time in a while and I prefer it to the fancy brand of tea we serve to our customers. It brings to mind a saying "honey is not made for the mouth of the donkeys" haha. I hope to see a good friend this evening, and my paycheck just hit my account: all good for my mood this morning 🙂
1/3rd clothes, 2/3rds food! We know where our priorities lie! 😛
That's my kind of people!!
Morning all. 18.3 :D:D:D
yesterdays numbers were 21.3 22.2 19.6 24.0 which can be kinda normal for me on a "not bad" day. Overnight wasn't disturbed by drinking and weeing 🙂
Too early to tell anything but encouraging at least.

@eggyg safe travels and the same to @Lucyr who is on the road today for holidays.
@Elenka_HM extra hugs. Low mood days are just rubbish. <3
Morning all,

5.6 from libre today which seems fairly sensible.

It’s so annoying that it’s being so temperamental, as if it was being off all the time I would’ve replaced it by now but it’s not always, I really can’t work out what’s going on with this one! Replacing it Sunday anyway so I’ll just make do till then.

TGIF - looking forward to the weekend!

Have a good day 🙂
Good morning - 5.5
Good morning 6.1 today
did have a slight low of 4.2 before bed yesterday (tested before sleep)
so shewed on a few lifts before nodding off..

Happy Friday Everybody
Morning All. 6.0 for me

Have a great holiday @eggyg

Have a good day everyone.