Group 7-day waking average?

@Griffin. I hope when you tell her her hello, you can tell her about some of the positives you have going on in your life too and all your daft stories. Big pile of hugs waiting for you here if you need one x

@eggyg I was going to stand out the back garden to tell you what you need to wear but i got as far as opening the back door before I quickly closed it again...brrrr Scotland is cold

@Lanny :rofl: at the moment it is "what disastrous number will it be this time"
I’m all prepared! Shorts, tee shirts, flip flops! That’ll be ok will it? It’s nearly May! 😛
Morning all, 5.9 here, despite falling for the Eton Mess for pud last night after I’d had a virtuous salad for main. Must have been the exercise, we are in East Sussex for a couple of days for my annual fix of camellias and rhododendrons. They don’t grow where we live. Visited Wakehurst Place and Sheffield Park, home later today after Leonardslee this morning.
7.4 today. Been a very busy week at work so glad to be off for a few days. Hubbys car passed its MOT last week and now the clutch has gone aargh! He’s had to take my car again so shopping is off and so is going down our local shops., so exciting housework and ironing it is - what fun!!
Someone had an HS yesterday but can’t remember who but congrats to them anyway.
@eggyg hope you have a great holiday and well done to Mr eggyg on his trophy haul.
@Griffin. hope today goes well for you, remember the lovely times x
Have a good day all x
Morning all, 5.9 here, despite falling for the Eton Mess for pud last night after I’d had a virtuous salad for main. Must have been the exercise, we are in East Sussex for a couple of days for my annual fix of camellias and rhododendrons. They don’t grow where we live. Visited Wakehurst Place and Sheffield Park, home later today after Leonardslee this morning.
Love Leonardslee, I think they have wombats there as well, sounds weird but true x
Morning all, 5.9 here, despite falling for the Eton Mess for pud last night after I’d had a virtuous salad for main. Must have been the exercise, we are in East Sussex for a couple of days for my annual fix of camellias and rhododendrons. They don’t grow where we live. Visited Wakehurst Place and Sheffield Park, home later today after Leonardslee this morning.
Sounds lovely Robin. We have lots of camellias up here, but I would say after this weeks frosty starts they may be finished. The best rhododendrons I ever saw were in Lanhydrock House in Cornwall. I’ve never ever seen such huge bushes. Unfortunately it was October and the flowers weren’t at their best, but still amazing.
Aw! All this talk of flowers! Noticed the Cherry Blossoms were in full & glorious bloom from the taxis there & back last week for the liver blood tests! :( I LOVE it when the Cherry Blossoms are out but, they don’t last long & only seen them in passing from the back of a taxi! In previous years, pre covid, I’d be out walking more while they’re out to see as much of them as I can before they’re gone!😛 The Cherry Blossom season is HUGE & much revered in Japan!😎
I’m all prepared! Shorts, tee shirts, flip flops! That’ll be ok will it? It’s nearly May! 😛
uuuhuhh you will be FINE. I'm certain that as you go past central Scotland where I am and go further up north, the temps will be almost tropical!!!

Well done @harbottle on the HS
Well done @harbottle on another HS. 🙂
It was 5.5 for me today.

6.6 this morning.
Getting rather bored of being in the sixes rather than the fives at the moment. Better than being in the sevens or eights though.
Morning all, 5.9 here, despite falling for the Eton Mess for pud last night after I’d had a virtuous salad for main. Must have been the exercise, we are in East Sussex for a couple of days for my annual fix of camellias and rhododendrons. They don’t grow where we live. Visited Wakehurst Place and Sheffield Park, home later today after Leonardslee this morning.
I grew up in Horsham - LOVE Leonards Lee. Have a great day
6.1 - I know I was told I don't need to be so rigid/frequent with my BG monitoring but I really feel if I don't all the good work I've been doing may slide. Well I suppose it's my choice, because they're my fingers. I might resist doing one before lunch (or I might not ...) Got a 6.5 mile walk ahead of me this morning. I dropped my car at the garage for a service yesterday and walked home - it's a lovely walk through fields and a couple of villages with just one nasty road bit which is very noisy with lorries so I don't take a dog. I must remember to have a snack in my pocket for near the end. Yesterday I had my hypo pack but even though I felt low I didn't need that so just need a nut bar or something. Have a good day everyone.
3.5 for me this morning and that was my second trip into the red 😱 overnight despite a basal reduction before bed and not much exercise as I pulled my right calf muscle yesterday..... maybe hobbling takes more effort! And according to Libre I am back in the red now after breakfast but finger prick shows 5.4 so I have definitely come up but Fiasp kicked in quicker this morning and caught me a bit off guard.
I haven't eaten a proper meal for a few days as I can't be bothered to cook when I get in at 9.30pm so I just had some olives and cheese and a cup of coffee with cream the last 2 nights and no bolus for that obviously and I think the very low carb intake and not much protein affects my basal needs. I just had 4 units of bolus at breakfast yesterday and that was it for the day. I am a long way off starving though so don't worry and I will make up for it when I feel I need to, but happy enough not to eat when I don't feel hungry and less injections is always nice. I also really enjoyed my mixed olives and cheese (had a mixture of blue Stilton, vintage red Leicester and mature Cheddar) and my coffee with cream is such a comfort when it is cold like this as well as a little luxury. Surprisingly the coffee doesn't stop me from sleeping well and I have had lovely deep restful sleeps the last 2 nights despite the hypos when I just wake up, scan (reader is always under pillow), munch 1 or 2 JBs (on bedside table) depending upon the reading and back to deep blissful sleep within a few mins. Looks like there might need to be another basal reduction again tonight, especially as I am shifting another trailer load of manure today. I might even manage with just 2 injections on a morning (basal and breakfast bolus) tomorrow if I am lucky and no more for the rest of the day. It's almost like just being part time diabetic!

Congrats to @harbottle on another HS. Question is, can you make it the elusive hat trick tomorrow??? No pressure 🙄

@Griffin. Hope your visit gives you some comfort today. Do try to focus your thoughts on the good times and don't forget to tell her what a hero you are and that you have made some new friends here. Hugs from me too!

@gll Looking forward to seeing lower numbers on that meter soon.

@goodybags Yes, it occurred to me too that @Gwynn has been AWOL for a few days. Hope all is OK and it's just that he has got sick of us lot blathering on. 🙄
Morning all this grey day.

14.6 this morning sigh... it's been steadily creeping up since yesterday afternoon. I went for diabetic bloods to be drawn prior to a yearly review at the GPs. The HCA couldn't get any out of my left arm, so went to pull up my right sleeve and I had a sharp pain as the sleeve tugged on my pod. I had forgotten it was on that arm. I think it might have been dislodged a bit so I'm not getting the full dose out of it. Will change it after my shower this morning.

Interesting discussion on Latin... @MeeTooTeeTwo 's link to the Pompeiian graffiti was fascinating and very funny in places. FWIW brought back a memory of a discussion on how to cook rabbit some years ago. Between an Italian restaurateur who spoke no English, my hubby's latin and my Spanish we managed to understand everything quite clearly!

@harbottle congrats yet again!

@eggyg have a wonderful holiday. At one point I thought you were packing the vacuum cleaner.

@gll fingers crossed for better numbers soon.

@goodybags hope you get seen re: your ankle soon.

@TinaD what is a "static"?
6.1 - I know I was told I don't need to be so rigid/frequent with my BG monitoring but I really feel if I don't all the good work I've been doing may slide. Well I suppose it's my choice, because they're my fingers. I might resist doing one before lunch (or I might not ...) Got a 6.5 mile walk ahead of me this morning. I dropped my car at the garage for a service yesterday and walked home - it's a lovely walk through fields and a couple of villages with just one nasty road bit which is very noisy with lorries so I don't take a dog. I must remember to have a snack in my pocket for near the end. Yesterday I had my hypo pack but even though I felt low I didn't need that so just need a nut bar or something. Have a good day everyone.
I feel completely blind, stumbling about, if I DON’T test! I’ve had various consultants in the past saying I test too much but, I need as much info as I can get when things go awry! o_O
Morning all this grey day.

14.6 this morning sigh... it's been steadily creeping up since yesterday afternoon. I went for diabetic bloods to be drawn prior to a yearly review at the GPs. The HCA couldn't get any out of my left arm, so went to pull up my right sleeve and I had a sharp pain as the sleeve tugged on my pod. I had forgotten it was on that arm. I think it might have been dislodged a bit so I'm not getting the full dose out of it. Will change it after my shower this morning.

Interesting discussion on Latin... @MeeTooTeeTwo 's link to the Pompeiian graffiti was fascinating and very funny in places. FWIW brought back a memory of a discussion on how to cook rabbit some years ago. Between an Italian restaurateur who spoke no English, my hubby's latin and my Spanish we managed to understand everything quite clearly!

@harbottle congrats yet again!

@eggyg have a wonderful holiday. At one point I thought you were packing the vacuum cleaner.

@gll fingers crossed for better numbers soon.

@goodybags hope you get seen re: your ankle soon.

@TinaD what is a "static"?
A large caravan style holiday or park home - like you see on big holiday parks. It is a permanent installation with all mains services/full bathroom and kitchen, sleeps 6. Not capable of being towed on roads - move by crane and lorry. Hence "static".
@eggyg have a wonderful holiday. At one point I thought you were packing the vacuum cleaner
I might as well as I’m just about taking everything else! Le Aldi Fake Cruset, sharp knife, a whole array of spices. All packaged with labels indicating the dish they’re for. I’m presently making a port, garlic and red current jus for the duck breasts I’m taking.
Im just chortling away to myself, just looking at the aforementioned spice wraps and it looks like I’m a drugs mule! Don’t worry I’m not about to place them in any orifices! 😱


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Morning all and 6.1 it was for me.

Telephone review with consultant at the diabetes clinic this aft. Currently running at 97% TIR so I think he should be happy with me.

After that it's a spot of gardening then off to the music shop to look at clarinet mouthpieces followed by rehearsal.

Have a good day everyone.
@Robin you’re quite right, it is definitely wallaby’s and I remembered as I was hoovering the stairs, don’t ask me why. Hope you have a good time, it’s not too far from me near Brighton

7.4 today, been busy again. Got the results of my eye screening that is all good. Still having these anxiety attacks so hoping they ease off.

Haven't had time to read through all the posts yet, will do that later.