Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 6.1 for me on this beautiful but very cold day. 1 degree! Brrr!!

What a haul Mr Eggy came home with last night after his local camera club annual awards evening. Three trophies, one medal and five certificates for coming second or third or being highly commended. I am very proud of him, he deserves it as he is a very, very good photographer. Especially pleased he won the St Kilda cup for his Scottish photo as it was a photo of Lochranza Castle on Arran which we visited last year and has very special memories for us.

Anyhoo, two more sleeps until our next Scottish adventure where we’ll make lots more memories I’m sure. I’m getting so excited, you’d think I’d never been on holiday before! I’m such a big kid. :rofl:

Glad to see you back @TinaD and your gorgeous foal.
@gll so glad the doc has seen sense and put you on insulin, you’ll feel like a different person very soon . @harbottle congratulations on the HS.
@Griffin. I too am absolutely useless at doing nothing, my internal monologue goes crazy and I flit between books, telly, Googling, trying to sleep. I think back to things I should have done or said 20 years ago. I know it doesn’t suit your tough hairy image but have you tried a relaxing bath with some Radox et al? Maybe read a book whilst in there. It might kill an hour or so and your skin will be all soft and smooth! 😉 Good luck today with the task of not doing anything. Been there and got the tee shirt more times than I care to remember.

Have a fabulous day all. 🙂

Just for Barbara @rebrascora here’s our “glam” stair selfie! And a one I took of Mr Eggy and his gains.


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@eggyg well done to Mr Eggyg!!! Fantastic recognition. Lovely photo of you both as well
Morning. 4.8 for me today….looks like I can knock the extra 0.5 of night time levemir, that I’ve been having for the last week, on the head…had half a finger of fudge in the night to get me there “it is just enough”…for those that remember the advert🙂

Good work @harbottle with the 5.2

Looks like someone is going to need an extra shelf in the trophy cabinet @eggyg 🙂…sounds like you had a lovely evening.

Looks like another sunny day ahead…could anyone arrange for some strictly overnight rain perhaps….the garden could definitely do with some.

Have a lovely day everyone.
Morning all. 🙂 5.7 here.

Nice work @harbottle. :D Very nice work MrEggyg @eggyg.:D

Had the tslim Show & Tell yesterday, but I’m still leaning towards the Omnipod - got a bit of research to do this morning, then I’ll email my DSN with my decision. Exciting stuff!

The beach is shouting and jumping up n down @Griffin. LOL 😎
Morning all, 6.9 here. Looks a bit dull outside this morning. Yesterday was unexpectedly sunny, suppose it’s too much to hope that the sun will put in a later appearance.
Congratulations to Mr. Eggy. Do you make him dust and polish his own trophies, @eggyg , or will you get landed with the task?
Well done to @harbottle on the HS. My reading was 4.7 earlier. 🙂

And well done to prize-winning Mr @eggyg

😳 Oops! It seems that I got confused earlier when posting about yesterday as I forgot I woke up high form the previous day’s swinging: did you notice & wonder why the same figures of yesterday’s post; 12.9, 12.5 & 7.1 just before breakfast?o_O😳 I may not be in any way hypo hungover this morning but, it was still early with no coffee, until just now, & brain not in full gear yet!:rofl:😉

So, I finished breakfast yesterday at the two hour mark exactly the same 7.1 which is borderline too low, 7.0 is the “keep an eye on it” benchmark, & then, the 11:00 to 12:00 tesco delivery came early, they do quite a lot come early, around 10:45! I put it away & dropped almost 3mmol by the time I’d put it away! So, not quite as bad as I thought but, still felt rotten after eating as it was the second day in a row of heading off hypos!

Now with breakfast eaten, tested at 2 hour mark, 4 hour mark & just now for an early lunch I definitely know that reducing Tresiba was right yesterday & I’ll reduce it a bit more -2 today! I was too high at the 2 hour mark 05:59 BS 14.2, didn’t correct as aI was gathering info, dropped to 07:43 BS 9.6 just 6 minutes shy of the 4 hour mark that’s still too high. But, now dropped to 08:22 BS 6.6 for lunch just now! Which I’ve now learnt don’t correct at all & see where BS is at after active NR around the 4 hour mark at least & longer to see if it continues to drop? Clearly I can see now basal is too much & NR is too little but, testing too early so, BS is still high & the basal drags it down further so, can, & have, ended up heading off hypos! I’m STILL trying to get my head around getting Tresiba RIGHT! I’m testing too much, too early & not patient enough to wait to correct too soon! 🙄

Every time I THINK I’ve got my head around Tresiba & compensating with NR while waiting for the slow changes that I can’t avoid with my erratic cycles; I find that I haven’t! 🙄 But, I’m slowly gathering info from experience & hope to do better, or get it right, by my next cycle unpredictability WHEN?:confused:

On another completely different note I finally got to try out the coffee bags that came with yesterday’s shopping, already had my coffee from the machine early yesterday morning, & had a big 2 cup coffee brewed fir 2 minutes as per instructions with my lunch just now & the verdict is just a bit weak & will try 3 minutes next time before I squeeze the bag out! It’s definitely a ground coffee taste though, that’s much nicer than any instant could be: just need to tweak the brewing time! 🙂

I will now sit on my itching hands & NOT test til 12:30 & there’s still time left until 14:30 or a bit later before Tresiba gies in but, I’m pretty sure it’s still too much & see what happens? :confused:
Morning all, lovely day again.

8.4 this morning. Was lazy and didn't adjust basals yesterday. Clearly I must do it today.

Congrats to @harbottle for the HS and to Mr @eggyg for his brilliant performance in photography.

@Lily123 you must be relieved now you have made your decision. Forgive me and I am sure there are multiple reasons for Religious studies to be compulsory (e.g. understanding and coexisting in our multi-racial society), but I would have thought Computer Studies should have been compulsory and take precedence in this day and age?

@TinaD lovely photos of the foal and her mum... hope you are feeling better.

@gll, pleased to hear you are now going to be on insulin and keeping my fingers crossed it will help you. Did the DSN mention to you that you need to inform DVLA? You need to fill in a form and I think you need get it signed by the GP. I believe you can download it.
5.0 for me this morning but that was after a JB for a 3.5. Went to bed late on 8.3 and a very slight upward drift but had a good deep sleep once I got warmed up, which always drops my levels. Having rather too many hypos at the moment, but I am blaming the weather as it is making basal doses tricky.

Blooming Heck!! @eggyg That is some haul! Many congratulations to Mr Eggy. Not sure either of you are winning any awards for that selfie though, since you both have your hands on the phone.... or maybe that is the problem..... or whoever does the housework needs to straighten up the hall mirror. 😉 ....Lovely to see you looking glam before your night out though. You both scrub up very well.

Many congratulations to @harbottle on another HS

@Lanny Hope you find some stability soon. Do you think the change to Tresiba is part of the problem?

@Lily123 I hope you enjoy studying those subjects. You could perhaps practice your Spanish on @Elenka_HM

@TinaD Congratulations to you and Peachy. Lovely foal even if she did keep you waiting with lots of sleepless nights. Making me feel quite broody seeing that photo but my old lady is past having any more.
Would just like to say there is nothing wrong with having the head of a Clydesdale (I'm rather partial to those big guys and my lot all have some Clydie in them..... as long as it is attached to the body of a Clydesdale..... but pleased you got a nice dainty dished face for your little filly.
Do you have any plans for her? ie will you sell her or keep her?
:confused: Well, Barbara @rebrascora , Tresiba has certainly been a learning curve but, the very high doses of Levemir twice a day were a problem too in the lumps it caused so, who knows how much insulin I actually absorbed? So, I’ll stick with the Tresiba for now & have a discussion about managing it better at the next hospital review which will be coming up: said 3 to 4 months at the last review which was 24/02/22; next month or maybe June?
Morning all,

Was 6.2 this morning (finger prick).

Libre is being very temperamental. Sometimes it seems pretty much spot on and other times it’s reading way out so not sure whether to trust it or not! So mainly just making do with finger pricks for now.

Also the gp surgery has finally processed what I needed them to process 3 weeks ago, hence why I’ve been annoyed. But they’ve finally done it now so feeling a bit happier.

Have a good day all 🙂
Morning all, 6.9 here. Looks a bit dull outside this morning. Yesterday was unexpectedly sunny, suppose it’s too much to hope that the sun will put in a later appearance.
Congratulations to Mr. Eggy. Do you make him dust and polish his own trophies, @eggyg , or will you get landed with the task?
Hmm… neither of us is red hot on the dusting front but at least I know where the Mr Sheen is kept! So I guess it’ll be me then! 😉

No reading for me today as I forgot to take my meter to bed with me.

@harbottle - congrats on the HS
@TinaD - the new foal looks so beautiful
@eggyg - congrats to mr eggy on winning all those trophies and certificates.
@gll - saw on your other thread about finally getting prescribed insulin, hope the pharmacy as it in stock so you can start getting those numbers down,