Group 7-day waking average?


6.8 today xx
Not wanting to buck the trend @ColinUK, so I am coming in with a 7.0 this morning and I ended up keeping basal the same last night and I have increased basal this morning slightly for this cooler weather too.

@Michael12421 I am not sure what that reading is in new money.... but it looks like it might be some scary low reading. I was very young when we decimalized so struggle to understand the notation of shillings and pence. Maybe I have got that wrong and it isn't 9d or 0.9 but hopefully a mistyped 7.9?? Fingers crossed you are OK.

@Griffin. What's with the rebranding??? Hope you are feeling a bit easier today and a bit less grumpy too, although I appreciate you have a rough, surly image to maintain..... Maybe the avatar change is to do with you getting soft and cuddly now you have got to know us lot better..... Not such a "LONEWOLF" after all eh! 😉
Username edited thanks to eagle eyed @Lanny spotting my error....see post below.

@eggyg Good luck to Mt Eggy tonight. I think you should sneak one of your photos in and steal a trophy from under his nose! Maybe you should enter the one of him parading your bikini top around the streets of Cornwall on his tripod, in the funny photo section. Hope you have a great night!.... How exciting getting glad rags on for a posh do.... We need to see photos of the pair of you looking gorgeous.
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Not wanting to buck the trend @ColinUK, so I am coming in with a 7.0 this morning and I ended up keeping basal the same last night and I have increased basal this morning slightly for this cooler weather too.

@Michael12421 I am not sure what that reading is in new money.... but it looks like it might be some scary low reading. I was very young when we decimalized so struggle to understand the notation of shillings and pence. Maybe I have got that wrong and it isn't 9d or 0.9 but hopefully a mistyped 7.9?? Fingers crossed you are OK.

@griffin What's with the rebranding??? Hope you are feeling a bit easier today and a bit less grumpy too, although I appreciate you have a rough, surly image to maintain..... Maybe the avatar change is to do with you getting soft and cuddly now you have got to know us lot better..... Not such a "LONEWOLF" after all eh! 😉

@eggyg Good luck to Mt Eggy tonight. I think you should sneak one of your photos in and steal a trophy from under his nose! Maybe you should enter the one of him parading your bikini top around the streets of Cornwall on his tripod, in the funny photo section. Hope you have a great night!.... How exciting getting glad rags on for a posh do.... We need to see photos of the pair of you looking gorgeous.
Actually their are two very similar members one GRIFFIN all caps that was LONEWOLF & a griffin all lower case! I noticed that yesterday when posting & the lowercase came up so, had to do a quick edit to change it to all caps! I also, just noticed, didn’t yesterday, that the all lower case member is banned! o_O:confused:

I don’t know if they are the same people or not? :confused:
Actually their are two very similar members one GRIFFIN all caps that was LONEWOLF & a griffin all lower case! I noticed that yesterday when posting & the lowercase came up so, had to do a quick edit to change it to all caps! I also, just noticed, didn’t yesterday, that the all lower case member is banned! o_O:confused:

I don’t know if they are the same people or not? :confused:
Thanks Lanny. I have edited my post. @GRIFFINLONEWALKER (not LONEWOLF!!) was clearly more unique! I seem to be getting it all very muddled this morning!
@Michael12421 I am not sure what that reading is in new money.... but it looks like it might be some scary low reading. I was very young when we decimalized so struggle to understand the notation of shillings and pence. Maybe I have got that wrong and it isn't 9d or 0.9 but hopefully a mistyped 7.9?? Fingers crossed you are OK.
Actually yes, a misprint. I was 7.9
5.5 for me first thing this morning.

Went out for an early morning bike ride (dockless bike) and ended up at just south of Borough Market leaving the bike there and walking home along the river and through the City.
Almost 10k steps done and BG now 5.8

I’ve got some kind of diabetes management thing this morning all via Zoom and then I’m back to Asda opticians to sort out some error with the prescription for varifocals when they jotted it down then other day.

As expected 9.4 this morning, I did only eat two small pieces of cake, but had a bit of a disturbed nights sleep. Anyway going to be good today. Trialling a new idea at BakeClub for next time, we each had to pick out of a hat either sweet or savoury for our bake (doesn't actually have to be baked), as there was only one savoury dish there last night and everything else was sweet, so trying this out to see if we can even up the balance a bit.
It’s the same as any other veg in soup. Dice it. Maybe roast it, maybe not. Shove in saucepan with seasoning and stock. Simmer. Blitz with blender. Check seasonings again. Eat!
The celeriac and lentil soup sounded delicious! I'm surprised that people find it hard to make soup and buy the awful tinned stuff. If I were making Celeriac and Chorizo soup I'd slice and fry an onion, then as @ColinUK says, add the Celeriac, stock and seasoning and simmer until tender etc. I'd dice the chorizo, fry it and add it after blending. Perhaps dolly it up with some cream or creme fraiche and chopped herbs such as parsley or chives to serve.

Last week I had a ton of cauli cheese and carrots left over from a roast chicken dinner + a fair bit of chicken left on the bone. I fried an onion, added all the veg and some leftover gravy + chicken stock, blended the lot, then added the chicken off the bone chopped into chunks and some creme fraiche that needed using up. It was really delicious.
Waiting for DSN to call back with news of what the consultant has approved. She's pushing for insulin. Trying not to get my hopes up to be honest.
Hopefully she will call today but who knows.
Bit disappointed I am still left hanging here. Anxiety is thru the roof.
When I was first diagnosed (as T2) I had the same as you... extremely high BGs that wouldn't come down with oral meds. 2 weeks in the GP's nurse prescribed insulin for me (then it took another 8 years to get a proper diagnosis - but that's not the point). I am at a loss as to why the Consultant needs to be asked. Sorry, I don't want to add to your anxiety.
Morning all. 19.1 eeeew
My actual name is Griffin. the lonewalker is a non de plume. My actual surname is hunter. Mum was a bit of a fantasy nut and my name came from a book she read a few times before I came along.
Selenas all ready taken to calling me the teddy bear all hairy and scary but all soft and gentle on the inside so yeah maybe not so surly or gruff and grumbly as I first come across and I guess your right I don't feel like such a lonewalker or even a lone wolf as much these days. So just Griffin or Griff is good enough for me mind you I was sure my name was either go away or shut up untill I was like 19 {I'm kidding}
Exciting day ahead of me today I'm doing sit on the sofa and heal most of the day with a sprinkling of nothing thrown in for good measures. The avatar is two of my favourite things btw I collect rubber ducks {I love ducks in general} and my other great love a good strong brew
Heardle in one today and not a tantrum in sight!!
Keep smiling
The celeriac and lentil soup sounded delicious! I'm surprised that people find it hard to make soup and buy the awful tinned stuff. If I were making Celeriac and Chorizo soup I'd slice and fry an onion, then as @ColinUK says, add the Celeriac, stock and seasoning and simmer until tender etc. I'd dice the chorizo, fry it and add it after blending. Perhaps dolly it up with some cream or creme fraiche and chopped herbs such as parsley or chives to serve.

Last week I had a ton of cauli cheese and carrots left over from a roast chicken dinner + a fair bit of chicken left on the bone. I fried an onion, added all the veg and some leftover gravy + chicken stock, blended the lot, then added the chicken off the bone chopped into chunks and some creme fraiche that needed using up. It was really delicious.
I recall years ago sitting in the lounge with mum and both of us doubled over in hysterics as Oprah was explaining how lucky she was because she had a private chef who could make soup. She said that she didn't know how anyone could make soup from scratch and it was like alchemy.

Mum and I still laugh about that even now!
I want to apologise for my very short post this morning

I've been stressed out for a few days after not being listened to again, I told my mum there was something wrong with the boiler as suddenly it was taking 10 minutes for the water to start running hot (my suspicion was pressure problems) in order for her to do things at her regular times this meant me needing to do everything earlier including getting up in the morning, today I've seriously had enough and I've been in tears (which yes many of you will think is stupid) so I said to her your going to have to go and look in that boiler cupboard to which she stomps through giving it "I'm telling you now there's nothing wrong with it" pops her head back out and gives it "I think there is something wrong with the pressure", I really am quite angry that again my word wasn't enough, I know that sink like the back of my hand so am going to notice when there is something wrong, now feeling anxious as someone is due this afternoon to see to it xx
Oooh! Just seen that The Royal Ballet’s performance of Swan Lake from 2018 is on BBC iPlayer so, setting down to watch that! I just saw The Kirov Ballet’s production at Christmas on youtube! 😛😎
surveyor has just been, walls and floors been picked, bathroom all measured.
I should get a start day in the next 4 weeks and have been advised that during the work no toilet between 8 and 4...yeah I had better get on top of bg by then because peeing will be an issue :rofl:.

(still no phonecall)
surveyor has just been, walls and floors been picked, bathroom all measured.
I should get a start day in the next 4 weeks and have been advised that during the work no toilet between 8 and 4...yeah I had better get on top of bg by then because peeing will be an issue :rofl:.

(still no phonecall)
Even with OK BG this is difficult, our bathroom was done in colder months and I'm not embarrassed to say but we had a bucket just in case as my mum goes to the loo a lot if her feet get cold xx