Group 7-day waking average?

Morning everyone. 4.9 for me. Today i have the dentist then got to go shopping for jeans :( . I hate shopping for jeans and bras. Its the constant undress, try on, doesn't fit/not right, get dressed, find more, undress, try on......cycle. Because i'm short and curvy (hubby's word not mine, mine is fat) i struggle to find jeans that fit properly. Needs must though so i shall brave it this morning.

@rebrascora nicely done.
@sg295 its a mistake we all make sometimes. I struggle to get the bolus right for chinese food, always ending up with a later spike or a hypo.
@Michael12421 Happy Birthday!!! Get some fast acting glucose in you quickly!

Have a good day everyone. Its datk cloud here and forecasting rain. Hope its dry wherever you are.
Oh the dreaded jeans shopping. I hate it too. I have short skinny legs, no bum but a fat belly! It’s a nightmare. M&S are usually my go to. They do a short leg. It was always New Look but all their jeans seem to have rips in the knees. At nearly 62 I don’t think so! Good luck.
Morning all. 5.7 for me today.

Nothing exciting to report and nothing exciting happening today. I am going for a big shop but not too big as we’re off on holiday in a couple of weeks and I’m desperately trying to run my freezer down, so we will possibly be having some unusual meal combinations in the coming days!
I’m not complaining about having boring days this week as the next two weeks are HECTIC! We’ve got so much on right up to the night before we leave for our holidays. The key is to be organised and I’m writing lists now so I don’t forget anything. Unlike @SueEK though, clothes shopping for my break isn’t required, walking trousers/ leggings, tee shirts, fleeces, hat, scarf, gloves, walking boots and waterproof jacket. Oh and undies of course are all I need. No fancy garments required for where we are going! So at least that’s one thing I don’t have to do!

Have a fab day. 🙂
Where are you off to on your hols?
Oh the dreaded jeans shopping. I hate it too. I have short skinny legs, no bum but a fat belly! It’s a nightmare. M&S are usually my go to. They do a short leg. It was always New Look but all their jeans seem to have rips in the knees. At nearly 62 I don’t think so! Good luck.
I'm aiming for M&S this morning. I might try Matalan too, though when i looked online last night they seemed to do lots of skinny or ripped. Saw some "mom" jeans as well!! What!!?? I shall be looking to see what they are like...frumpy, old fashioned?
Morning everyone - 6.1 this morning. My figures yesterday were: 6.2; 5.4; 4.8; and 7.2 - I did a long 2 hour walk before lunch. Looking back over my scores for the last 3½ weeks that I've been measuring they are definitely quite consistent and stable. It seems incredible to me that the first three nights of measuring (before I'd really concentrated on my carb intake) it was in the 12s at bedtime. I've got another blood test booked for next week but I'm not really sure why except that it's because I'm going to the Diabetes Medicine clinic the following week. I think the great thing that I've gleaned from being on these forums (one of the great things) is not to expect any real difference to my HbA1c in such a short time (5 weeks by then). Anyway - have a good day everyone. Nothing much planned here. We've been having the new Napoleon film directed by Ridley Scott and starring Joaquin Phoenix, being filmed up in the hills above our village for the last 2 weeks which has been really exciting and my husband has been up there with his telephoto lens getting some really good shots - it's going to seem really weird when they've all gone as there are HUNDREDs of vehicles and huge marquees plus temporary stabling for about 100 horses.
8.3. for me. Off to the doctor's today.
I'm aiming for M&S this morning. I might try Matalan too, though when i looked online last night they seemed to do lots of skinny or ripped. Saw some "mom" jeans as well!! What!!?? I shall be looking to see what they are like...frumpy, old fashioned?
Definitely frumpy, even my daughters don’t do mom jeans. Maybe because they’re all short a**es like me! Think you’ve to be tall and slim for that style. I’ve jeans from Matalan hanging in the wardrobe still with the labels on. Say no more. 🙄
Morning everyone - 6.1 this morning. My figures yesterday were: 6.2; 5.4; 4.8; and 7.2 - I did a long 2 hour walk before lunch. Looking back over my scores for the last 3½ weeks that I've been measuring they are definitely quite consistent and stable. It seems incredible to me that the first three nights of measuring (before I'd really concentrated on my carb intake) it was in the 12s at bedtime. I've got another blood test booked for next week but I'm not really sure why except that it's because I'm going to the Diabetes Medicine clinic the following week. I think the great thing that I've gleaned from being on these forums (one of the great things) is not to expect any real difference to my HbA1c in such a short time (5 weeks by then). Anyway - have a good day everyone. Nothing much planned here. We've been having the new Napoleon film directed by Ridley Scott and starring Joaquin Phoenix, being filmed up in the hills above our village for the last 2 weeks which has been really exciting and my husband has been up there with his telephoto lens getting some really good shots - it's going to seem really weird when they've all gone as there are HUNDREDs of vehicles and huge marquees plus temporary stabling for about 100 horses.
Ooh that sounds exciting. Has hubby spotted Joaquin? Has he popped into the local Coop for a meal deal? :rofl:
Morning all and it was a 7.3 for me. According to the graph it looked like I woke just after the phenomenon that is Dawn visited.

Had a good rehearsal session yesterday. Tinkling the ivories and blowing a few tunes on the liquorice stick. Tootling the flute not so successful, sound a bit too much like Focus played very badly.

Have a good day everyone.
Definitely frumpy, even my daughters don’t do mom jeans. Maybe because they’re all short a**es like me! Think you’ve to be tall and slim for that style. I’ve jeans from Matalan hanging in the wardrobe still with the labels on. Say no more. 🙄
The best fitting trousers I've found recently, well relatively recently, have been Mantaray which were Debenhams. I have been able to buy on line still. Not easy to find things for short a...s. like me 5ft and a very important bit, only.
Good morning! 6'8 this morning, similar the past few days. I had a nice time with my family here, not the best food choices but it was a short holiday for me as well. As any tourist in the UK, they wanted fish and chips, then I wanted them to try pasties, a great pizza place near my house, etc... All enjoyed and now, getting back on track 🙂

PS: I get so confused when you all talk about your height in Ft and weight in stones and such, I only understand cm and kg!
Morning everyone. 22.1

I overslept and missed my appointment with dietician. First time I've ever missed one :(
Feeling particularly lousy (monthlies showed up again) and would love to hide under the covers for the rest of the day but I now have phone calls to make apologising.

@Michael12421 wishing you a very happy birthday!
Well that will teach me to be smug with my earlier post thinking I had it cracked!! 🙄 I had an horrid night's sleep. Tossed and turned all night due to levels remaining high. Needed two more correction units at 3am for a 10.2 which clearly turned to water on injection because I then woke up at 7.30am on 9.8 feeling absolutely shocking with an MSG hangover despite drinking nothing but water throughout my meal, afterwards and through the night. Took 2 paracetamol and yet another glass of water, injected my Levemir and 2 more correction units of Fiasp and went back to sleep and got up 2 hours later on a much better 5.4 but still feeling really rough! It was a lovely night and I really enjoyed the food but it so does not agree with my body! Just as well it is only once is a blue moon. On a positive note 10.7 was the highest my levels went to so I still think I managed it pretty well, considering the huge carb and insulin intake.

Need to have a long walk today to burn off some of those calories and stretch my legs and blow the cobwebs and stop in at the GP surgery on the way back to pick up my Levemir (hopefully) as they didn't have it in on Friday when I collected my Libre sensors. Fingers crossed it isn't a supply issue but I think I am good for another couple of weeks at least.

Wishing a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to @Michael12421 Not a good way to start the day with a nasty hypo but sounds like things are looking up with the arrival of your freezer at long last. Hope the sun is shining and you and Missy have a lovely day together.
As I suspected kidney infection third one this year and its only mid April been told to up my humlin for a few days to help me cope my bs is sky high in the low to mid 20's and to try and drink as much water as I can and of course the obligatory antibiotics no coffee or booze {dont mind the booze been sober for 20 years now} and bed rest who has time for bed rest? This months going to cripple me financially its all going up and my income isn't im not a happy bunny today you could describe my mood as grouchy!
Definitely frumpy, even my daughters don’t do mom jeans. Maybe because they’re all short a**es like me! Think you’ve to be tall and slim for that style. I’ve jeans from Matalan hanging in the wardrobe still with the labels on. Say no more. 🙄
I parked at M&S then took a walk towards Next having the thought that i would get jeans from one or the other. Having to pass Matalan i thought i'd take a quick look anyway. Found a pair of straight leg, darker (not too dark) jeans in my size and leg length. I thought "i can't be this lucky" but they fit perfectly! Perfect length, no gapping at the back, high enough waist, stretchy enough to be comfortable! I did try some mom jeans just to see what they were like but they were ridiculous...supposed to be high waisted (not, couldn't even do the zip up), relaxed fit to a taper (nope, too tight and they hovered about 2 inch above my ankles). I shall keep Next and M&S in mind for when i need jeans again though. I'm not sure how these will wash but they'll do for now as we're away for a few days next week.