Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 7.7 today and off to work. Have a good day everyone xx
Good morning everyone

BG 4.8

Just tried to oder a table from ikea online. For some reason it took my order but didn't take my address. I had to cancel the order. Sigh. Not a great start to the day.

Nothing planned for today, yawn
Good morning 5.8 today

Have a great day everybody 😎
06:46 Sigh! BS 3.5 & just ate a JB! 🙄 It’s been a last minute drop after a high night of correcting!😱

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

OH! There goes my hypo racing heart now but, the JB is already eaten & should do its thing with just about half an hour of active NR to go: corrected at 03:19!

Not waking obviously as I haven’t been to bed yet after the golf! Only ate breakfast & lunch yesterday & despite extra NR to compensate for the increased tresiba that went in & not up to speed yet! I was even higher after breakfast with 62 NR BS 14.9 at over 3 hours & corrected with 6 which only brought me down to BS 10.0 over 3 hours later when I ate lunch with an even bigger 70NR! Then, over 3 hours later BS 13.0 & corrected with 8 which was too much! 🙄 Right! THAT was frustrating to type as I made SO many typos & screaming with frustration but, then remembered that I’m hypo & stopped being so hard on myself! It’s just going to take me longer to post as I’m STILL making typos!o_O

I’m calling the health centre at 08:30 as I’m clearly not completely over this & my BS & insulin has gone up again yesterday with my throat still a little bit swollen, not as bad as the previous night but, still there & a slightly less underwater feeling in my ears! :(

As to the golf yesterday I think I’ll let myself recover a bit more after my JB before posting about THAT! Those pesky typos are STILL creeping in & it’s about time to follow that up with an oatcake! Back later!
My I still feel rough! But, oatcake stuffed in & I just realised, slow hypo brain, that THAT was a MASSIVE swing from BS 13 to 3.5 in about three & a half hours! No wonder I feel rough: almost a 10mmol swing; my today report on mySugr looks TERRIBLE! 😱 BUT, hardly any typos in this little post so, the JB has kicked in & no point in testing now: I forgot to before cramming in the biscuit!😳o_O
Morning all, 5.2 here! That was at the expense of a Libre line dipping in and out of the red in the small hours. Too much gardening yesterday afternoon, but needs must while it wasn’t raining, and the weeds are growing apace.
10.4 this morning. Had a negative covid test last night so may head into the office this morning
Good morning everyone. First day of the holidays and i've woken early (but not as early as a work day). I'm with you @SueEK with a 7.7.
Congrats on the HS @Robin.
Take care @Lucyr, glad you have a negative test but see how you feel.
I'm off out today, meeting a friend for a walk, chat and lunch..really looking forward to that.
Have a good day!
Morning all. 6.7 today.

Totally lost for the days, but I believe it’s Monday. Nothing much exciting happening, Mr Eggy preparing his new tattie plot ( not necessarily for new potatoes, he’ll plant main crop too but it’s a new plot), it’s the gardening law that you have to plant your chitted potatoes at Easter. Hopefully no frost this week. I, on the other hand, have the unenviable task of two weeks worth of ironing! :(Had such a busy week last week I didn’t have time to do it. This week is looking, so far, pretty quiet thank goodness. It’s hard work being retired, you never get a minute!😉

Congratulations @Robin on your HS, what a great start to the week.

Have a Happy Monday everyone, it’s not as cold up here as it’s been. 🙂
07:51 BS 4.5 & stuffed in another oatcake! But, feeling better & no mistakes in typing this at all!

It was like water the NR to start with & then, WHAM! It all hit at once! That hypo caught me completely off guard & good thing I tested when I did as I only felt it AFTER I’d had the JB!
Morning team!

A round 7 for me today.

Hope everyone has a good day. Not long now to the BH weekend :D
Good morning - 9.2 after a spike up to 18.5 in the middle of the night with no obvious cause - I didn’t forget to take my Tresiba!
Snap @Robin this morning. 🙂

P.S. Wordle in 3!
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Morning all,

5.3 today (so close!)

A bit lower than the 6s I’ve been having the previous few mornings but not surprising really given the amount of exercise I did yesterday.

Reducing the basal definitely helped with that too for warding off the hypos!

Have a good day 🙂
A very good morning to all.... well it is for me anyway.

Here to give evidence of 2 unicorns and a flat fish and to top it off I am sitting next to my diabetes twin @Robin on the HS step.... Congrats to us both. Mine was achieved by a rather risky 1 unit Levemir increase and going to bed after a very late meal of sausages, broccoli and mushrooms. I am guessing the protein from the sausages and the increased Levemir cancelled each other out.

I am also up to 96% TIR for the past 7 days so I guess things are going my way at the moment.
Got to dash as I have a trailer to hand load (well, I will be using a gripe (muck fork) not my actual hands 🙄 ) with manure and then deliver and barrow into someone's garden. That will be my exercise for the day.

Hope everyone has a good day. I am going out for a Chinese Banquet tonight to celebrate my brother's 70th birthday, so my Libre stats will be blown out of the water tomorrow and I definitely won't be posting another HS and it will be the Himalayas on my graph rather than a flatfish I think!
Oh, I see the HS step is popular this morning. Congrats to @MeeTooTeeTwo too.

Shame about your near miss Sophie @sg295 ... we could have bunched up to make room for you. 🙄 Sounds like you managed your levels brilliantly. Be aware that the effects of your walk may continue today too so keep an eye out for your levels dropping.
Oh, I see the HS step is popular this morning. Congrats to @MeeTooTeeTwo too.

Shame about your near miss Sophie @sg295 ... we could have bunched up to make room for you. 🙄 Sounds like you managed your levels brilliantly. Be aware that the effects of your walk may continue today too so keep an eye out for your levels dropping.
Hi Barbara @rebrascora

Well done on the HS to you too!

Yes that’s a good point thank you, I will keep an eye out! Have a nice time at the buffet. I have my brother and niece coming over later and there will be cake (not eaten cake for ages!) so it will be nice 🙂
Can't believe you got Wordle in 3!! @MeeTooTeeTwo It took me the whole 6 and it was quite a tricky one. I can't believe I didn't get it sooner as I had the first 4 letters in the right order and completely failed to see the obvious final letter.... you really wouldn't believe there are so many obscure words starting with those 4 letters. In my defense, I did it last night before bed and I was fading fast.
Well done too @rebrascora on your HS. 🙂
Re Wordle. My first guess is my often used word which contains 4 vowels - this gave me the 3 straight away. My second guess gave me the correct central one. Then as my old hero would say: "Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.”
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