Group 7-day waking average?

I meant to attach this photo earlier. Zara feeding the lamb whilst on our visit to the farmers. That’s my eldest daughter looking very glam!


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@MeeTooTeeTwo Those olives and Manchego were lovely but gave me really weird dreams last night too (and a very dry mouth) and I normally sleep really soundly with no "in sleep entertainment".... I did eat the whole tub in one go though 🙄 Kept waking up in the 8s feeling very restless. I eventually got up and got a glass of water and injected a unit of Fiasp and then slept much better after that.... in fact, too well. Woke at 7 when I scanned a nice 6.0 and injected Levemir and then dropped back off and was 4.3 when I eventually woke up and got out of bed. Had to get breakfast pretty pronto this morning with being a bit low rather than the usual 45 min delay.

@sg295 Good luck on your walk today. Hope you enjoy it. Can't remember if I sponsored you for that, so if not, pop up a link and I will chip in.

@GRIFFINLONEWALKER Can't believe how quickly and dramatically you have turned around your diabetes management.... despite eating 3 naughty pasties for breakfast the other day 😱 . Huge cheer and round or applause for you here. Really sad that you had such a difficult shopping experience yesterday though. Hope your gear didn't suffer too much from being in cold storage o_O but pleased you eventually found them.

@gll Really concerned about how your levels are just slowly drifting higher and higher. Do you have an appointment soon? Really think you need insulin sooner rather than later. Do you have a means of testing for ketones?

Hope the sun is shining everywhere and you guys are having a lovely day... or at least the best you can.
Morning all,

5.7 today.

Pleased with that as I was out with friends last night - made sure to have a carby snack to prevent hypos and it seems to have worked and was only a little bit lower than I have been the previous few mornings!

Doing my 10 mile fundraising walk today - will be interesting to see how that goes! Must make sure to take plenty of food, water and hypo treatments but I’m looking forward to it.

Have a good day everyone 🙂
Hope the walk goes well
5.8 again this morning. Had quite a carb supper last night but didn't follow it with any sweet snacks. Restful day here planned although saying that I might decide to cycle to the supermarket with my rucksack (or I might not!) Have a good day everyone and thanks again for being so welcoming.
@gll Really concerned about how your levels are just slowly drifting higher and higher. Do you have an appointment soon? Really think you need insulin sooner rather than later. Do you have a means of testing for ketones?
I'm using ketostix and they are bouncing between negative and trace (testing at least once a day). No word on appointment yet (referral was sent 2 weeks ago ish now). Drs wont push it faster unless ketones present (assuming at least a few readings of + ). Wish I had a blood one for accuracy as obviously drinking and peeing a lot at the mo, even a morning one isn't really a great one to test, I'm up and down during the night too.
I'm using ketostix and they are bouncing between negative and trace (testing at least once a day). No word on appointment yet (referral was sent 2 weeks ago ish now). Drs wont push it faster unless ketones present (assuming at least a few readings of + ). Wish I had a blood one for accuracy as obviously drinking and peeing a lot at the mo, even a morning one isn't really a great one to test, I'm up and down during the night too.
I think as long as the Ketostix are showing no more than low levels you can be confident that ketones are not an issue at the moment but do keep a close eye on it. I remember what that constant thirst and weeing was like and how wearying it was when you are up and down to the loo 5 times a night even without the fatigue of having such high levels. You must be absolutely washed out! Hang in there and really hope you get an appointment soon.
Can you find out if there is a DSN attends your practice once a month for a diabetes clinic (as they do here at my GP practice) as they might be able to start you on insulin in advance of getting an appointment, which in the current climate could be months unfortunately. The other option might be to see a consultant privately. I know it is pricey and not within everyone's means but could perhaps be a quick route to insulin for you and might take a lot of strain off your body. I think @EmmaL76 has been through the process a couple of times and might be able to give you some pointers if you are interested in going that route. It might only need to be a one off consultation to get you some insulin on prescription until you get the NHS appointment.
No DNS in the practice at all. They would have arranged that by now vs a referral.
I've turned into the nap queen again and its so frustrating.
I have a dietician video chat thing on Tuesday. That is where I will smile and nod to the eathell advice. 😉
I have a dietician video chat thing on Tuesday. That is where I will smile and nod to the eathell advice. 😉
Do make sure to stress how much effort you are taking with your diet to lower your levels and how worried you are about them continuing to climb. I know you make light of it here and we all understand why as there isn't much else you can do other than moan and panic and we appreciate that but make sure to lay it on thick with medical professionals. Some of these dieticians can have the ear of a consultant and may have some influence in getting your appointment bumped up the list.... it's a very slight chance, but you have to play every option. I didn't rate the advice my diabetes dietician gave me but she is a qualified DAFNE educator so quite highly regarded within the diabetes department and therefore has contact/input with the consultant.
@MeeTooTeeTwo Those olives and Manchego were lovely but gave me really weird dreams last night too (and a very dry mouth) and I normally sleep really soundly with no "in sleep entertainment".... I did eat the whole tub in one go though 🙄 Kept waking up in the 8s feeling very restless. I eventually got up and got a glass of water and injected a unit of Fiasp and then slept much better after that.... in fact, too well. Woke at 7 when I scanned a nice 6.0 and injected Levemir and then dropped back off and was 4.3 when I eventually woke up and got out of bed. Had to get breakfast pretty pronto this morning with being a bit low rather than the usual 45 min delay.

@sg295 Good luck on your walk today. Hope you enjoy it. Can't remember if I sponsored you for that, so if not, pop up a link and I will chip in.

@GRIFFINLONEWALKER Can't believe how quickly and dramatically you have turned around your diabetes management.... despite eating 3 naughty pasties for breakfast the other day 😱 . Huge cheer and round or applause for you here. Really sad that you had such a difficult shopping experience yesterday though. Hope your gear didn't suffer too much from being in cold storage o_O but pleased you eventually found them.

@gll Really concerned about how your levels are just slowly drifting higher and higher. Do you have an appointment soon? Really think you need insulin sooner rather than later. Do you have a means of testing for ketones?

Hope the sun is shining everywhere and you guys are having a lovely day... or at least the best you can.
Thank you so much Barbara!

I will attach the link 🙂

Just finished my stop for lunch and have just under 3 miles left to go! My toes and ankles are killing me (don’t usually do a lot of walking) but it’s been so worth it. I’ve actually really enjoyed it and it’s definitely something I want to do more of when I’ve finished my qualification and have more time 🙂

Do make sure to stress how much effort you are taking with your diet to lower your levels and how worried you are about them continuing to climb. I know you make light of it here and we all understand why as there isn't much else you can do other than moan and panic and we appreciate that but make sure to lay it on thick with medical professionals. Some of these dieticians can have the ear of a consultant and may have some influence in getting your appointment bumped up the list.... it's a very slight chance, but you have to play every option. I didn't rate the advice my diabetes dietician gave me but she is a qualified DAFNE educator so quite highly regarded within the diabetes department and therefore has contact/input with the consultant.
didn't even think of trying to push in there at all. Good thinking.
Thank you so much Barbara!

I will attach the link 🙂

Just finished my stop for lunch and have just under 3 miles left to go! My toes and ankles are killing me (don’t usually do a lot of walking) but it’s been so worth it. I’ve actually really enjoyed it and it’s definitely something I want to do more of when I’ve finished my qualification and have more time 🙂

Congratulations. I hope you managed your BG levels well. Do be aware that your levels may drop through the night tonight if you are not used to walking so much. I usually reduce my evening Levemir dose by a couple of units after something like that as my muscles suck the glucose out of my blood whilst I sleep to replenish their stores. Depending upon which basal insulin you are using this may not be possible....Tresiba and Toujeo are too long acting to have an immediate effect so you would need to under bolus your evening meal and make sure your levels were higher than usual at bedtime to offset the risk of a nocturnal hypo

Walking regularly is great for mental wellbeing as well as your diabetes management and of course enjoyable with such fabulous countryside to walk in, so definitely try to make it part of your routine when you can.
Congratulations. I hope you managed your BG levels well. Do be aware that your levels may drop through the night tonight if you are not used to walking so much. I usually reduce my evening Levemir dose by a couple of units after something like that as my muscles suck the glucose out of my blood whilst I sleep to replenish their stores. Depending upon which basal insulin you are using this may not be possible....Tresiba and Toujeo are too long acting to have an immediate effect so you would need to under bolus your evening meal and make sure your levels were higher than usual at bedtime to offset the risk of a nocturnal hypo

Walking regularly is great for mental wellbeing as well as your diabetes management and of course enjoyable with such fabulous countryside to walk in, so definitely try to make it part of your routine when you can.
Thank you, and thank you so much for the donation as well!

BGs we’re pretty good actually, a bit lower than the last few days (in the 4s most of the time) but that’s to be expected seeing as I went out last night which affects me for the next 24 hours and did a lot of walking too!

Yes that’s a good point, I may well need to reduce my basal tonight. I also dropped my bolus quite considerably for breakfast and lunch today which meant the lowest reading I had the whole time was 4.1 so pretty pleased with that!

Yes I had a great time and definitely want to do it more often! Hoping if I do it more regularly I may be able to gradually build it up and walk even further next time, maybe 15 or 20 miles eventually! 🙂
@sg295 Sounds like you managed it brilliantly! Well done!
AND what time do you call this? 😱 17:35 BS 7.6 & earlier very briefly just for Tresiba back up to 86 as my BS was rising last night 13:06 BS 6.7😳 A bit of a rise still but, 86 only in earlier & straight back to sleep so, no DP!🙄

A Very Good Evening to you all! 😉

I woke up with no neck or ear problems, yet, that I can discern & rather surprised by as before my Marathon sleep session around 2am, after Masters golf, I still felt a bit of throat swelling & had a bit of discomfort swallowing after my last AB pill was taken around 19:30! 😱 But, sleeping seems to have done wonders!🙂

The rset is about golf & can be skipped! 😳🙄:D😉 Only 1 last entry, tomorrow’s, about Masters golf & Little Miss Golf Crazy & Distracted will be back to normal! And you lovely lot can have a breather from golf until July when The Open is on at St. Andrews!🙄:rofl:😉

AAAWWWWWW! Yesterday was so tense, funny, puzzling, exciting & sad to see Tiger ultimately moving in the WRONG direction on Moving Day at The Masters! o_O😱:rofl::confused:😛:confused::( He started with his tee shot in the bunker on 1 & bogeyed it, in the sand again on 2 but, rather exciting & surprising to ALMOST eagle, -2, coming out & just missed the hole to birdie it! 😱😛:D Then, the next two holes 3 & 4 he almost ended up in bunker again but, on 3 it hit the sand SO hard it bounced back out quite a long way into the patrons off the fairway & on 4 it hopped past the sand just a few yards away making the patrons following him round, me too, laugh!😱:rofl: In the old days Tiger just carried all those fairway bunkers & was well past them now he dosen’t have the power & distance so, flirting with bunkers was bound to make him come a cropper & so, he bogeyed, +1, 4 holes on the front 9 AND he DOUBLED BOGEYED one of them!!😱😱 Which was the first real sign of his putting woes, which proved to plague him all day!:( Again he played much better on the back 9 starting with back to back birdies on 10 & 11 as he warmed up but, then his putting just went downhill from 12 onwards puzzling me, & everyone else, why he misread the greens SO much with either putts just missing to one side or the other & even WORSE hit too hard to bounce out of the hole as the ball hit the rim too hard or just come up come a foot or two short! Time & time again he got the ball to the green for Eagle or Birdie chances & his putting let him down so, the bogeys crept in! Then, one final insult to injury he doubled bogeyed 18 to finish with a round of 78 for a tournament score of +7! That round of 78 is 1 worse than his worst ever round of 77 WAY back in 1995 on his very first Masters he played as an amateur!😱 But, in the interviews afterwards, the live one I saw on Sky Golf & the NBC later on BBC highlights, when asked if he was more tired & in more pain yesterday than the day before he very honesty said he was actually hitting the ball better & his putting was off: in the sky interview he said the greens book of notes his caddy & him were using were clearly not quite right & were off on the breaks etc; in the NBC interview he he just said straight away his putting wasn’t ver good, laughed & said it was like he was doing putting practice!:rofl: So, he’s dropped WAY down the leader with his +7 & started really early today in pair 5, he was in pair 19 the day before, out of 21 pairs at 13:00 & be finished by now before the leaders & live coverage starts at 18:30! I’ll check his score when I eat first & watch to see who wins it?:confused:
No DNS in the practice at all. They would have arranged that by now vs a referral.
I've turned into the nap queen again and its so frustrating.
I have a dietician video chat thing on Tuesday. That is where I will smile and nod to the eathell advice. 😉
I agree that it is sometimes worth paying to get a more immediate appointment, I did that 40 years ago with a gynae issue and if I hadn't I might not have been here now.