Group 7-day waking average?

Hi all,

5.7 this morning.

Had an early lunch at around 11:30 (have been playing sax at a gig so had to fit my breaks in around that). Not sure if I underestimated the number of carbs or something but it seemed to be coming down fine but now libre is showing 9.1 with an arrow pointing straight up.

I have a feeling I underestimated that by 1 or 2 units…ahh well that’s life!

Have a good day all 🙂
Another Sax player
bad move eating 3 pastries for brekkies ,, its super hard for me tho i have to do certain things in threes (i have ocd struggles)
so my b,s is still above 11 the clown is making himself known snailface and weasel feet are being yelled and ive hidden my wallet and tv remote somewhere in the house. help !!
i can't find the blighters anywhere so taking a breather try think if i was me where would i hide my stuff that is safe and secure ? hmm .
the hound has pretty much given up and gone to sleep in the sun ,,,,,,
keep smiling y`all


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Good afternoon,
I’m late to post on here today, this morning BS was 6.1

haven’t yet read through others posts
have a great day & weekend everyone
Didn't realise there were so many musical people on this thread. Brass player here.
When I was a child I used to play on the carpet!! 😉
I slept in until one o'clock today!!
I was expecting it to be up a bit because of all the extra sleep.
Something has definitely changed for the better. Not sure what but I am pleased. Maybe it is less stress. Our house purchase finally went through yesterday so we can stay put ( we've bought the house we've been renting for eleven years) and start making improvements now we don't have to worry about upsetting the landlady.
Ooh nice! 🙂
Bought a new toy today… I play from my iPad so bought a foot operated page turner as my hand operated one is awkward to hold
5.8 this morning. I'm taking that reading first thing, before I have even my probiotics or cup of tea, but then it's quite a while (probably 2 hours at least) before I actually get round to having my breakfast/brunch. Had a shaky morning after an unpleasant email battle with a neighbour about us mowing the lawn. Anyway did eventually have my food and it was YUMMY! I love my breakfast so much that I often put it off for ages so I can really sit and enjoy it rather than just think of it as fuel - I can see that might have to change soon. Hubby and I then went for a lovely 2 hour walk with the dogs in a lovely area with woods & valleys and it was SO nice and no thoughts of my neighbour (until I got home). Fortunately even though she's next door we don't see her because of where her entrance is and she's behind a high wall. I'm afraid I played the "I've been extremely ill and had major surgery" card - she didn't seem too impressed or concerned :rofl:
Well, as we seem to have touched on musical insruments, I'm a keyboard player and an organist.

My favourite instrument (if you can call it that) is the pipe organ, oh, and the oboe. Such a haunting sorrowful sound from the oboe. Can't play one though. Mind you I have never tried.
Well, as we seem to have touched on musical insruments, I'm a keyboard player and an organist.

My favourite instrument (if you can call it that) is the pipe organ, oh, and the oboe. Such a haunting sorrowful sound from the oboe. Can't play one though. Mind you I have never tried.
Oboes are beautiful!

I did my degree in music. First study singer but also a pianist and saxophonist 🙂
I can play the recorder!! :D:D
I played violin as a youngster but not picked it up for A LOT of years. Also learned piano as a child.
I started "trying" to play coach horn a few years ago, but only play when we are carriage driving because that is traditional and usually just special events like when we are taking Santa to the Christmas meet. I was also "blowing" for the NHS staff when we were doing those doorstep tributes on a Thursday at the start of the pandemic.
On a good day I can get 5 notes which may sound poor, but it isn't an easy instrument with a limited range. I really should practice more!!
Good morning everyone.

BG 4.4 again a bit low for me but ok.

I cannot remember who gave the brownies recipe here, but I gave it a go yesterday annd the result was excellent. Even my wife liked it and had seconds!!! For someone who believes everyone is trying to poison her (including me, sadly) that is quite something!!!

Did a minor but difficult update to the App yeasterday evening. Every update improves it by making it easier or better to use.

Went out for a 1hr walk yesterday but it was too cold to go any further than that. Cold is not good.

Last week I ran out of those three supplements that has been suggested could help sort out neuropathy. (Someone here suggested the idea might be 'snake oil'. I certainly took that on board and was sceptical from the start). It did seem to help a lot and the neuropathy dwindled to pretty much gone but once I had run out of the supplements the neuropathy seemed to come back a little more each day. Placaebo? Anyway, I bought some more of the supplements and started taking them again. The result, well, almost within a day things significantly improved. So it is possible that the supplements (or anything else that changed at that point, but no idea what) improved things. Interesting (to me, anyway).

Nothing planned for today and, if it is as cold as yesterday I will stay indoors and keep a tad warmer.

Have a great day today whatever you get up to.
8.7 here. Been struggling with not being able to sleep and a bad mood the last few days (probably linked), but did sleep 11pm-5am which will hopefully help today. Still feel a bit grumpy though, maybe Sunday breakfast by the sea will help.

Todays plans - I keep a day of rest on Sunday so not much on. Will get some fresh air, church (virtual), zoom, music practice.