Group 7-day waking average?

As anyone on statins, for cholesterol, should know; you can’t have grapefruit! It’s in all the medicine info leaflets! o_O

So, I haven’t had any in years! Not that I ever liked it & only remember trying it once: it was TERRIBLE! A Green Puking emoji! :rofl:
Grapefruit is verboten for tonnes of medication not just statins.
Basically if you’re prescribed almost anything then avoid grapefruit.
Wow! 😱 It’s a low day for me! I wake again in the 4’s 17:14 BS 4.6 by the time I’d been to the bathroom & back to wash my hands! 😱 Note to self: must be ultra conservative with NR doses today as 84 Tresiba already in & I’d wished I went to 82; those AB’s have kicked in big time now! There’s only 4 left to take, just had my 2nd for today & woke by the 17:00 alarm for it, & 1 last day of them tomorrow!o_O

I couldn’t stay awake earlier & slept through with the golf playing on my iPad as background noise! Now I have over an hour to cook & eat before Tiger tees off at 18:41! 🙄

Time for breakfast mark 2 today of ramen! :D I will go back to 30NR as 40 for breakfast mark 1 earlier is clearly too much! Things are almost back to what they were, not that THAT was the norm for long, before coming down with this infection: things have gone down & up very quickly these last weeks & I do SO long for some stability back, please! Two Hands Together Pleading emoji!:confused:
I recall the horror one performance as I’m dancing in the kick line and my right shoe came off and flew into the audience.
Did you autograph it for the audience member it hit along with your apologies, of course! 🙄 Rory McIlroy hit his dad during the Masters last year despite shouting “Fore” & said afterwards, joking I hope, I aimed straight for him & I autograph the ball for him & get him a bag of frozen peas!:rofl:
Hhmmmm very annoyed at myself. I got heardle in 1. Wordle however, i got 4 letters correct in the right places but there were just too many choices and i failed, i put in all of the wrong ones!
@Pattidevans, sneaking in some hugs. No one wants to see that on their meter but no need for judgy folks focusing on that and making you feel bad.

Had folks on the phone 2 hours after the Occupational Therapist / Surveyor appointment this morning too arrange a visit for measuring and planning. Same guy that was out this morning too, I mean I could have loaned him a tape measure and got it done earlier :rofl:. Anyways that's happening on the 26th so fairly quickly.

heres a fact .
did you know that if you replace your packs of crisps with grapefruit you can lose up to 90% of the little joy you have left in your life
keep smiling folks
Proper laughed at this :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Yeah sorry folks I know the old grapefruit is a huge no no for all of us statin users I was thinking out loud I have a way of doing that I think very outside the box so to speak I'm I know i know I'm odd lol I'll go back to the naughty step I know where it is already
I have never figured out why when everything has gone wrong and you are feeling on the edge that somebody saying something nice can tip you over and you end up in floods of tears.
That's so true! In my last diabetes appointment I was talking about some difficult feelings I was having, that I thought "well, I'm not so bad right now" and the nurse and dietitian (both lovely women) said I was doing things right and they were there to support me and I started crying. It's not the first time I get more emotional when people are nice like this.

I had a BG of 6'5 this morning. Didn't post earlier as I was spending the day with my folks. Got a text saying I didn't have to work this morning, which was amazing news, but would have been even better if I had read it before getting all dressed and fed, would appreciate an extra hour of sleep lol. Anyway, we went outside for English breakfast and then got the bus to a small town I really like. We are relaxing at home for a bit, and tomorrow we will go to Bristol to spend the weekend before they take the flight back from Bristol airport.

Hope everyone has a nice weekend 🙂
morning gang i have a 6,2 reading this morning (insert applause here)
got rudely awakened by a cold wet nose in the ear cause the hound wanted to go out for a pee,and then decided she needed to sniff and check out every inch of the back yard (you know just in case there's a cat or a burglar hiding in the bin!) its her birthday today she turns 7 so i guess i`ll let her off and give her a few extra belly rubs . my house is freezing its dipped to 9 degrees indoors if it drops any lower ill have penguins in the front room and a inuit family in the kitchen ! i may as well get wrapped up grab my camera and take her out for a walk and go watch the sun come up .
stay safe keep smiling x
Good morning everyone.

BG 4.9. Very reasonable

I managed a great 206 minutes walk yesterday. Weather was really nice. Later on it became cold and windy again. Not sure about today, no sun, I might go for a short walk. Not keen on the cold. 9 degrees? You must be freezing @GRIFFINLONEWALKER

Nothing planned for today, yawn, dull....

Have a great day whatever you get up to
Morning folks. 7.8 this morning and it’s a beautiful bright but crisp morning out there. Yesterday didn’t go quite as planned but did see my daughter and had a good catch up which was lovely. SIL is still having a really rough time and now on new medication which the NHS won’t pay for, its £278 a month. He has tried so many anti-depressants, anti-psychotics etc etc, I don’t even know what these ones are but his psychiatrist has prescribed them so he needs to try them, no matter the cost, to see if he can turn a corner. It’s so hard for my daughter to see him suffer so and she has to hold everything together looking after the house, the children, work and of course her husband and there’s nothing that we can do that can actually make any difference to him, so sad, he’s the sweetest person. Sorry went off on a tangent there.
Meeting up and my son and DIL later for a meal so that will be nice.
Have a good day all xx
5.8 this morning. And off to Park Run!
Might stop for a coffee beforehand.
Morning all. 🙂 10.1 here - eek! Miss Dawn P. barged in at around 6am. I don’t think we’ve been formally introduced. I hope she shoves off asap.

Have a lovely weekend with your folks on Bristol @Elenka_HM - it’s a great place, lots going on. Good choice!

(((Hugs))) @Kaylz - I hope you’re feeling more upbeat soon.
Morning all. 6.1.

Had a great time on the farm yesterday. Baby Zara was feeding a lamb. She loved all the animals. We brought the farmers’ children home with us and they stayed over. We had Maccie Ds for tea! Not my thing at all but it did mean after a busy day I didn’t have any cooking to do or washing up. It was okish, I had a chicken wrap and fries. Didn’t have a clue how much basal to give. I got it wrong! Or was the mountain range on my Libre due to making two loaves of homemade bread and having to taste them to make sure they were ok to feed my precious grandchildren? 😉

The girls are up with me, the boys ( Mr Eggy and grandson) are still in bed. Late night watching “ boy” films! That’s their thing, the girls and I go to bed early and I read them a story. The plan is a walk today after our full English, maybe frog and toad hunting, whilst taking in a park on the way.

Have a super Saturday all. The sun is supposed to come out later, won’t be warm though. Brrr! 🙂


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9.3 it definitely does seem like I raise in the morning because when I woke up randomly In the at 4 this morning I was 6.4(however it would risking trying to sort this out as I needed to sure it always happens)
Good morning everyone.

BG 4.9. Very reasonable

I managed a great 206 minutes walk yesterday. Weather was really nice. Later on it became cold and windy again. Not sure about today, no sun, I might go for a short walk. Not keen on the cold. 9 degrees? You must be freezing @GRIFFINLONEWALKER

Nothing planned for today, yawn, dull....

Have a great day whatever you get up to
Yeah I just can't afford the extra costs I live in 150 year old terraced house it's not as energy efficient I've also just had a council tax increase and my incomes fixed with not much wriggle room so needs must its thermals and wooly hats at the moment for me still shouldn't grumble really at least I have a roof and a warm bed
It was 4.5 for me first thing this morning. 🙂
Just back from a good long walk. Beautiful cloudless blue sky, but it was cold enough to freeze your assets! 😱
