Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. Brrr! -2 degrees on the weather thingymajig and anywhere between 5.4 arrow going down ( lying in bed) to 7.2 seven minutes later (when I got downstairs) on the Libre 2! We’ll go for the middle I think. About 6ish?

Got new boots yesterday and then we went for a walk ( slide). Didn’t wear the new boots, thank goodness. It was very wet, sleet/ hail/ rain, extremely muddy with a bitterly cold wind. We were soaked right through to our underwear and were freezing cold, and I had thermals on under my walking trousers too! All in all not a very enjoyable five miles. The rain stopped and the sun came out just as we reached the car! Mr Eggy carried his camera bag all the way round only getting his camera out as we arrived back to the start! We got home, stripped off, put our PJs on and lit the coal fire, we have just about thawed out. I’ve attached Mr Eggy’s one photo, and a selfie of us putting on a brave face at the end of the walk! We’ll laugh about it one day. 😉

We’ve got baby Zara today and we’re borrowing daughter’s car and going to visit the farmers’ children and to see the lambs! I’m taking our car and we’re bringing them all back to ours and they’re having a sleepover. Not the lambs just the kids! Have a fabulous Friday everyone. 🙂


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Good morning everyone

A bit down this morning. Couldn't get out for a walk yesterday because of the persistant rain, wind, extreme(ish) cold.

BG 4.5 this morning. Seems to be on the lower side recently. Mind you I got a 3.8 the other evening and that is getting too low. I wonder why. All I have done recently is to significantly reduce butter, stop any form of alcoholic drinking, increase exercise (except yesterday), started taking Allicin (for cholesterol lowering), started taking plant sterols (cholesterol lowering)

Had the heating off as an experiment yesterday. Not much fun. 15.0C is too cold. Put it back on this morning.

My wife made some bread in the new-ish bread maker. Lovely bread everytime. The electricity cost showed just 7.5p (quite surprising) and it takes 4 hours to do its thing. Very good value, except, between us, we seem to devour it rather quickly. Shop bought bread lasts so much longer (but is so bland/boring in comparison)

Good news, my one remaining friend has suggested that we go for walks together. I will certainly take them up on the offer. Shame my wife cannot cope with them (or anyone) coming to the house, and never comes walking (won't leave the house unless desperately needed).

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
I’ve put my bread maker on first thing this morning. We’ve got four of the grandchildren coming today so it’ll soon go. I’m fact I may have to make two!
I slice and freeze ours and just thaw it out as required, otherwise we would just keep eating it. It is so morish isn’t it?
6.1 for me this morning and a pretty level overnight graph so I'm very happy with that.

Got the farrier coming this morning to put some shoes on Rascal who will be very happy. His hooves are in beautiful condition but he is not comfortable bare foot..... unlike the others who are all fine without shoes. Unfortunately his whole attitude changes once he gets shoes on from "Oh Wo is me!" to "Big and Bolshy!" and becomes much more of a handful. Having the winter off really improves the condition of his hooves though and when he isn't doing any work through the winter I can't justify putting shoes on him especially at £70 a set every 7-8 weeks.
Anyway, need to head out there and get fed and mucked out before my lovely farrier arrives. The sun will shine today because it always does when he comes to visit. It is frosty out there but with the promise of a clear bright day ahead.

Hope you all have a lovely day.
9.9. I do know my correction at bed did kind of work last night well got it down to 9.1 at least. (I checked on it leter in the night because i felt Disney(had planned to check on it anyway later just make sure it was coming down.)
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back from the torture session ouch is all i can say about that little escapade i feel like i've been used as chew toy by a whole team of rugby players.
One man’s torture session another man’s dream 😉
Morning everyone (I'm a Newbie). 5.9 this morning which is one of my lowest mornings so far (only been measuring for 3 weeks today, although it feels like longer!). My first morning measurement was 12.3 so this is obviously much better. Been on Metformin for 2 weeks - now taking 2 in the morning and 1 in the evening and will move up to 4 next week. Last night I forgot to have my usual snacks after supper (orange and very, very small Green & Blacks chocolate (15g) - by the way, this is my "new usual" not my "old usual" which was much sugarier) and only fizzy water all evening (usually I have one alcohol free beer). I felt really hungry/low and my BM (is that the right term?) was only 5.6 - I had two digestive biscuits as otherwise thought I'd be really low this morning. This is all new to me and very much trial and error at the moment - but I'm sure you can all relate to that. I hope everyone warms up. I'm off to the hairdressers at 11am but before that I need to get my rental cottage ready for some guests arriving late afternoon. Spent all last night ironing sheets - it's so annoying when you have guests and they use them all again :rofl: Here's a pic of me with one of my dogs (Winnie) on a very windy walk yesterday ...


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6.0 this morning to correlate with an uptick in stress I guess.

Sis-in-law had upset mum again and as much as I try to soothe ruffled feathers and get mum to understand that being angry doesn’t achieve anything it’s to no avail.

Anyway I’m seeing my nephew on Sunday for an early morning cinema trip and brunch and it’s always good to catch up on his uni exploits (not that I understand what he’s studying ‘Theoretical physics and advanced maths’) without any of the other family adults around.

I miss my furry beasts. I don’t miss the ever present fur however!

Apologies to those of you who’ve seen these pics of P and J before.


6.0 this morning to correlate with an uptick in stress I guess.

Sis-in-law had upset mum again and as much as I try to soothe ruffled feathers and get mum to understand that being angry doesn’t achieve anything it’s to no avail.

Anyway I’m seeing my nephew on Sunday for an early morning cinema trip and brunch and it’s always good to catch up on his uni exploits (not that I understand what he’s studying ‘Theoretical physics and advanced maths’) without any of the other family adults around.

I miss my furry beasts. I don’t miss the ever present fur however!

Apologies to those of you who’ve seen these pics of P and J before.

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So cute Colin!

Hope the ruffled feathers are smoothed down soon. Family stress can be so difficult.

5.1 for me this morning.
4.5 for me this morning after a night full of strange dreams. 🙂
Just remembered that I did go a bit mad on the Manchego cheese and olives. 😳
Perhaps that was the cause.

Morning all. 20.4 🙄

Need to get moving, showered and dressed. Surveyor is due at 10 and if I'm not ready, I'm sure they will show up early :rofl:

wordle in 2 today (2 green and 2 yellow in my opening). Heardle in 1 sec too :D

Will check back in later 🙂
Good morning - 6.3
Morning everyone (I'm a Newbie). 5.9 this morning which is one of my lowest mornings so far (only been measuring for 3 weeks today, although it feels like longer!). My first morning measurement was 12.3 so this is obviously much better. Been on Metformin for 2 weeks - now taking 2 in the morning and 1 in the evening and will move up to 4 next week. Last night I forgot to have my usual snacks after supper (orange and very, very small Green & Blacks chocolate (15g) - by the way, this is my "new usual" not my "old usual" which was much sugarier) and only fizzy water all evening (usually I have one alcohol free beer). I felt really hungry/low and my BM (is that the right term?) was only 5.6 - I had two digestive biscuits as otherwise thought I'd be really low this morning. This is all new to me and very much trial and error at the moment - but I'm sure you can all relate to that. I hope everyone warms up. I'm off to the hairdressers at 11am but before that I need to get my rental cottage ready for some guests arriving late afternoon. Spent all last night ironing sheets - it's so annoying when you have guests and they use them all again :rofl: Here's a pic of me with one of my dogs (Winnie) on a very windy walk yesterday ...
Glad you could join us Jo. You don’t have to be barmy to post here, but it helps.😉 As you can see it’s evolved over the years to a general chit chat and lots of us feel it’s a “ safe” space to offload and rant. So feel free if you feel the need.
Got Heardle in one today! I never normally do it, because I have huge gaps in my musical knowledge, but Son messaged me and said 'Even you will get it today' …he was right!
Took 6 over Wordle though, everything but the first letter right in the second go, and spent the next three goes choosing every word but the correct one.
Morning everyone (I'm a Newbie). 5.9 this morning which is one of my lowest mornings so far (only been measuring for 3 weeks today, although it feels like longer!). My first morning measurement was 12.3 so this is obviously much better. Been on Metformin for 2 weeks - now taking 2 in the morning and 1 in the evening and will move up to 4 next week. Last night I forgot to have my usual snacks after supper (orange and very, very small Green & Blacks chocolate (15g) - by the way, this is my "new usual" not my "old usual" which was much sugarier) and only fizzy water all evening (usually I have one alcohol free beer). I felt really hungry/low and my BM (is that the right term?) was only 5.6 - I had two digestive biscuits as otherwise thought I'd be really low this morning. This is all new to me and very much trial and error at the moment - but I'm sure you can all relate to that. I hope everyone warms up. I'm off to the hairdressers at 11am but before that I need to get my rental cottage ready for some guests arriving late afternoon. Spent all last night ironing sheets - it's so annoying when you have guests and they use them all again :rofl: Here's a pic of me with one of my dogs (Winnie) on a very windy walk yesterday ...
loving the windswept look you don't need a blow dry with wind like that! :rofl:.
welcome to the thread were all a little loopy. i found when i first went on metformin that i was hungry all the time too so i went online ( this site has some really good recipes for it) looked for some low G.I snacks its about being fuller for longer . don't be afraid to ask questions have a rant everyone's lovely. if i can give you one bit of advice its that its not a one size fits all diagnoses and what works for one may not work for the other so trial and error and a b.s meter is a definite thing .
heardle in one sec wordle is still my nemesis i peeled the paint off the kitchen walls with my swearing this morning late walk with furhead who decided to have a full on work out with a felled tree! and then proceeded to swan dive into some fox poo and did a barrel roll of victory because she smelt so funky and wanted the world to know of her triumph so we then had smelly walk home and two baths to get rid of the stank
meeting my carer for the first time today so the clowns having a field day the tics are pretty funny been shouting snotty surfboards and i love socks lol ..
my three things im grateful for
thermal layers
that friday feeling
good coffee


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Well that was quick, wet room is a go. An order will be sent out today, a few weeks to wait and then they will be out to measure and then carry out the work.

hope all goes well with meeting you carer griff.

welcome to the thread @zippyjojo
Feeling so much better after a 2 hour walk on the beach. Bright, no wind, decent temperature: and that's just me!!! 🙂

I see we're putting up pictures of our dogs. Here's one of mine...

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Feeling so much better after a 2 hour walk on the beach. Bright, no wind, decent temperature: and that's just me!!! 🙂

I see we're putting up pictures of our dogs. Here's one of mine...

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is he called dali ?:D:rofl: