Group 7-day waking average?

This is my Misty looking after my grandson x
Morning all - sky seems to be clearing.

7.1 this morning, which I am very pleased with after yesterday's saga! Met my friend for lunch in the swimming pool cafe on the promenade. Had a delicious sandwich on a rather large roll, filled with Cornish Brie, sun-dried tomatoes, and rocket. Plus we ordered a small bowl of chips between us. Considering the size of the bread roll I bolussed for what I thought and obviously under-bolussed as, apart from a chunk of bread I tore off, I ate the lot which is unusual for me. Had a very few chips too. I also had a chamomile tea. After lunch we walked into town (via a very steep hill and a short rest in a sheltered spot in the churchyard). Though the sun was out the wind was freezing! My Libre warned me of high BG, I tested 13.4 and didn't correct cos I thought it would go down. After looking round the only decent ladies' shop left in town (decided not to buy jeans at £79.95 - is there really a market for that price jeans?) I went to Boots for a couple of items and then we made our way back downhill to the front where we thought we'd get a coffee, but all the coffee shops were shut (at 3.45??). So rang hubby to give us a lift home. Was shocked and horrified when I got home to see Libre reading 20.4!!! Tested BG with the Libre reader which I am using as a meter - to be confronted with "Hi" - in this case not a friendly greeting. o_O

I went online to see what "Hi" might mean in terms of numbers so I could correct, but I couldn't find the info... so I posted in a Libre group on FB... I just thought answers might come quicker there. Apparently the reader only goes up to 27.6. I expressed my surprise at that... then got a lot of unfriendly answers along the lines of "why would you want it to read higher than that" or lectures about controlling my BGs. So unlike this friendly forum! I'll know where to post in future. Anyway.... then followed multiple corrections (7 in total), hence me being pleased with this morning's 7.1.

If anyone has read all the above my apologies for the rant! In retrospect I can see the funny side.

@zippyjojo - welcome to the thread! You're probably regretting it having read this post... or skipped it more sensibly!

@eggyg you are clearly a very brave woman to have done that walk yesterday!

@GRIFFINLONEWALKER good luck meeting your new carer!

@gll hope they expedite the wet room!
11:28 BS 4.9 😱 Time for a Tresiba reduction then!:confused:

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Woke just after 10am for call of nature & couldn’t get back to sleep so, vertical, for now & took my AB pill at 10:08 earlier! Alarm set for 13:30 so, I CAN have another snooze or hunger might set in before Tresiba alarm & I’ll go down to 84 or 82; haven’t decided yet? :confused:

It’s cut day at the Masters & Rory is starting offearlier today around 13:30 & Tiger is the near the end at 18:41 with only 2 groups teeing off after him! It seems that a Korean is at the top with one more shot so, Tiger is now 4 shots off the lead! Rory had a pretty up & down struggle yesterday to finish on +1 & it must have been after 1am when he finished: it won’t be that much earlier when Tiger finishes today so, it’s a LONG day for me to stay up & see him do it! 😱
Morning all - sky seems to be clearing.

7.1 this morning, which I am very pleased with after yesterday's saga! Met my friend for lunch in the swimming pool cafe on the promenade. Had a delicious sandwich on a rather large roll, filled with Cornish Brie, sun-dried tomatoes, and rocket. Plus we ordered a small bowl of chips between us. Considering the size of the bread roll I bolussed for what I thought and obviously under-bolussed as, apart from a chunk of bread I tore off, I ate the lot which is unusual for me. Had a very few chips too. I also had a chamomile tea. After lunch we walked into town (via a very steep hill and a short rest in a sheltered spot in the churchyard). Though the sun was out the wind was freezing! My Libre warned me of high BG, I tested 13.4 and didn't correct cos I thought it would go down. After looking round the only decent ladies' shop left in town (decided not to buy jeans at £79.95 - is there really a market for that price jeans?) I went to Boots for a couple of items and then we made our way back downhill to the front where we thought we'd get a coffee, but all the coffee shops were shut (at 3.45??). So rang hubby to give us a lift home. Was shocked and horrified when I got home to see Libre reading 20.4!!! Tested BG with the Libre reader which I am using as a meter - to be confronted with "Hi" - in this case not a friendly greeting. o_O

I went online to see what "Hi" might mean in terms of numbers so I could correct, but I couldn't find the info... so I posted in a Libre group on FB... I just thought answers might come quicker there. Apparently the reader only goes up to 27.6. I expressed my surprise at that... then got a lot of unfriendly answers along the lines of "why would you want it to read higher than that" or lectures about controlling my BGs. So unlike this friendly forum! I'll know where to post in future. Anyway.... then followed multiple corrections (7 in total), hence me being pleased with this morning's 7.1.

If anyone has read all the above my apologies for the rant! In retrospect I can see the funny side.

@zippyjojo - welcome to the thread! You're probably regretting it having read this post... or skipped it more sensibly!

@eggyg you are clearly a very brave woman to have done that walk yesterday!

@GRIFFINLONEWALKER good luck meeting your new carer!

@gll hope they expedite the wet room!
Been there before, numbers even higher when I was down with covid in May 2020, & it’s HARD to shift numbers down when they’re that high & I had to do MASSIVE corrections of 150 NR just to get things moving & followed it up with not much less than that until I got it down near as target range I could! My meter can read up to, from the instruction manual, 33 & I got to 29.9! 😱 It took ALL night to get it down to about 8 or 7 ish! It must have been exhausting for you & hopefully you’ll recover today with steadier numbers?🙂

8.4 this morning, nothing much to report as I have not felt like running or yoga this week due to how tired I am feeling after work. Must start making myself go as I am sure it will help get rid of some of the work stresses.

I have no pictures of pets to share.

Have a good day all.
Got Heardle in one today! I never normally do it, because I have huge gaps in my musical knowledge, but Son messaged me and said 'Even you will get it today' …he was right!
Took 6 over Wordle though, everything but the first letter right in the second go, and spent the next three goes choosing every word but the correct one.
Ooh it’s annoying isn’t it. I had four in the right place except second letter also on line two. I managed in five! Phew!
Morning all - sky seems to be clearing.

7.1 this morning, which I am very pleased with after yesterday's saga! Met my friend for lunch in the swimming pool cafe on the promenade. Had a delicious sandwich on a rather large roll, filled with Cornish Brie, sun-dried tomatoes, and rocket. Plus we ordered a small bowl of chips between us. Considering the size of the bread roll I bolussed for what I thought and obviously under-bolussed as, apart from a chunk of bread I tore off, I ate the lot which is unusual for me. Had a very few chips too. I also had a chamomile tea. After lunch we walked into town (via a very steep hill and a short rest in a sheltered spot in the churchyard). Though the sun was out the wind was freezing! My Libre warned me of high BG, I tested 13.4 and didn't correct cos I thought it would go down. After looking round the only decent ladies' shop left in town (decided not to buy jeans at £79.95 - is there really a market for that price jeans?) I went to Boots for a couple of items and then we made our way back downhill to the front where we thought we'd get a coffee, but all the coffee shops were shut (at 3.45??). So rang hubby to give us a lift home. Was shocked and horrified when I got home to see Libre reading 20.4!!! Tested BG with the Libre reader which I am using as a meter - to be confronted with "Hi" - in this case not a friendly greeting. o_O

I went online to see what "Hi" might mean in terms of numbers so I could correct, but I couldn't find the info... so I posted in a Libre group on FB... I just thought answers might come quicker there. Apparently the reader only goes up to 27.6. I expressed my surprise at that... then got a lot of unfriendly answers along the lines of "why would you want it to read higher than that" or lectures about controlling my BGs. So unlike this friendly forum! I'll know where to post in future. Anyway.... then followed multiple corrections (7 in total), hence me being pleased with this morning's 7.1.

If anyone has read all the above my apologies for the rant! In retrospect I can see the funny side.

@zippyjojo - welcome to the thread! You're probably regretting it having read this post... or skipped it more sensibly!

@eggyg you are clearly a very brave woman to have done that walk yesterday!

@GRIFFINLONEWALKER good luck meeting your new carer!

@gll hope they expedite the wet room!
If it’s the same group I’m a member of there’s quite a lot of judgemental folks on it. TBF there’s some pretty dumb questions, I’m not saying yours was as it wasn’t, but last week a guy would not be told he was wrong about attaching his sensor. He had tried three and they wouldn’t attach. Turns out he wasn’t even clicking the two parts together. He wouldn’t have it though. Folks sent videos what to do, but no, according to him the part in the pot with the foil lid was a spare sensor! OMG! I just sat back and read it and didn’t get involved. He’s probably still trying to fit it as we speak! I sometimes think some folks just don’t read instructions, in fact I know they don’t as I’m married to one! TBF he’s an engineer by trade so he’s pretty intuitive with most things.
lunch time reading 8.9
the new carer seems lovely but i think it's going to take some time for me to be completely settled and comfy with her touching my things she went over to my records and i started ticking loads its a reflex thing for me my home is my fortress of solitude and letting two complete strangers in is unprecedented in my world was yelling about hairy fairies and that beans are people too and then laughing at the absurdity of the whole thing . the clown is driving the bus today thats for sure . im not playing wordle anymore im running out of swear words @eggyg :rofl:
5.7 this morning. Went shopping on my own, now waiting to go to the chemist for my prescriptions at around 2.30pm - they re-open at 2.00pm but it is always so busy then.
They was out of the childs farm moisturiser in Asda, apart from a grapefruit and tea tree oil one, but I didn't fancy that one, so just got some Palmers cocoa butter daily skin therapy. I really cannot see that the prescribed anti-histamines and non-soap stuff will make any difference. If push comes to shove I will start taking the emergency pack of antibiotics I have for COPD flare ups (never needed to date) and then get them re-prescribed (I need to get a steroid tablet top-up anyway) - not the correct procedure to follow, but I do believe that is what I need - and I detest taking medication, especially antibiotics! If only Drs would actually listen to you....sigh.
Oh well, time to get ready to go.
Have a good weekend all - doubt if I'll go anywhere, not an awful lot of fuel in the car and the queues are horrendous with panic buyers, with the idiots holding up fuel deliveries. Wish I had a muck-spreader with a wayward hose, that might get them to clear off at the depots .... 😱 :rofl: Follow me for more unlawful problem solving!! o_O:rofl:

please practice making nice keto cakes with files in them - thank you.....
I went online to see what "Hi" might mean in terms of numbers so I could correct, but I couldn't find the info... so I posted in a Libre group on FB... I just thought answers might come quicker there. Apparently the reader only goes up to 27.6. I expressed my surprise at that... then got a lot of unfriendly answers along the lines of "why would you want it to read higher than that" or lectures about controlling my BGs. So unlike this friendly forum! I'll know where to post in future. Anyway.... then followed multiple corrections (7 in total), hence me being pleased with this morning's 7.1.
I saw that post (but didn't realise it was you) and thought the comments were rude as **** the more they came xx

An awful 11.something for me today

I've been feeling pretty down in myself for a few days, no matter what I say to Bruce he seems to think it's his fault but it really isn't, it's just me, he sent the loveliest message to me a wee while ago which made me burst into tears 😳 xx

An awful 11.something for me today

I've been feeling pretty down in myself for a few days, no matter what I say to Bruce he seems to think it's his fault but it really isn't, it's just me, he sent the loveliest message to me a wee while ago which made me burst into tears 😳 xx
I have never figured out why when everything has gone wrong and you are feeling on the edge that somebody saying something nice can tip you over and you end up in floods of tears.
A good cry often works wonders for making you feel better.
I have never figured out why when everything has gone wrong and you are feeling on the edge that somebody saying something nice can tip you over and you end up in floods of tears.
A good cry often works wonders for making you feel better.
No I can't figure it out either! It has helped a little, hoping I'll feel better when he comes up at some point and I can get a hug or that might just make me cry again xx
Morning all and 6.4 for me.

Might risk an hour in the garden as it's not raining at the moment.
This memory just popped up of a thing I did quite some time ago.

heres a fact .
did you know that if you replace your packs of crisps with grapefruit you can lose up to 90% of the little joy you have left in your life
keep smiling folks
heres a fact .
did you know that if you replace your packs of crisps with grapefruit you can lose up to 90% of the little joy you have left in your life
keep smiling folks
As anyone on statins, for cholesterol, should know; you can’t have grapefruit! It’s in all the medicine info leaflets! o_O

So, I haven’t had any in years! Not that I ever liked it & only remember trying it once: it was TERRIBLE! A Green Puking emoji! :rofl:
Good afternoon all. I'm very late today! Last night i went out for a meal at a place i've never been before. It was lovely food and company but i decided to slightly under bolus as i was a designated driver and i didn't want to be too low to drive home. I thought i'd done ok, having a small correction when i got home but ended up in the 15s at 2am! 2u correction sorted it and i woke to a 7.6.

I'm really glad its Friday and we have finally finished for Easter. I'm exhausted and so are lots of the class. I intend to have a glass or two of wine tonight.

@zippyjojo welcome to the thread
@GRIFFINLONEWALKER i hope you get used to your carers soon
@ColinUK its a good photo

Loving everyones photos of dogs and cats. I don't have either (hubby doesn't like dogs to come near him)so i have to make a fuss of everyone elses.