Group 7-day waking average?

Electrician now isn’t coming until Saturday.

On the plus side, I’ve just booked a ticket to go and see Swan Lake this evening at the Royal Opera House.
I’ve been a few times but never seen Swan Lake so that’ll be good I hope.
It's not that there is a shortage of food, just that there is an immense shortage of delivery drivers, most are on strike.
Went to 4 supermarkets last Thursday, no bread or flour, no butter or margarine, no milk and what vegetables there were were just like me, old, wrinkled and definately past their sell by date. Most unusual of all is that considering the Province of Jaen is the major producer of olive oil in the whole of Spain there is little of that and rationing is in force.
Keep Calm and Carry On is the order of the day.
Morning all, 8.1 here, I seem to have been steady all night and then had a huge dawn rise.
A lot of the new style riding tights now have mobile phone pockets on the legs, @rayray119, or I use a cyclists spibelt type thing that holds the stuff tightly so it doesn’t bounce around. Some riding schools won’t allow loose bumbags or backpacks in case they get caught in a tree branch, or caught on something on the way down if you fall off.
I would never were a backpack when riding I would probably just leave it at the side and seemed and get off off if I felt like I may to nned check and eat. atthough it would only be 30 mintute lesson so if I checked before and afterwards it should be okay. haven't checked in for past couple of days as having technollgy issues. 8.9 yesterday(I did end up eating in night) was 10.9 when to bed and did give a half unit. was 5.6 when I woke up in the midele of night did eat a samiil amount(thinking it won't hurt if I'm staying steady and sould and if I;m heading down it should stop it(I didn't test at frist because I was thinking its probelly fine and don't want to waste a test strip then after not being able to get back to sleep for a bit I thought maybe I should) today was 7.4 this time when I went to bed I deicd to leve 11.2 alone when I went bed and that seemed to work out okay.(although I do over think the posibity of long term completions in fecture especially after reading a cheter of think like a pancus last night)
A disappointing 8.2 this morning but only myself to blame for eating too many Cadbury's mini-eggs after dinner. I can avoid them, but once I start I can't stop!
I understand, I can have an unopened chocolate bar at home for weeks, but once the wrapper is broken...I've never been the kind who eats the big bars in one go, but will get a few squares every day until it's gone. And often, after I put it back in the cupboard, I come back for a couple more squares :D
On the plus side, I’ve just booked a ticket to go and see Swan Lake this evening at the Royal Opera House.
I’ve been a few times but never seen Swan Lake so that’ll be good I hope.
Way back in the 70s I saw Swan Lake at the Royal Opera house. A couple of years later I was in Moscow and all the crew got tickets for Swan Lake at the Kremlin Theatre. We'd got to Moscow via Anchorage (8 hour time change), Tokyo (another huge time change and 2 overnight shifts so we were quite jet-lagged). The performance ended and I turned to the first officer beside me and said "That was a very strange version of Swan Lake, the swan didn't die!" He replied, "she did, you were snoring at the time!" Anyway, hope you enjoy the performance tonight @ColinUK.
Spain and Italy, the two countries responsible for more than 70% of the world's olive oil production, have both had a poor harvest season due to drought, disease-stricken trees and fruit-fly infestations which have completely stunted the olive harvest.
Hubby and I once went by bus from Granada to Seville. There was nothing to see but kilometre after kilometre of olive trees, punctuated by 2 or 3 odd little towns of new houses all built in straight lines. We could see no reason for these towns, no industry, nothing... We got quite excited when we saw a goatherd...
Afternoon everyone. 14.2 waking today.

Quiet day, been out to see sis in law for a bit and home now sat here thinking where do I even start today with the to do list I have about the house (so of course I came on here instead).
Spain and Italy, the two countries responsible for more than 70% of the world's olive oil production, have both had a poor harvest season due to drought, disease-stricken trees and fruit-fly infestations which have completely stunted the olive harvest. That being the case it seems odd that Sainsbury's have had Extra Virgin on offer over the past couple of weeks.

Hope things get sorted soon, Michael.
Concerned to hear this, obviously for the communities involved in production whose livelihoods are affected, but from a personal point of view, olives feature very regularly in my diet..... probably just short of an addiction along with cheese. The thought of supply issues definitely caused me to respond with an "Oh No!"
I can manage without toilet paper at a push but no olives....😱!!
Electrician now isn’t coming until Saturday.

On the plus side, I’ve just booked a ticket to go and see Swan Lake this evening at the Royal Opera House.
I’ve been a few times but never seen Swan Lake so that’ll be good I hope.
Oohhh! I LOVE the music of Swan Lake SO well as I borrowed the whole thing on cassette tapes, the music, from the library & recorded onto my own set of cassette tapes in the 80’s as a teenager! I listened to it so much that I could tell from hearing it what act & scene the music was from BUT, there’s 1 very well known piece that’s played twice as a scenery background of swans & the only difference is the length of time! My memory is no longer capable of that, sadly: brain & memory power reaches its peak at age 35; before that it’s rising & declines after that age! These days, at the age of 50, I’m definitely declining! 🙄😉

I LOVED all 3 of Tchaikovsky ballets & borrowed to rcord my own cassette tapes from the library in my teens & my favourite, musically wise, is actually Sleeping beauty but, as an overall ballet, marriage of both music & dance, Swan Lake is the best! 😛

I’ve only ever seen the ballet being danced on videos, also borrowed from the library, & never saw it live! Ballet tickets were SO expensive even in my 20’s & 30’s when in London to go to The Royal Ballet on a waitress’ salary barely above minimum wage! :(

I’m very envious of you @ColinUK a Green with Envy emoji! :D😉
Concerned to hear this, obviously for the communities involved in production whose livelihoods are affected, but from a personal point of view, olives feature very regularly in my diet..... probably just short of an addiction along with cheese. The thought of supply issues definitely caused me to respond with an "Oh No!"
I can manage without toilet paper at a push but no olives....😱!!
I know what you do with toilet paper but where on Earth do you push an olive?!
@Lanny this ticket cost me a grand total of £8.
There was one available for £11 and a few for £28.

Only ballet I’ve seen before is Romeo & Juliet - a few different times with different companies, some good, some really emotionless and others just phenomenal.
I know what you do with toilet paper but where on Earth do you push an olive?!
You push them through one of these.
The blades cut the olive and then you brine them for 10 days or more to get rid of the bitterness changing the brine every day. Time consuming yes but so many ladies around here do it. Sitting together and nattering away ten to the dozen.
I can manage without toilet paper at a push but no olives....😱!!
Well whatever you do, don't use kitchen paper! Friends of ours did (household of 4), the wife spent her birthday helping to shovel sh*t from the blocked drains!
The blades cut the olive and then you brine them for 10 days or more to get rid of the bitterness changing the brine every day. Time consuming yes but so many ladies around here do it. Sitting together and nattering away ten to the dozen.
The first year we had our olive tree it was quite productive. Lovely black ripe olives. I served them with drinks - you should have seen people's faces when they tasted them! I had no idea about the brining process then. Regrettably it has never borne fruit since!
Prices have REALLY come down over the years & it’s not as high brow as it once was: it needed to in order to survive; prices used to be EVEN more expensive for Opera & that’s come down now too! 🙄🙂
I think there’s always been £8 tickets but they sell out exceptionally quickly.
I accept I’ve got the added advantage of being able to decide on a whim to go and to walk there. Last night I was at the BFI for example again on a whim.
Electrician now isn’t coming until Saturday.

On the plus side, I’ve just booked a ticket to go and see Swan Lake this evening at the Royal Opera House.
I’ve been a few times but never seen Swan Lake so that’ll be good I hope.
Oooh enjoy!! Its a beautiful ballet!
The view from the seat.

It’s obviously very pretty but I do sometimes wish they’d just talk to each other!

Moved seats again…

As I said, not bad for £8.

Still not entirely convinced by ballet as a whole. At times I find myself wondering who that character is and why they’re doing whatever it is that they’re doing. Or not doing.

The dancing was sublime but honestly the plot is utter guff!


Rewarded with a 5.1 in time for bed though so let’s see what they evil magician/advisor chap gets the DF to do overnight.
Morning everyone! 13.7

My daughter has her first mental health appointment this morning so will be taking her up to that. I'm hoping this will be at the least a gateway to the right support for her.

Had a really long chat with my aunt last night and found out my lack of tolerance to meds has some genetic history to it. She is the exact same 🙂 As I lost my mum when I was little, she is the only link there that can give me some medical history from mums side.

Time for a much needed coffee, feeling like I woke up on go slow mode :rofl:

Hope you all have a fabby day!