Group 7-day waking average?


6.2 so morning readings are ratcheting down slowly it seems.

I dreamt of swans.
7.4 today. Couldn’t quite get back into the swing of things at work yesterday, wasn’t in the right head space but today is a new day.
Have a good one all x
@ColinUK I love Swan Lake but more for the actual art of the ballet rather than the story. Can’t beat a good ballet x
Good morning everyone.

Difficult to believe stuff....

I walked to the hospital appointment yesterday (quite a long way) on my own. To my utter surprise about 2 minutes after I arrived, my wife turned up (you know the one that won't leave the house because of her fears). She was a completely different person (but really nice). Later we went into Lytham (something she said she wouldn't do), had fish and chips (a big no no as they are all trying to poison her), and sat on the sea front (haven't done that in a long time). We had a great time. And the rest of the day was like that, really good. She was so happy and relaxed. Now that may all sound great but as she was diagnosed as a paranoid shizophrenic it may all have just been one of the personalities shining through. I really don't know. Today and the coming days will be interesting on that score. But I am so grateful for even that one good day for her (and me).

Oh and the hospital appointment went well.

BG this morning 4.8 as it should be (for me)

Blood pressure nicely at the lower end of the normal range

Nothing planned for today except a medium walk. Yesterday I walked 245 minutes and ached a bit afterwards. So not so much walking today.

Have a great day today whatever you get up to
Good morning- 3.8. Oops!

6.6. Struggling a little at the moment. Had eye appointment yesterday. Need more injections. The more I’m in target and trying the worse it is.

Have a good day.
Morning good peeps. 🙂 5.4 here.

I gave our creaky old car a proper wash yesterday, the first time since we bought it in 2007 (lazy, moi?). I don’t usually drive this car, my OH does. So I didn’t realise that it’s FILTHY inside - he even stores left over bits of wood in there. 😱 And some tools. 😱 I’ve deffo got my work cut out - it has to be spanking clean before I take mum oop North next week.😛

I love a bit of ballet - or modern dance for that matter. Men in tights, what’s not to like?
Morning all, 6.1 here.
Those fouettés, @ColinUK ! I went to ballet classes right up to the age of 18, and I always fell over trying to do them. (and I mean just one or two, not the whole series) When I was about 10, I got taken to Covent Garden to see Fonteyn and Nureyev in Swan Lake. I’ve only hazy memories of it, but it was a totally magical experience.
Morning all. 5.9 at 7am. I managed to get back to sleep after I woke at 4am with a stinker of a headache. Relieved about that. So far I haven’t coughed too much since getting up. Fingers crossed.

It’s another beautiful day, true to its word the temperature “soared” to 18 degrees yesterday, today is supposed to be the same. I only went up to the top of the garden yesterday, hung some washing out and fed the birds. TBF our garden is 40 metres long so I did get some exercise. Today I wonder whether to chance a longer walk or will it put me back again? I’ll see how the morning goes. Still haven’t much of an appetite or rather, I don’t know what I want to eat. I made a quiche yesterday, homemade pastry and everything, I overlooked it a bit, obviously wasn’t concentrating! It was ok, I had a small bit with a small jacket potato.

I do have some good news though, you won’t all appreciate it, Mr and Mrs Reed Bunting turned up in the garden yesterday. Was so pleased, I thought they’d decided against visiting us this year as this is late for them. It’s the little things sometimes, isn’t it?

Have a fab day everyone. Hope the sun is shining where you are too. 😎
Another nice round 5 today. 🙂

Good morning, another sunny day. 5.9 this a.m. possibly the result of a late snack when up to check pony - no movement on that front despite me pointing out the benefits of nativity in sunshine. Enjoy the day everyone.
Moved seats again…

As I said, not bad for £8.

Still not entirely convinced by ballet as a whole. At times I find myself wondering who that character is and why they’re doing whatever it is that they’re doing. Or not doing.

The dancing was sublime but honestly the plot is utter guff!

View attachment 20352

Rewarded with a 5.1 in time for bed though so let’s see what they evil magician/advisor chap gets the DF to do overnight.
SO funny @ColinUK :rofl: I guess I’m the only enthusiastic swot of a teenager that borrowed books from the library about ballets & opera’s so I’d know what I see & translated librettos in the case of opera with the original language, mostly Italian & can be French or German, on one side of the page & the translated English on the other side; had a great memory, then, & only needed to swot up once & remembered, if not every scene in a ballet or every word sung in an opera, the gist of it ever afterwards!🙄😉 Now in Opera houses there’s a line of translated words running across the the top of the stage suspended above the singers: those red dotted messages you get at doctors or hospital waiting rooms; my brother told me when he went to see an opera in London for the first time & I suggested borrowing a libretto from the library!😳🙄:D😉 But, swotting up can still be useful for ballets OR see them a few more times & you’ll get it!🙄:rofl:😉
@Lanny surtitles are a good thing generally but it’s not universal. Certainly ROH doesn’t use them but everything at the ENO is either in English or surtitled with the words above the stage. They also sometimes have a scene by scene synopsis but I think I’ve only seen that once.
back to 6.2, could have been worse as last night's dinner was a high everthing, but thankfully the calories etc gained from 6000+ steps brought most of it back in line - phew!
I went down town, then went over to the shopping centre on the western flank to meet up with daughter and granddaughter. Daughter discovered that the princess is too big for her buggy now, the straps would not do up - so princess decided she would use Nana's "buggy" instead - my walker - not used for my mobility (that is fine) but to carry shopping on which I cannot manage to do with the COPD and back issues. It worked a treat, she was content to sit on it "backwards" no messing about as with her buggy. She makes me laugh - 3 years old and thinking outside of the box already!!
I went with hubby and our dog for a walk yesterday too, to feed the ducks and swans - making the most of the sunshine and warmth 🙂
Off to coffee morning and then I might pop to another Home Bargains to see if they have my caramel coffee in stock, it seems to be the only one that sells it, thankfully it is the one closest to home.
Right must dash, time I wasn't here
Enjoy your day 🙂
Good morning - 7.8
Got absolutely soaked this morning on my walk with Missy - well, it is the rainy season.
Got changed and went out scouring the shops. Managed to get onions which I have not seen in 10 days - only allowed four.
Got a pack of butter - but only one at 250g.
Got a very small baguette - only allowed one.
Got a small rack of pork ribs - that's Sunday lunch
Got a litre of milk - just one

Man finally came to look at the hob. Decided he would fit a brand new one so that I could cook BUT it is only on loan whilst he repairs the 'old' one - just 4 months 'old'. I might decide to be inconveniently not at home when he tries to re-deliver it, after all I had to wait 4 weeks so he can do the same.
Morning all... another lovely day.

4.9 this morning despite half a bar of Terry's chocolate orange mini-eggs. OMG the combination of sublime orange choccie with little crunchy bits is totally moreish.

@Lanny surtitles are a good thing generally but it’s not universal. Certainly ROH doesn’t use them but everything at the ENO is either in English or surtitled with the words above the stage. They also sometimes have a scene by scene synopsis but I think I’ve only seen that once.
In some cases, particularly Opera, they spoil it. I love the music, but to find out that what a character is actually singing during a beautiful aria is "Oh lovely, pickled herrings for lunch" (la Boheme) does tend to take the romance out of it!

@eggyg hope you feel better today and get a bit of appetite back.

@Michael12421 good to hear you were able to get some mimimal supplies at least.

Ah well, despite the sunshine I shall be in the kitchen most of the day prepping for a lunch party tomorrow.