Group 7-day waking average?

@SueEK awww Sue
It is so frustrating when that happens. The mental prep you have done as well as all the other stuff you have been doing for it :(
Happened with one of Kiddos knee surgeries and the fallout was immense. You build yourself up for it and almost look forward to it just being done and sorted.
Really sorry for the huge disappointment.
We are ALWAYS here if you need to rant <3
Extra big squishy hugs xxx
Thank you all for your lovely good wishes. Had a phone call an hour ago, my op has been cancelled, I’m so upset. I wish I could say I was angry but I’m not, I’m just gutted. Lack of theatre staff and they cannot give me any idea of a new date. We are supposed to be going on holiday beginning of June so can’t really have it done before as I won’t recover in time. As many of you know this is the holiday that we were supposed to have had originally in 2019. There are problems now with it as well and my grandson (the one who had the accident) now can’t come as he isn’t vaccinated, TUI have stopped dealing with the hotel we are going to and say my son and family can’t have the room that was originally booked as it was a family room but they are struggling to change it as they don’t have a contract with them anymore. OH MY GOD it’s a nightmare. So if we do actually get on holiday I will have to take spare clothes everywhere with me as my bladder just does whatever it wants at any time it wants and believe me it’s not just a dribble. I am 61, feel like I’m 81 but my mind is still 41. Sorry I’m just letting off steam and I know you won’t mind. So will no doubt be back on tomorrow morning with another high reading. Back to work as well!!
Much love to all you lovely people, don’t know what I’d do without you sometimes xx
@SueEK i don't know whether to give your post a 'sad', 'oh no' or 'care'. I want to give you all three. Its really disappointing. You build yourself up for it, get everything organised then get the call. Its gutting. Big hugs to you! My daughter had an op in February. It was cancelled twice before, once when she was waiting to go down to theatre!

I hope you manage to sort out something with your holiday. Take care.
Oh Sue! I was just about to add my good wishes but now read that it has been cancelled.
I can't begin to imagine how disappointed and frustrated you are feeling. Especially to have spent the weekend trying to psych yourself up for it, let alone the aggravation of trying to solve all the issues with the rescheduled holiday and the awkwardness of having to continue to manage the bladder problem with no date for you to hope for a resolution.
Sending big (((HUGS))) your way.
Really gutted for you!
Ukrainian refugees - has anyone tried the sponsorship scheme? I have spare accommodation and sort of suppose that there may be a few who would like a rural retreat. However the sponsorship scheme wants me to provide my passport number - a bit of a pain since my last full UK passport was about 40-50 years ago and I have no idea where the sad, bent, blue black leather number is today. Could be the loft or buried deep in a tip somewhere...Anyway - does anyone know if an alternative form of identification can be used? I've tried the government websites and phone numbers - no help at all - all "not us guv". Somebody must know surely?
Ukrainian refugees - has anyone tried the sponsorship scheme? I have spare accommodation and sort of suppose that there may be a few who would like a rural retreat. However the sponsorship scheme wants me to provide my passport number - a bit of a pain since my last full UK passport was about 40-50 years ago and I have no idea where the sad, bent, blue black leather number is today. Could be the loft or buried deep in a tip somewhere...Anyway - does anyone know if an alternative form of identification can be used? I've tried the government websites and phone numbers - no help at all - all "not us guv". Somebody must know surely?
Try your local council or the British Red Cross maybe.
@SueEK I am so very sorry. My problems paled into insignificance when I read your post. The lack of warmth, the lack of cooking facilities and now the lack of food supplies seems to be very minor compared. I wish you all of the verry best.
Oh Michael, that sounds awful, I’m so sorry. We all seem to have our own problems don’t we, but no heat, food etc is very bad. I truly hope things improve quickly for you as that is awful. Thank you for your sweet reply. I will get over it soon enough as no choice. Big hugs to you x
7.1 this morning, not as high as I thought. So back to work, best get on. Hope you all have a good day. Thanks so much for your lovely messages yesterday xx
Good morning! 6'6 today.

Yesterday at work I had a nice old customer from Spain, which put me in a good mood. Though it felt so weird speaking Spanish there! Later, his son in law gave me a candle he made 🙂
Good morning everyone. Not quite first up.

TBT this morning 5.1

Yesterday my BG was higher (for me) and my blood pressure too. I guessed it was anxiety over the smart meters being fitted. I was right once the fitter had gone things started to settle down again. Phew. All sorts of daft thoughts went through my mind including 'end of honeymoon period'. Thankfully all is ok. But come on, TBT?

Today I am at hospital for a diabetic eye thing. I may even walk there but my wife wants us to take a taxi. Hmmm. Not sure how I will play this one out.

Have a great day today whatever you get up to
Good morning all - a nifty 5.2 here this a.m. No foal as yet and a grey morning with promise of sun to come. Sorry to hear of @SueEK postponement - surely once the world gets out of its current dangerous problems we, as a nation, must concentrate on sorting out proper funding for the NHS and also social care. A country that includes people spending £870 a roll on wall paper but cannot find the money for essential operations or keeping children from food poverty needs a good shake up.
Good morning - 6.2
I was at 5.5 this morning...

After last night's Daal and Mung bean pasta (Plus a few chicken nuggets the kids didn't eat) I was at 6.2 when I went to bed.
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Went to bed on a 4.6 hopeful that’d give me a 5.Something this morning but no, 6.8.

Electrician supposedly coming today but clearly his chosen method of communication is telepathy… he won’t be being used again once he’s finished this job that’s for sure.
Went to bed on a 4.6 hopeful that’d give me a 5.Something this morning but no, 6.8.

Electrician supposedly coming today but clearly his chosen method of communication is telepathy… he won’t be being used again once he’s finished this job that’s for sure.

Could that be the 'dawn phenomenon' at play there?
Good morning all. 5.5 at 6.20, although I’ve been awake since 5.50. :( Had a very flat flatfish through the night.

Still coughing, still feeling rubbishy, appetite a bit off. I’m hungry but I don’t feel like eating. As you know I love my food and love cooking. I don’t fancy anything. The thought of some foods are actually turning my stomach. We had Zara yesterday, our every other Monday childcare day, it was a lovely day so we went to the park. We only walked three miles, slowly, but I was completely exhausted when we got home. I was in bed by 9, again. I really thought I was getting better. Seems like that’s only when I don’t do anything. So today I’m not going to do anything. Well, I might make a quiche, I think I quite fancy that. Or do I? How can a blooming virus make you feel so rotten? Sorry for being such a whinge when there’s such much suffering going on in the world, but I’m really not good at being poorly. :(

@SueEK what a disappointment for you after all the anticipation for the op. I also remember when you had to cancel your holiday, can’t believe it’s happening again. These things are sent to try us, aren’t they? Last week when the government, and the travel industry, announced with great excitement that there was no need to test etc for return into the UK, my first thought was….so what? It’s the other countries rules we still need to follow. It really annoyed me that this government thought it was the end of all of our travel woes. Hopefully you’ll get your op and your holiday sometime, sooner rather than later.

@TinaD I knew this plan of the government wasn’t going to be as easy as they were making out, on paper it sounds absolutely fantastic. In reality, as you’ve found out, it isn’t. Hopefully, you’ll find a way around it, it’s a wonderful thing you’re doing. It fleetingly crossed our minds, we have a spare room, but I couldn’t commit for six months. A few weeks maybe, but as we have five grandchildren who frequently stay over it wasn’t feasible. I let my heart rule my head for a while. Oh, and congrats on the HS.

Have a good day everyone, it’s going to be 18 degrees here today and tomorrow. Wow! Hope the sun shines for you too. 🙂


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